The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 67 The New Dynasty of Anatolia

The Ottoman cavalry that surrounded them from multiple directions did not move in a coordinated manner, which gave the small but elite Safavid cavalry a chance to break through. They attacked in all directions, specializing in irregular light cavalry, making it difficult for the Ottoman army to cooperate with each other in the chaos. The traffic jam resulted in many casualties and the red heads who had been lured ran away.

This result made Selim feel as if Ibrahim had slapped him in the face several times. Although the ones who died and ran away were all cannon fodder, he still had to persist until Sipaxi arrived! It's better now. We can't even deal with such an enemy. It can be said that the will of the troops to fight has been completely lost. The first thing they do when seeing the enemy is to spread their legs. If they can pass, they will run. If they can't run, they will lie down and be fucked.

After this battle, the anxiety and fear that the Safavid army was about to pursue them enveloped everyone's minds. A group of deserters had already appeared in the military camp, and many horsemen whose profession was robbery formed gangs to steal horses and property. , left Bursa and went to other areas to become bandits.

Your Majesty, bandits are rampant in the army now. If we don't stop them, I'm afraid... Dukajin Olupsha, who spoke up, glanced at the door curtain, worried that there would be an uprising and directly rush here to chop everyone down.

You have already brought people to stop them, right? How many people have you recovered? Selim asked.

The pasha reported the number, then gave a detailed report, and explained: The leading bandit leaders and those with a strong desire to flee are mostly our army's local supplementary soldiers. They even dared to resist the officers and soldiers who came to stop them, and many people were killed or injured. Subdue it.

Then let the military judge decide according to the law. Padisha demanded that this vicious incident be dealt with toughly.

Fortunately, Selim did not need to stay up for too long. Thanks to Suleiman's preparations, the fleet successfully arrived before the Safavid army. Sipaxi, who was singled out and had the fief of Timar, boarded the ship first. Their number Not much, it can also be transported away in one wave. As a result, there were only irregular troops and servants from vassal countries in the camp.

Padisha, who returned to Kostantiniya with Sipasi, ordered them to move north to Śkudar, and deliberately left all the horses and the baggage that could not be taken away with the abandoned lone army. As for how many people there were If you are willing to obey this order, then he will have no control over it.


Under Selim's deliberate indulgence, the bandits who believed that they had been abandoned directly let themselves go. Several powerful horse bandit groups fought for more horses and military supplies. After both sides suffered losses, they had to compromise. After all, Bursa is not A place where you can stay for a long time.

Except for the hundreds of horsemen who decided to surrender to Ibrahim, the others gradually moved to the west or north. Naturally, they made a living by robbery and gunfire along the way, and joined or merged with local gangs.

When the Safavid army arrived in Bursa a few days later, they saw a ruins that had lost the value of occupation. The surrender troops who stayed here to please the new master explained everything to Ustaji Khan, who led the army. , and then he would report the battle to Ibrahim in Ankara.

Running pretty fast. This was his first thought.

Now that it is certain that Selim has escaped back to Rumelia, the King of Kings can no longer focus on war, but on consolidating his control over Asia Minor.

After continuing to send envoys to Kostantiniya to ask the high gate to agree to the attached peace conditions, Ibrahim formally issued several edicts on the governance of Asia Minor.

Murad took the initiative to speak out under the express instruction of the King of Kings, saying: In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, Shah Ibrahim of Iran supports my claim to legal right to rule and has sent troops to help me achieve legality. Advocating and combating usurpation is a great favor to me and a great benefit to the Ummah. Therefore, all Roma people regard the Shah as their suzerain without any objection, and all powers are at his disposal...

This diplomatic document issued in the name of the Sultan of Roma Province not only re-emphasized the monarch-subject relationship between Iran and Roma, and respected Iran's religious sects as orthodox, it also actively offered a territory - with Trabzon as its Center of the Black Sea coast region.

Ibrahim was very satisfied with Murad's flattery, and then began to guide the internal affairs of Roma Province.

The first was the redistribution of the Timar fiefs. He did not care who the original owners of these properties were. Since the distribution was ordered by the previous Ottoman Sultan, it was illegal, invalid, and all invalid.

All the ownerless fief properties were allocated to the local Anatolians and the red heads who would move here after the war. There were also large areas of land whose ownership was confused due to the war, and Ibrahim allowed them to occupy it on their own. They will serve as the source of force for the new Roma and destroy all those who disobey Safavid rule.

In addition to these feudal cavalry, the Konya court will also recruit free people and purchase slaves to form an elite standing army. Find Shuyuan www. This power is also in the hands of reliable people.

Regarding local Sunnis, Ibrahim's methods were much milder than when he unified Iran. He continued to maintain a relatively loose religious policy. He did not directly expel and massacre the heretics in the ruled area, as long as he proactively recognized Murad's rule. All legality can be retained, and currently only qadi across Anatolia are required to appoint Shiite ulama, but civil cases within the Sunni community are still handled by Sunni clerics themselves.

But there is an important organization that must be dealt with vigorously - the Akh Brotherhood originated in Ankara. This religious group that includes Muslim businessmen controls many guilds and trade routes in Anatolia. It can be said that It was an important presence in economy and trade, and even established itself as a commercial republic during the collapse of the Roma Sultanate, and later cooperated with the Ottomans. Today they are an important part of the Ottoman ruling group. Some of their members hold official positions in high gates, and Padishah himself serves as the leader of the order.

What Ibrahim had to do was to destroy it. This religious organization that had blended with the Ottomans and was not affected by the Safavids was not allowed to live in peace under the Safavids. Also unpopular are the Bektash sect, which has close ties to Yenicheri, and other groups that have little to do with the Safavids but have received funding.

Just like the most barbaric nomadic invaders, the selected craftsmen in each town will be packed up and taken back to Iran, and placed in various official workshops and mines to serve the King of Kings. Also sent back to Iran are various literati and scholars. The merchants had all their property confiscated and expelled. Instead, those who controlled Anatolian trade were Iranian merchants who were granted many privileges by Konya.

This series of initiatives can be summed up in one sentence - Anatolia is a bit too urban!

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