The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 77 Tahmasp

Ibrahim naturally does not want to stop there. There is no need to make peace with Portugal at the moment, unless they are willing to cede all their strongholds east of the Cape of Good Hope in exchange for trade permission. Obviously this is not possible at the moment - this is what he thinks.

The Venetians will definitely publicize Portugal's another major failure in Western Europe. He can imagine Manuel being furious in Lisbon because of this humiliation. The next step is to force him to succumb to the general trend. He and his successors will The ruler's right to rule cannot exceed the general trend of the Cape of Good Hope.

Qing Ehsang, after you return, you will prepare an expedition team to liberate the Jinzhi coast. You will be able to decide on the specific combat matters by yourself, and you will just need to report regularly during this period.

However, before completing control of the Swahili coast, he still had to acquiesce to Portuguese merchant ships coming to India for trade. The payment they paid for spices in India came from the export of gold, slaves and other goods from East Africa. Ibrahim did not want to lose Make this money.

The newly appointed Governor-General of Portuguese India cannot rely solely on East Africa to make a comeback from adversity.

If the Portuguese disarmed wisely, then the ships coming from Lisbon would be considered merchant ships. Otherwise, they would take coercive measures and confiscate all the goods and weapons on board as a warning. At the same time, all the captured Portuguese merchants will be gathered in Goa, and Ehsan will declare to them this one-stop trade policy against Portuguese merchant ships.

However, there is still one task ahead of the expedition to the Swahili coast - Ehsan also needs to form a hajj escort fleet in Aden, which is required to protect the hajj route and ensure the safety of the Red Sea. Conversely, this fleet could also be used to fight for control of the port of Jeddah, harass Egypt's Red Sea coast, and cut off trade routes.

The Port of Jeddah is the largest port in the Hijaz region, not far from the holy city of Mecca. It can be said to be the intermediary connecting the holy city and the ocean. The relationship between the two places is equivalent to the city of Rome and the port of Ostia.

Now that most of Yemen has surrendered to him, whether by water or land, Aden is closer to Mecca than Cairo. He can take the opportunity to put pressure on the Sharif Hashem family in charge of the Holy City and strengthen his control over the Holy Land. Influence.

To this end, Ibrahim had to allocate additional naval expenditures to build warships and train sailors, but all the investments were worth it, and he paid the money readily.

Regardless of the strategic mission that this hajj escort fleet deployed in Aden will perform after its establishment, Ahsan resigned and returned to the station with the heavy responsibility of the military expansion expedition and abundant military budget.

After finishing the rewards and other matters, the life rhythm of the King of Kings returned to the right track in the Grand Palace. The money and food spent and the soldiers lost in the Western Expedition to the Ottomans needed time to be replenished. He already has the next goal in his mind for a nationwide conquest, but when he takes action depends on when he thinks he is ready, at least until the newly recruited soldiers can make up for all the losses.

When he was free, he first took the time to let an Italian painter complete the task. He painted a total of two paintings, one was a bust in regular clothes, and the other was a full-length portrait in military uniform on horseback. He received a heavy reward again. But the painter did not choose to stay in Iran for a long time because of the huge income. After completing the commission from the Venice mission, he returned to Italy.

At the same time, the Tatar envoy who set out from Bakhchisarai came to Isfahan according to the previously arranged route and conveyed the attitude of Mingli Grai to the King of Kings. The King of Khan believed that the amount extorted by Ibrahim was too high and hoped that If you can reduce it, it is better to reduce the number or extend the period. At the same time, the envoy also came with a caravan of slave traders, who transported nearly a thousand slaves to the Iranian trading station in one go before the negotiations were completed, which shows their sincerity in negotiations.

No, that's all, that's all. Is your prince a bargain? Ibrahim dismissed the request, speaking so fast that he almost wanted to calculate the interest on the installment compensation. It would be better to let the Armenians and Jews handle this violation of Shariah.

The second round of negotiations reached a deadlock, and he simply hinted that the threat could support a Tatar prince to revive the Golden Horde and reshape the order of the Kipchak grassland according to Iran's wishes. The Tatar envoy had no choice but to return with disappointing results. The hostage is very worried about the current situation of unsatisfactory peace talks. Being used to disrupt the Khanate can be said to be the worst result. If so, he will have no chance of a good death.


As spring turned to summer, the temperature in Isfahan was slowly rising. Nothing major happened during this period. Only the eunuchs reported the good news to the King of Kings who was still dealing with government affairs. He was confused and asked: Good news. Where did it come from?”

Mirza's concubine just gave birth to a son not long ago, and her noble bloodline has flourished. The faces of the eunuchs were full of flattery. Everyone knew that the two brothers had always been close, so this would probably please the king.

Ibrahim quickly clarified the situation. To put it simply, Ismail had an heir earlier than in the original world line. Looking for the book, he had been with Mirza as early as before the teacher in Trabzon. Tajiru, who was traveling with the army, was pregnant and gave birth today. At this time, Ismail was still shooting for fun in the hunting garden outside the city. When he heard the news, he immediately rushed back to the prince's residence.

He went to the harem and told Shahbanu about the matter. Mira wanted to pay attention to it, so the two of them went and took their two children with them.

When his family arrived at the door of the mansion, it happened that Ismail had not long returned. He had just visited his wife and quickly asked his servants to invite the royal brother into the mansion. Along with Shah's family, the servants also carried some belongings as gifts. . Without any polite words, Ibrahim came up and asked: Have you thought of a name yet?

Ismail, who had been reminded by his wife before in the house, searched out many names in his mind. The range of names was so wide, and he had almost chosen it at this moment: The name is Tahmasp.

It's a good name. Ibrahim subconsciously agreed and followed the owner of the mansion into the room. The servant took the crying baby from the bedside to the two brothers. The eldest princess Anahita followed her mother. and Prince Garshasp looked curiously at the newly added cousin.

At this moment, he hasn't thought about the issue of the branch of the family, but even if he thinks about it, he can't come up with any good solution. He can't order Ismail to take the initiative to DINK.

The newborn baby itself was nothing to look at. Ibrahim’s focus immediately shifted to Tajiru, who was resting on the bed after giving birth. Mirza’s concubine was in surprisingly good health. Ever since Ibrahim saw her, she was always sitting on the bed. On the bed, I couldn't tell that this trip before the gate of hell had a big impact.

After meeting and showing concern, it soon became clear that the two noble ladies Mira and Tajiru and the two brothers Ibrahim and Ismail were playing their own games, while the servants were responsible for looking after the two children and their swaddling clothes. Today's time is just This is how it disappeared.

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