The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 7 Checking local debts

Ibrahim returned to normal life in the second half of the year after the tour, and no emergency occurred until he received the news from Hormuz. For the Shah of Iran, time advanced peacefully to 1509.

His previous verbal order in Basra to suppress the remnants of heresy failed to make any waves. The key was that he did not put pressure on the relevant departments and set a target for how many people to arrest. Otherwise, the bureaucrats would have to give him orders when there was no one to arrest. Local minority groups are accused of crimes.

After spending Nowruz well with his wife and daughter, the King of Kings returned to his desk and continued to deal with government affairs with his back to the large map hanging on the wall, thinking about the next strategy.

He moved the globe on the table - this was the latest gift from the palace scholars - and the spherical surface carefully drawn by the cartographer slowly rotated. However, under the interference of external forces, in the end, the area where Iran was located was always facing him. Sight.

The geographical information contained on it was not accurate by modern standards, but Ibrahim watched with interest the crystallization of this knowledge, especially the trade with Europe and the captured Portuguese navigation data. For the first time, scholars in Shahr, Iran, learned about the existence of the New World. On maps and globes, the New World was marked based on the legend generated by the Muslim conquest of Iberia - seven Gothic Arian bishops led their believers to flee westward across the sea. It is called Antilia, and small characters are used under the place name to emphasize that it is the place where the seven golden cities are located. The only fly in the ointment is that this New World is completely messy. After all, the Spaniards who sailed westward have not completely explored the New World. How can the cartographers draw a complete and accurate map?

At this time, the door was opened by the guards. The Grand Vizier, who was summoned into the room, ignored the other clerks on both sides of the room who were sending and receiving documents, saluted respectfully to Ibrahim, who was still playing with the globe, and said: Your Majesty, I am a humble minister. Come and report when called.”

Realizing that he now had to deal with government affairs, Ibrahim stopped what he was doing and returned his attention to the person in front of him.

Ibrahim had been observing Ahmed Khuzani's performance since he was promoted to grand vizier. The rising political star was very deferential to him, while not being carried away by the king's favor.

The new Grand Vizier quickly became familiar with the work in Diwan. His first major move after taking office was to verify local taxation. After receiving the authorization, he coordinated multiple departments to launch investigations. After several months of hard work, he accurately grasped the situation in each province.

Ibrahim extended his hand to him and said: I want to know how the investigation you are conducting is going?

Your Majesty, as far as I know, there are quite a few bold people who dare to steal your Majesty's property and damage your majesty. I believe that they should be severely punished and deterred. How to deal with them depends on your Majesty's decision. The Grand Vizier handed over the statistical report.

Although the various places conquered by the Safavid army recognized the authority of the King of Kings and accepted the officials sent by Diwan to rule, this does not mean that the government's control of the local areas was perfect. In fact, due to their reliance on autonomous organizations in governance, local forces have gained sufficient room for maneuver. However, everyone is satisfied with the status quo and does not want to take the initiative to break this balance.

The grand vizier, who wanted to make some political achievements and gain more favors, planned to start from here. After more than ten years of accumulation, the total amount of arrears accumulated in various places was not a small amount, so that the fiscal vizier could obviously We can see the clues - especially the tyranny of the joint bonded tax. This will also hit the rich who are dissatisfied with the current tax policy.

But this was not an indiscriminate attack. There were also large fiefs held by tribes in the area. They relied on the income from these privileged real estate to support the cavalry troops who were drafted at any time. Ibrahim's restrictions on these founding fathers mainly focused on squeezing farmers, so that the livestock must be fed at least.

Under the new regulations promulgated at the same time as the real estate survey, the level of land rent borne by farmers is mainly negotiated with landlords around five elements: labor, livestock, land, water sources and seeds. In theory, whichever party accounts for more factors will get more. In this way, even tenants with only labor force can still keep one-fifth of the harvest. In addition, the irrigation water source is managed by the government rather than privately owned by a certain family. Livestock and seeds are not allowed to borrow money from the landlord. In addition, during famines, no loans are allowed. The prohibition on collecting land rents and the relief of mosques can ensure that these rulers have a way to survive if they are implemented, so as to avoid riots or turning them into bandits.

Ibrahim read the specially selected list and the treatment plan drawn up in it, and then tapped the table with his knuckles in displeasure: They are ordered to make up the debt within a month. If they violate the rules, their property will be confiscated and the whole family will be taken away. Demoted to slavery or put to death.”

The Lord's tough attitude is the basis for the Grand Vizier's radical actions. He has already planned how to punish these lawless elements. He is about to hand over a satisfactory answer sheet to Ibrahim. .

I will obey the Holy Orders. The Grand Vizier respectfully took the signed document from the clerk's hand.

In addition to rectifying local taxation work, the Grand Vizier was also very concerned about Indian affairs. For this reason, he also took the opportunity of this visit to submit the report of the water conservancy department to Ibrahim.

Your Majesty, the weather was good across the country last year, but floods occurred in Punjab due to the rainy season. Although Huda's blessing did not cause any serious damage, the water conservancy supervisors reported that the water conservancy facilities in Punjab needed to be repaired and improved. I believe that we cannot rely solely on Huda. Da’s kindness, please also ask for your Holy Judgment.”

These words made Ibrahim raise his eyebrows. He probably knew that the monsoon in the South Asian subcontinent would have a negative impact on local agriculture, but Punjab is one of the provinces that pays the highest taxes. Is it possible that the local financial resources are so embarrassed that he has to ask for support from Diwan? ?

Seeing the monarch's confusion, the Grand Vizier, who did not know the details of the situation, explained: It is said that all the taxes in the treasury have been allocated, and the remaining savings are not enough to spend, so the senior officials asked the water conservancy supervisor to report to Diwan.

The Water Conservancy Supervisor of Punjab Province listed the shortcomings and areas for improvement of the Indus River Basin water conservancy facilities in a briefing. The previous owners of the Punjab region only maintained the existing local facilities, and future expansions were only on drawings. . After learning that the two river basins were beginning to revive, he believed that he could persuade the King of Kings to invest equal resources in Punjab, and the Indus River could return more profits to the court.

The King of Kings, who had just asked for a strict inspection of local taxes, was very stingy at this time. He cleared his throat and decided to blow the Brahmin's gold coins: I know their difficulties, so let's find the money needed for these projects to be divided among the pagans. , those pagan temples will definitely be able to pay for it.

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