The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 33 Beheading the Pasha and shocking the Roma family

Khavac and Karagez Pasha followed each other from the battlefield to a narrow mountain road. He knew that this was the direction to Eskisehir. There was a long stretch of road between the two places that was narrow and difficult. OK.

But the joy of victory and the embarrassing attitude of fleeing from the enemy made him lose his basic vigilance, or the current emergency situation did not allow him to be so cautious, otherwise he would miss the opportunity to fight.

Pasha, who wanted to kill the rebels once and for all, took almost all the cavalry troops into the valley. The formation of the troops was still chaotic. He did not have time to organize the team. Different cavalry were mixed together to follow the chief officer.

In order to ensure that the enemy troops could be correctly led into the trap, the red head had to maintain a subtle distance from the Ottomans behind him. Both sides still had the ability to shoot each other with bows and arrows, but they failed to achieve any results in the tense situation.

The two sides chased each other for several kilometers. Both the man and the horse were very tired from the high-intensity exercise. Just when Karagez Pasha thought that the endurance race was about to be decided, something unexpected happened.

There was a spacious intersection in front of them. Havaci and the red head who had withdrawn from the battlefield did not continue to escape. Instead, they turned around to face the pursuing Ottoman army. These defeated soldiers seemed to be facing them head-on.

The Ottoman riders in the front row, including the pasha, could clearly see that the slopes and intersections on the opposite side were lined with red heads who had been waiting for them. It was hard to say that this was not an ambush trap.

The soldiers who stayed here to wait and fight against the Ottomans were all considered the most reliable, and almost all were Qizilbashi. There were very few poor peasant volunteers who joined after the uprising.

Just when Pasha was in trouble, the rebels had already made a decision for him. They were ambushing at high places on both sides of the road. Firearms hidden by bushes appeared one after another. They did not skimp on their very limited ammunition reserves and fired wantonly at the crowds on the road down the mountain. Fire.

Hundreds of matchlock guns and less than twenty breech-loading revolving guns were firing one after another. It seemed like someone was firing downwards at every moment. The Ottomans could hardly lift their heads under the pressure of the continuous gunfire and red hats all over the mountains and plains. .

Did the Shah of Persia secretly send an elite force here to fight with me? With so many firearms and armor, he is not a simple rebel!

Countless Ottoman cavalry fell to the ground due to the sudden fire attack from the side. This shocked Karagez Pasha so much that he immediately led his troops to retreat to the open area to meet up with his own infantry.

However, the previous chaos had already paved the way for the current embarrassment. The Ottoman army, whose organization was completely disrupted, could not rely on grassroots officers to carry out efficient operations and struggled entirely on instinct.

Blow the attack horn. Shahkulu took over the order from Bey, who was already out of breath, and let the prepared troops go into battle.

The infantry ambushed with the musketeers were the first to rush out of the position. Those closest to the road rushed forward to fight with the Ottoman soldiers in less than a minute. Some of them were equipped with javelins and slings to kill the enemy again before close combat.

The lack of protection of the Ajinji cavalry can easily lose their combat effectiveness due to these methods. The fast approaching short spears, long knives and agricultural tools make these irregular cavalry who are accustomed to looting instinctively retreat, but the space for maneuvering is really limited. They like close combat and can only bite the bullet and fight these rebels who arm their minds with religious fanaticism.

The riders at the intersection grasped their lances and scimitars, and let their horses speed towards the place in front of them. The pasha was forced to personally organize his bodyguards and the surrounding Sipaxi to resist.

The road in the valley was in chaos. At this time, both the front and end of the team were fighting, so that the Ottoman army had been divided into several sections. For the rebels, the most important one was the first section where the Pasha was.

His flag was like a light in the dark night, attracting moths to pounce on the flame. But what pounced on him was not only the red-headed rider, but also the lead bullets flying from the barrel of the gun.

The pasha who wanted to escape the siege was still surrounded, and his mount was beaten to death. After falling off the horse, he suddenly realized that there were no soldiers to replace his mount. Looking around, he saw that they were all wearing red hats. enemy.

The horse-tailed banner that originally symbolized power had already fallen in the melee. At this time, no one cared about the life and death of the general. Everyone was fighting for their own survival or surrendering.

The red heads swarmed forward, and the Pasha had no power to fight back. He was injured due to his struggle and was dragged in front of Shahkulu. This was the first time that the rebels captured an Ottoman frontier official.

This is the consequence of underestimating the enemy and greedy for merit... Shahkulu only met the pasha once, and with a simple sarcasm, he asked the soldiers to take him away.

Your pasha has been captured, victory is not yours!

Your pasha has been captured, victory is not yours!

The display of the captured military flag and the continuous attempts to persuade them to surrender successfully broke down the fighting spirit of the remaining resisters. Without leadership, they could not even escape. They either killed them at the neck, looked for Shuyuan or were captured without mercy. The valley is filled with dead bodies and captives to deal with.

Shahkulu knew that only the cavalry troops were chasing him, and he still needed to strike while the iron was hot and wipe out all the Ottoman troops in the field in one fell swoop to avoid wasting blood in the siege.

After a short rest, all the mounted warriors went into battle again. The musketeers who had been continuously output were sent down to clean the battlefield and search for usable trophies from the Ottoman soldiers. Naturally, the more armor and weapons, the better.

The sudden surprise attack caught the infantry and artillerymen who stayed on the battlefield off guard. They were unprepared and could not even put up a decent resistance. The infantry was almost entirely composed of irregular troops. Fighting in formations was inherently weak, and it was difficult for them to be brave enough to fight alone. Play against riders who come and go.

What's more, these red heads are quite big. Excluding the cavalry, the Ottoman infantry and artillery remaining on the field had no numerical advantage at all, and the defeat of the officers and soldiers was self-evident.

The defeat in the field caused Kutahya to lose the courage to continue resisting. As a conqueror, Shahkulu entered the former palace of Karagez Pasha and carried out a public execution in the square in front of the castle. Pasha surrendered All of the captured high-ranking officials did not escape death.

Karagoz Pasha met a painful and horrifying death. He was sentenced to be impaled alive with a thick wooden stake erected through his anus. Even so, he did not beg for mercy before losing consciousness. After he was tortured to death and his body was separated, his head was still placed on a stake for public display, and his body was burned, crushed and ashes after being skinned.

With such a great victory and a stable foothold, Shahkulu immediately held a religious ceremony and celebrated in the local mosque. He also wrote a secret letter to announce the good news. As for whether the emissary could arrive in Dia before the news reached Kostantiniya. Bakr and even Isfahan are another matter.

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