The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 65 Undercurrents in Kostantinye

Breaking news always spreads quickly. While Ibrahim was resting and waiting in Ankara, the rumors of Selim's defeat spread along the roads to Bursa and Izmir by refugees and a few bold business travelers. , Antalya and other ports in western Asia Minor, and across the sea to Kostantinye, Salonika and other Rumelia coastal areas.

Korkut, who was hiding in Antalya and lying on his back, heard the news from his servant. He first gloated: You idiot Selim, don't take what God has not given to you. If you fall into this situation, it is God's fault. He deserves the punishment himself! A great disaster is about to happen to them and their son! Hahahaha...

Then he realized that he could no longer hang out in Antalya. He had no intention of surrendering to Ibrahim. The Safavid order's previous severe oppression of Sunni Muslims made him unable to accept these different concepts. , a barbaric heretic, and Ahmed, Murad and his son surrendered before him. If he didn't have enough capital, why should he be equal to Ahmed or even replace him? Being a dog means being bullied.

Rumelia could not go either. Although Selim and Suleiman had only usurped the throne for a short time, they were able to capture Kostantiniya and even all of Rumelia with the support of the army and the central authority of the high gate. Although Suleiman is the only child left now, Korkut doesn't even have the capital to surrender and become a dog, so he still dares to fight for power?

In this case, he could only accept it. Considering what happened to his uncle Jam Sultan, he did not consider seeking asylum from the pirate knights of Rhode Island. He had to score twice and fled to Egypt to seek asylum from the Abbasid Caliphate. .

As for whether Kansu Gauri is willing to continue investing in him to influence the Ottomans, he doesn't care. Perhaps going to the Holy Land to live in seclusion is the best arrangement for him, a loser. Not everyone who chooses to persist can become Babur. .

There are not many hardcore people who are willing to go into exile with this prince after packing up the few petty things. Only one merchant ship can fit them together with the accompanying escorts. The galley left the harbor in full view of the citizens and disappeared from the history books.


Because of the battle in Ankara, everyone in the Topkapi Palace was also looking sad. Suleiman originally thought that this was some rats hiding in the dark deliberately spreading rumors to shake the authority of the palace, and ordered the secret arrest of several people suspected of rumours source for interrogation.

If Selim had not captured and executed all the Shiites in Kostantiniya before going on the expedition, Suleiman would have launched a prison for these hostile elements.

After being beaten, some people did admit that he was a spy who was ordered to deliberately sabotage, and then he was executed. Other captured survivors were imprisoned in dungeons and became roommates with real Safavid officials and businessmen.

The development of the situation was indeed beyond Suleiman's expectations. He did not continue to target the non-existent underground organization and immediately sent his guards to Asia Minor to inquire about the real battle situation.

The vizier consort Mustafa Pasha, who stayed in Kostantiniya with Suleiman, took the opportunity to secretly say after reporting the affairs that needed to be reported in various parts of Rumelia: It is difficult for a defeated person to let his subordinates Convince everyone, Your Highness, the Supreme Kingdom is in a critical moment now, and in order to avoid turmoil, we should make plans in advance.

Now that the Grand Vizier and all the officials are fighting in Xiaoya, if the entire army is destroyed, wouldn't the remaining Vizier be able to directly pick them up? As soon as he heard the rumors of defeat, Mustafa Pasha secretly looked forward to it. Chaos is a ladder. Maybe this will be the opportunity to climb up?

Since he lacked the power to coerce and kidnap Suleiman to gain power, he could only gain promotion by pleasing his new master and impressing the regent.

Suleiman was stunned for a moment by this sudden and straightforward persuasion. He had no intention of usurping the throne and becoming self-reliant. He had no hidden ambitions that could be ignited by Mustafa Pasha: Now is not the time to talk about this. Go ahead. Xiaoya’s spies to verify the news have just set off, and we don’t yet know whether the rumors are true or false.”

Suleiman's response gave Mustafa Pasha the wrong impression. In his opinion, this refusal was justified and he did not reprimand him. It seemed that Suleiman was just unwilling to act rashly and acted cautiously, not doing anything that he was not sure of. thing. It's just that the time is not there. Wait until the right time, persuade him to come in, and help organize matters to seize the throne. Wouldn't this future come?

Your Highness is wise, but I failed to consider it. Mustafa Pasha temporarily ignored the topic and then left.

The uneasiness of the bureaucracy affected the young regent. Before the results of the investigation came, Suleiman summoned Piri Reis, who happened to be resting in the Golden Horn. The fleet commander had also heard rumors of the defeat, and he could probably guess what happened. What are you going to do when you go to sea for the first time?

Your Highness. Piri Reis bowed and saluted, I wonder what kind of mission you have in calling me here?

Suleiman first inquired about the location and movements of the navy's ships at this time, and looked for Shuyuan According to Piri Reis, there were about forty-eight galleys already following his uncle Kemal Reis. After serving as a hospital knight, he went to North Africa and continued his activities in the Western Mediterranean. In addition to the warships being maintained at the Golden Horn shipyard, there are also warships escorting the transport fleet in the Black Sea and idle in Gallibolu.

I need you to complete the maintenance of the ships as soon as possible, and gather the ships that are not on any mission in Galibolu here, and requisition a group of merchant ships to stand by... Suleiman told the truth about his arrangements, if the worst happens If your guess comes true, there is no extra time to waste.

Fortunately, the Safavids did not have a fleet in the Mediterranean. Unless the Venetian or Genoese fleets came out to intercept shipping, these transport ships actually had no need for escort, and warships could also be put into transport tasks.

With the help of Piri Reis, an effective evacuation plan was smoothly formulated. As long as the messenger who went to Asia Minor to inquire about the news returned, the fleet could go to any port in Asia Minor and transport back thousands of Thousands of people.

The arrest of some business travelers and the wanton requisition of civilian ships undoubtedly confirmed the reliability of the rumors to the citizens. Panic gathered in Kostantiniya, everyone was whispering in the dark, and businessmen took the opportunity to drive up prices and hoard. Goods for profit.

A Venetian merchant and spy in Kostantiniya recorded: “Now that rumors are spreading in the city, prices are rising, and the high gates are requisitioning civilian ships and arresting business travelers from the east, the Turks may have really suffered a major defeat and become weak. Unbearable...

Trouble hit Suleiman one after another. The number of citizens coming to petition gradually increased. He also had to find ways to suppress businessmen who profited from chaos and beware of possible citizen riots.

This is truly a troubled time.

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