The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 52 The high school accepts the challenge

Bayezid died soon after. His health deteriorated rapidly after he was forced to abdicate. He was only slightly ill at first, and within a few days he could only lie down in a carriage. He has not yet reached Edirne. On the way to the old palace, Giorlu ran out of gas.

When the news reached Kostantiniya, Selim did not show any sadness or other emotions, and did not order a large funeral. He simply asked for embalming measures to be taken and sent back to the capital for burial in the mosque ordered by the old sultan.

What the usurper inherited was not a good situation. Since he took advantage of the crisis and relied on the military to support his rise to power, leading the Supreme Kingdom through the immediate difficulties was what he must do to consolidate his authority.

The newly appointed Padisha first checked the inheritance left by his father. The most intuitive one was the deposits in the treasury. Bayezid ruled the Ottoman Empire for thirty years. Unlike his father, who actively expanded and used troops frequently, Bayezid also accepted and resettled a large number of skilled immigrants from Iberia. Under his rule, the economy and trade were active and the currency value was stable. However, the amount of gold and silver left in the treasury Not very rich.

After all, Kostantinye suffered an earthquake a few years ago, and it is understandable that reconstruction costs are high.

Selim looked at the various viziers at the high gate again. As emperor and courtier, Grand Vizier Hesekzad Pasha was temporarily retained in office, but Selim promoted several supporters at the same time - Arslan, a close confidant who had been dug since the time of Trabzon, was appointed as Yenicheri Aga, along with loyal private soldiers, was all involved, and controlled this elite army just like his grandfather Fatih Sultan.

Sanjak Bey Eunuch Sinan Pasha, who served in Smederevo, and Mirahul Agha Mustache Muhammad, who was in charge of the royal stables and helped with various chores, were cited for landing in Selim. Rumelia quickly and forcefully expressed his support and was known by Padishah, and was regarded as a potential stock that could be tried for appointment.

After hastily placing his cronies and supporters in important positions, he hastily convened the viziers, pashas and other high-ranking officials in Kostantiniya for the first imperial meeting after seizing the throne.

At this moment, he only rules half of the Ottoman Supreme Kingdom. Rumelia is safe, but Asia Minor has fallen into chaos. The rebellious brothers and the foreign enemies who took the opportunity to invade are rampant here. The destruction of the ruling order has made Padishah's Authority has no place.

According to the reports and rumors that have been sent, it is known that the traitor Ahmed has separated the two provinces of Roma and Karaman to become independent. He also arrogantly demands that the High Gate recognize his right to rule Anatolia and divide the High Kingdom. However, the Persian heretics from the east have come from Diyarbakır through Durkadir and are currently fighting with him in Karaman Province. As for Korkut, they wanted to cross the sea to seek refuge with Ahmed during his rebellion. The protection of the high gate, but now he is more likely to continue to stay in Manisa. The Grand Vizier, who is responsible for presiding over the meeting, is explaining the current war situation in detail to his newly appointed colleagues.

Korkut's informant could be said to have saved his life. He had already rested in Gallibolu and planned to go to the capital to meet with Padisha in a while. However, he knew the development of the situation as soon as he learned about the rebellion in Jenichery. Something is wrong, so run back to Manisa to recruit troops. If Selim had made his seizure of power more covert, he might have been able to trick his brother into killing him, saving some trouble.

Neither Korkut nor Ahmed are a threat to Selim. The only one who needs attention is Ibrahim. According to the intelligence analysis he collected during his time in Trabzon, we know the strength of the Safavid army. It is strong, with at least 60,000 to 80,000 troops, and may be as many as 100,000 at higher estimates, and it carries a lot of large and small artillery.

He regarded the Safavid army's penetration into Karaman Province as the only crucial military situation. Selim could not predict the next development between the two. Perhaps Ahmed would surrender directly for the title of Padishah. It is possible to defect, or to resist for some reason. But in short, the Safavid army will certainly not be blocked in Ahmed's territory for too long, and its front will soon threaten the surrounding areas.

There is also Trabizon. Another army from Georgia has invaded our country and is currently besieging the city of Trabizon. There is no doubt that this is also the army of the Shah of Persia. The leader of this partial division should still be the governor Heraclius. Bagrationi, Arslan added duly.

Selim shook his head: This Georgian has fought so many defeats without being dismissed from his post. Is it possible that he is Ibrahim's male favorite?

Summarizing the known information, we can vividly know that the territory of Asia Minor under the Ottoman rule was cut diagonally from southwest to northeast by various enemies. Only the provinces of Anatolia and Kastamonu in the northwest corner are still there. The governor of Anatolia, Yunus Pasha, was based in Bursa, which was closer to Kostantiniya than to Ankara or Kutahya.

Feeling that time was running out, Selim immediately ordered to assemble troops and raise military supplies in Kostantiniya. From the Danube to Morea, from Albania to Bulgaria, all Sanjaks on the west side of the strait must mobilize as much military strength as possible. provided to him.

On the same day of the imperial meeting, groups of messengers set out from Kostantiniya to various parts of Rumelia, looking for Shuyuan to deliver the news of the replacement of the throne and the recruitment order of the new Padisha. Each sanjak bey.

Selim had high hopes for Yunus Pasha on the other side of the strait, and he intended to authorize the pasha to mobilize as much as possible the Sipaxi who had not fallen in Sanjak before the arrival of the Safavid army - including Kastamonu. and Sinop, and recruit as many Azab infantry and Akinki cavalry as possible to avoid being completely unable to utilize military resources in Asia Minor.

As for how to delay Ibrahim, Selim thought of some ways. Among the legacies left by Bayezid, the Ottoman Navy is undoubtedly the most important. Its strength has greatly improved compared to the period of Sultan Fatih, as evidenced by its defeat of the Venetian fleet, the strongest navy in the Mediterranean, and its transshipment of immigrants across the Mediterranean. .

At this time, Kemal Reis, who was previously responsible for attacking the ships of the Knights Hospitallers, returned to the capital to report his duties. On the way, his fleet encountered a storm in the waters near Naxos Island, damaging some ships and manpower. Fortunately, both the flagship and the admiral took shelter. Pass a tribulation.

Your Majesty Padishah, your servant Kemal salutes you. The old admiral showed no resistance to the new Sultan in front of him and respectfully saluted the usurper.

Selim believed that Ibrahim's main goal in entering Korom was not to capture a specific city, but to follow Timur's example and defeat the Ottoman military power and prestige through a decisive battle, so that he could support the already existing ones after punishment. The renegade Murad took control of the situation as a vassal puppet.

Coupled with the current strength of the bandit army, it can be said that it is reasonable for the Ottoman army, which was caught off guard, to use its huge navy to maneuver along the coastline - especially since Trabzon was being besieged.

At the same time, Hesekzad Pasha and Kemal's nephew Piri also came to the meeting. Three naval admirals were here to demonstrate Padishah's ideas.

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