The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 30 The heavenly soldiers suppressed the religious bandits, and the rogue bandits were defeat

As Karagoz Pasha expected, Bayezid officially issued an edict asking local officials to mobilize troops to encircle and suppress this arrogant and cruel religious rebel bandit with extremely bad influence.

Shahkulu's uprising made Bayezid particularly angry. It was undoubtedly a complete denial of his religious policy. Padishah also believed that this would be a signal that he had lost almost all his prestige in his old age, even if the outside world The forces still dare not challenge the great Ottoman Supreme State. The internal transfer of power cannot be ignored now, and there is no room for uncertainty.

Also receiving the edict at the same time as Karagoz Pasha was Ahmed, the governor of Roma Province in Amasya. Padishah believed that his arrangement was sophisticated enough. Could anything go wrong?

The troops in Kutahya were the first to be assembled. Karagez Pasha led his troops south quickly and arrived at the war zone safely. He did not wait for the arrival of friendly troops from Amasya and led his troops to act alone.

The scorched earth created by the rebels in Texangjak made everyone sick. Karagez Pasha saw more than one mullah hanged at the gate of the mosque or the minaret. The wooden stakes of the heads of Master Pashi and his entourage, and the wells were filled with dead bodies of humans and animals. After several days of marching, the pasha could not see a single settlement that had not been raided and killed. The few survivors who were hiding tearfully complained to the king of heresy.

Do you know what the gangsters are doing now? Karagoz Pasha, who personally led the investigation, asked the rent collector in front of him who had a chance to escape.

Master Pasha, as far as the common people know, most of the people who are still alive have fled to Antalya. Those like me who have no way to escape will hide in the barren mountains and starve. I guess those heretics are greedy for wealth and have the desire to kill. , how could you let Antalya, which is overcrowded, go?

Karagoz Pasha nodded, waved him off, and asked the soldiers to give him some food and water.

Are they in Antalya? But so much time has passed, have the rebels left? Thinking on horseback, the Pasha decided to send more scouts to investigate various roads and collect extensive information.

The Ottoman army advanced along the road towards Antalya with a skeptical attitude.


The messenger quickly walked into the camp and whispered briefly to the two leaders of the rebel army.

The Roma are coming. Shahkulu and Havaci looked at each other. The two of them were mentally prepared and remained calm. It was strange that the high school did not send troops to deal with such a big commotion.

Before the reinforcements led by Karagöz Pasha arrived, the city of Antalya was captured by the rebels fanatically regardless of the cost. After the city wall defenses were breached, there was massacre and flight. Countless people rushed to the port to escape. Every ship that was still in the port when the city was broken was seriously overloaded. Some ship owners also took the opportunity to blackmail the refugees who boarded the ship. It was so easy to get rich in one day.

God has not favored everyone. A large number of citizens and refugees still died under the butcher's knife of the rebels. They killed without restraint and then naturally transitioned to destructive looting. When the city was demolished into ruins and nothing was found, it was set on fire. leaving traces that are difficult to discern.

But the rebels wasted too much time on searching and destroying. The low efficiency allowed the Ottoman scouts to catch this flaw, and a few tongues allowed Karagoz Pasha to get the information he wanted.

Although our army is very lax at the moment, it is not without any chance of victory. After all, Huda protects us...

Regarding how to meet the advancing Ottoman army, Shahkulu summoned the heads of various ministries to begin discussions and task arrangements.

... When it gets light tomorrow, we will go to a hiding place near Antalya and wait for the cannon. When the cannon is fired, everyone will swarm up. This will catch the pasha off guard and tell them to go back to Rumelia.

Important goals often require only the simplest battle plan. He knew clearly the qualities of his subordinates, but if the plan was too complicated, he would not have the ability to execute it.

When the meeting ended, Havaci came over with a sad face: The ammunition reserves are very tight now. After the army is launched, we will not be able to obtain support from the Shah through smuggling channels, and fighting Antalya will consume too much. In my opinion, Defeating this Roma army will not capture as much gunpowder as the city of Antalya.”

All of this is a test from Allah, you choose the opportunity to use it. Under the dim light, Shahkulu nodded calmly, knowing that the firearms unit might not be of great use next.

After a while, when the moon had already hung in the sky, the sentry hurriedly came in and reported to Shahkullu: Dear Caliph, a small group of wandering Roma thieves were audacious and wanted to approach our army camp at night. They were killed by our sentry. It was discovered and the patrol team expelled it.”

What? The dervish frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple. Realizing that the Ottoman army had discovered the location of the camp, he immediately ordered all the supplies to be loaded onto carts and pack animals, ready to be transferred at any time, and the The news was quickly relayed to Havac.

Don't panic. It's already dark now and it's hard to launch an attack. As long as you strengthen your vigilance, a night attack will be impossible to succeed. Let the other soldiers have a good sleep so that they can have the energy to kill the Roma tomorrow.

In the second half of the night, as Havac expected, there were no disturbances and the situation was stable.

But when the rebel army planned to act according to the plan, they were dumbfounded. Looking for Shuyuan, Karagez Pasha advanced at a rapid pace. Now he had set up a formation at the mountain pass based on the intelligence. He lined up in the direction of the rebel camp. It doesn't look like he can succeed in a surprise attack.

With the cooperation of infantry archers and cavalry, the rebel horsemen, who were significantly more numerous, were forced to retreat. The Ottoman army followed the retreating riders. In this way, Karagz Pasha dramatically attacked the leader and main force of the rebel army. at.

The troops at the rear who had not yet set out quickly defended under the coordination of Havac. A round of lead bullets and arrows allowed the defeated troops to escape around their own army formations, and finally did not allow the Ottoman army to win easily.

However, the sound of gunfire that did not belong to his own side made the Pasha more cautious. He planned to wait for the artillery to be in position before launching an attack, and let his own troops retreat some distance temporarily.

The valley where the camp is located is relatively narrow, and there are rivers nearby, which is actually not conducive to cavalry maneuvers. A large number of cannon fodder of the rebels were arranged along the river to prepare for the attack.

Do you think we should fight or leave now? Shahkulu was a little confused. Seeing Havaci so prepared to defend, he persuaded him to load important supplies in advance.

Let's go! But not everyone. Now that the raid plan is bankrupt, it's not worth it to fight head-on. You can quickly take the red head to escort the baggage and go north. When the time comes, you can choose a place to give the Roma a hard blow. I'll take mine first. The Guards are holding down the formation here to buy you time, and they will join you when all the farmers and horse bandits they have brought are no longer useful. Hawachi told Shahkulu about the next arrangements and the meeting place.

Shahkulu wanted to observe the battle situation again. At this time, the Ottoman army still did not launch an offensive. He could only see the infantry and cavalry in formation in the distance and the miscellaneous cannon fodder on the other side looking at each other.

I can feel that Allah is really protecting me. I could escape once in Georgia, why can't I save another life this time?

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