The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 84 The Fortress of Christ unites with the pirates

Selim's special military operation forced Zapoly Janos to divert his attention to the Ottoman forces moving north. News that they had easily captured Belgrade had reached Transylvania, which had been gathering to destroy the rebels. The troops are now in a dilemma.

The governor chose to send messengers to both parties at the same time for peace talks, with the destinations being Ceglade and Belgrade respectively, to prevent the other party from invading his jurisdiction before he was fully prepared. All of this is just a temporary measure. Even if someone wants to catch him having liaisons with foreign enemies and attack him, no one can liquidate him.

I heard that the Turkish Sultan suffered a great defeat in the east last year. Now the northern invasion force will not be too strong. Can there be as many Turkish pagans as there were when Hunyadi challenged him? Zapoyai slowly finalized the plan after the army was assembled. Priority goals.

The governor's reinforcements, which did not act rashly, failed to assist any battlefield immediately. Selim was content to plunder the vast countryside for the time being, breaking through isolated small castles like eating oysters from the shell.

Geergi, who is operating in the heartland, also has vast seas and skies, and is unstoppable. In response to the Peasant Crusade that was out of control, Archbishop Bakoz urgently announced the suspension of the Crusade and used the strongest words to condemn the massacre of the nobles by the rebels in his speech at the State Council - as the initiator and organizer, he needed to be unquestionable Only in this way can we not be suspected of sympathizing with the rebels - Wladyslaw also called on all nobles to arm themselves to defend the kingdom from the infringement of the serfs.

Relying on the strong hostility to the peasant army, the king cobbled together an elite cavalry force in Buda that was enough to defend the palace. Moreover, the connections of the powerful are quite international. As long as they wait long enough, they can hire enough German mercenaries to suppress the rebellion, and at the same time, they can also seek help from the King of Poland.

Fortunately, the news of the large-scale invasion of the Ottomans could not be sent to Buda immediately due to road obstruction. If the royal family and nobles who stayed in this city knew that they had to deal with two powerful enemies at the same time, their mentality would probably collapse.

The only thing we need to worry about now is Transylvania. I wonder how Lord Zapoya is preparing for the war. Can he wipe out these rebels in one fell swoop? I heard that the leader of the rebels is a Sekai, so be careful...

At this moment, Wladyslaw was selfish. He was very much looking forward to Györgyz choosing to lead his army back to his hometown instead of attacking Buda immediately and letting the governor and the rebels fight first. It would be best if Zapoyai could directly destroy them. If the governor was defeated or there was a stalemate, the rebels would have enough time to get back and forth to wait for reinforcements from Germany and Poland.

Just at this moment, someone suggested: Since the rebels' main offensive target is Transylvania, why not simply appoint His Excellency Zapoyai as the commander-in-chief of fighting the rebellion?

Although the Governor of Transylvania is still young, only twenty-five years old this year, he has been involved in Hungarian politics for eight years. He is very popular among the nobility, especially the squires, and he is also related to Polish dignitaries - -Her mother is a Polish princess and her sister is a Polish queen - she was even more able to persuade Polish King Sigismund and the nobles to send troops to rescue.

So be it. Feeling that his voice was weak again, Wladyslaw accepted the nobles' suggestions and formally appointed Zapolyoy to be responsible for suppressing the Györgi uprising.

The kingdom's army stood still and allowed the opponents to do whatever they wanted. Györgyz divided his troops into three groups. He personally led the main force into Transylvania and returned to his hometown to mobilize his compatriots to join the just cause of the Peasants' Crusade. Brother Gregory continued to conquer the city along the Maroz River and expand the area of ​​control. The Franciscan monk Lawrence was responsible for staying in Cegled to maintain the rule of the Peasant Crusaders.

The successive victories of the Peasant Crusaders caused more and more serfs to participate in the uprising. The main march under Györgyi's command was like a snowball. There were almost no obstacles on the journey from Cegrad to Cluj. After three weeks of marching, they successfully captured this important town with the help of the local rebel army.

At the same time, Selim and György developed a strange tacit understanding. The Ottoman army, which had not contacted the Peasant Crusaders and was also marching towards Transylvania, seemed to be cooperating with György to attack the Governor of Transylvania. Launch a pincer offensive and attack from the north and south.

Seeing that the two enemy armies were coming towards him, Zapoyaoyi had no choice but to mobilize his troops and horses to actively fight them. He intended to go south to confront the Ottoman army first. He judged that Selim's main purpose was plunder, and he had no patience for confrontation. It should be easy for him to change the target of plunder.

Departing from the governor's seat of Gyurafehvar, the Hungarian army met the Ottoman army marching eastward from Tamesborg in Deva. The two sides immediately formed a formation to confront each other. Selim did not know whether the opposite side was the main Hungarian force, so he sent cavalry on the other side. Raid, and let the infantry defend and wait for the artillery to arrive.

The sporadic raids by Akinki's cavalry were like a scratch to the troops under Zapoyaoyi's command, and they were easily driven away.

However, after the scouts' investigation, it was found that the size of the Ottoman army was about twice as large as his. This military information made the governor even more nervous. He went to Shuyuan, who was still hesitating about whether to take the initiative to attack to force the enemy back. He immediately gave up. With this idea, the troops were ordered to defend on the spot.

I'm waiting for the cannon, what are you waiting for?

Seeing that the Hungarian army was preparing to be beaten, Selim was able to calmly mobilize his troops. Once the artillery was in place, the Ottoman army launched an all-out attack amidst the sound of drums and trumpets. Infantry and artillery pressed forward, and matchlock guns and artillery continued to cause casualties. , the cavalry outflanking the two wings could no longer be easily repelled by Ajinky, and the Hungarian army was in chaos.

Zapoyai personally led the reserve team, which was weak on the left and right, and fought fiercely with Selim for several hours. However, the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous it would be for the Hungarians. Selim, who was confident about the development of the battle, had already divided his troops in advance and moved to the rear to cut off the retreat to intercept the defeated army.

The Hungarian army's front was shattered by the Ottomans' comprehensive assault. Several troops were divided and surrounded, and more troops were routed and killed by ambushes on the way to escape.

This was an undoubted victory. Gyurafehvar fell and was looted immediately. Selim, who had already plundered, planned to return to Belgrade for the time being. He wanted to take advantage of the current uninterrupted window to head up the Danube River. March forward and control more riverside strongholds to facilitate continued plundering of Hungary and even the hinterland of Central Europe in the future.

The complete loss of control in Transylvania shocked Buda. The Holy See as far away as Rome was also disturbed by the Peasant Crusade and the Ottoman invasion of the north. The Peasant Crusade led by Gyorgi was officially declared a heretic by Leo. He also urgently provided military funds to the Hungarian court to expand its military strength.

However, these efforts were of no avail in the eyes of the Hungarian court. After discussions, a controversial secret decision was made in the name of King Wladyslaw - to request Selim for peace between the two countries on the condition of paying tribute and ceding territory. Long term peace and help.

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