The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 19 Unreliable Western Friends

The existence of this imperial meeting was soon known to Franco. After Ibrahim arranged the preparations, he immediately summoned the Venetian ambassador, hoping to obtain a breakthrough in the diplomatic field and expand his advantages for future wars.

He followed the waiter who led him to the small room next to the meeting hall. The decoration here was relatively simple and more private. The only person waiting in the room was Ibrahim. Apart from that, there were only a few waiters around, and there was not even a scribe to record the conversation.

Dear King of Kings, I would like to express my greetings to you on behalf of the Republic. The Venetian guest, already dressed in Iranian clothes, bowed to Ibrahim and waited for the host to speak.

I just want to chat with you casually, regarding the current situation. Ibrahim said politely first, and then continued: I am still very unfamiliar with your Frankish land. Apart from your country, I am not familiar with other countries. Little is known about existence. For example, who is the most powerful monarch among you?

Your Majesty, my foreign minister has been away from Venice for several years in the prosperous and peaceful land under your rule. I can only get to know my hometown through infrequent correspondence. Please forgive me. After taking the vaccination, Franco began to prepare for Ibrahimovic. Rahim described the situation on the European continent, and this information was more or less summarized and reported by the consuls in Bursa and Aleppo.

The Republic is currently in turmoil, but it is nothing compared to the crises it suffered in the past. The Republic has always been able to overcome various difficulties. Countless people want to kill it, but it has been able to survive tenaciously to this day. .”

The ambassador knew very well that Venice had been mired in a new round of Italian war last year. The anti-Venetian alliance composed of Pope Julius, allied Italian states, King Louis XII of France, and Emperor Maximilian of the Romans was besieging the Republic. They were unable to cut off the route to the eastern shores of the Mediterranean.

Despite this, the war still had a major impact on commerce. The military operations of the German and French armies approaching northern Italy undoubtedly broke the fragile local order. The caravans who could not ensure their own safety simply left temporarily and came to Venice to purchase Eastern goods. There are many fewer foreign businessmen, because the commercial depression caused by the war still severely affects Venice's finances, which will also affect Iran's export revenue.

It's just that it's not easy to tell Ibrahim these truths, lest he shake his pagan friend's confidence in Venice.

However, Ibrahim was not interested in the Italian war from which he could not profit, so Franco only briefly introduced the members of the warring parties, mainly the Western European power France, the Central European power the Holy Roman Empire and the Holy See, which governs the universal church-for It is convenient for the King of Kings to understand that Franco did not quite appropriately compare the Pope to the Caliph.

He knew very well that the French volunteers could not be counted on. The French knights, as the backbone of the Crusaders, had not participated in the battle against the Ottomans for a long time. At this time, it had been a month since the Battle of Nicopolis commanded by King Sigismund of Hungary. More than a hundred years ago. There were no French knights in the subsequent Varna Crusade and other wars against the Ottomans in the Balkans.

As for the British and German volunteers, they were even less useful and unable to take on the main role in the fight against the infidels.

Thinking of this, Ibrahim naturally turned his attention to Eastern Europe - Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Poland and Lithuania ruled by the Jagiellonian family. Since the Varna Crusade, they were actually able and willing to defend the Ottoman Empire. Those who contributed were the neighboring Eastern European countries that faced the Ottoman military front.

He wanted to use the Holy See to contact the Pope through Venice, and the Holy See would communicate with the two kings on matters related to organizing a new crusade, instead of sending envoys to strange Central and Eastern Europe on his own. Convincing this powerful man, the successor of St. Peter and St. Paul, may require making Osman diplomatically weak again.

It's just that this plan has a small problem that Venice and the Pope have already started to fight, which temporarily loses its feasibility, unless he is willing to send an envoy directly to Rome to try to see the Pope without any access, and whether the Holy See is currently willing to do so. The effort and resources the Balkans will expend are yet to be determined.

Dear Your Majesty, the foreign minister does not know much about the monarchs of the Jagiellonian Dynasty... Well, please forgive me, this is a family that rules a vast land, and currently has two kings with several crowns. But this is not our country. Foreign affairs focus, it is also difficult to help your country.”

When Ibrahim turned his attention explicitly to the Balkans and Eastern Europe, he had already revealed his intentions to Franco. Out of a dislike for the Ottomans and a common interest, the Venetian ambassador wanted to advise the King of Kings and provide relevant diplomatic advice. But after much thought, Venice is currently in a critical situation. Anti-Ottoman anti-Ottoman is not the current priority of the Senate, and it is difficult to provide any substantial help.

This timing was really unfortunate. All European monarchs had their own affairs to be busy with, or were unable or unwilling to use their military power against the Ottomans for other reasons.

If you need it, the foreign minister can help arrange a passenger ship to the Dalmatian coast for your envoys to use. Our country can also provide a guide who is familiar with the local area. I think King Wladyslaw of Hungary will not turn away distinguished guests. It's just that he had an agreement with the Republic before, and our country paid him 140,000 ducats to defend Croatia and ensure the safety of Dalmatia, but he failed to do so and defrauded him of 110,000 gold coins. Franco again added.

Ibrahim, whose expectations were shattered, wanted to end the meeting immediately. As for whether to send envoys to Eastern Europe, he was not optimistic, but he still agreed: Then please arrange a ship as soon as possible.

Okay, Your Majesty.

When the ambassador left, Ibrahim, who returned to his study, immediately asked the secretary to draft an edict: Let the foreign vizier select reliable and brave diplomats to carry out diplomatic missions, and be prepared to show sincerity and develop friendship for friendly countries. A decent gift…”


The King of Kings in Persia immediately ordered to summon me after a meeting to consult on the current situation in Europe. Although he has not openly shown hostility to the Turks, he only attaches great importance to the universal church and the Jagiellonian family. There is this reason. Therefore, there is reason to believe that the King of Kings has regarded the Turkish Sultan as the next enemy, and the Persian court is preparing for a war against Turkey. When the war comes, it will be a good opportunity for the Republic to weaken and eliminate the Turkish threat.

Franco gave the report a final check before sending it to Beirut with other letters.

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