The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 36 Battle of Mosul (3)

Under the overwhelming rain of arrows, the red heads did not even think about retreating. When they finished shooting the bows and arrows in their quivers, they had to use their knives to fight the enemy hand-to-hand. Although the Turkmen arrows could not kill the well-equipped red-heads, and their accuracy was poor, the advantage was that they were large in number and backed by the camp, so supplies were not a problem.

Although it can't kill people, it can still kill unprotected horses. After more than ten minutes of shooting, not many people were killed, but many horses were injured.

Retreat! Seeing that the cavalry's quivers were empty, Mustafa planned to retreat and rendezvous with the main force, leaving only the scouts to monitor the enemy's movements. But this decision was opposed by the captains.

Romru Khan, the soldiers are very motivated to fight, but the opponent is so weak, why do they have to retreat? It is our enemy who should flee!

Romru Khan, we cannot retreat. His Majesty sent you to lead us in the lead. He must be hoping that you can achieve some results, instead of leaving the soldiers who have lost their horses and running away in despair.

The captains came to persuade him one after another. Mustafa rubbed his temples and had to think carefully. When the captains saw that Mustafa seemed to be shaken, they all shut their mouths and let Mustafa think quietly to avoid backfire.

Dear Beg, hold on for a while, the Sultan and his troops are preparing to cross the river for support. On the opposite side, a messenger crossed the Tigris River and found the commander as quickly as possible.

Looking in the direction from which the messenger came, everyone saw Ahmed's Turk and cheered immediately. Many officers gained confidence and took the initiative to fight with the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

Charge, entangle them! Don't let them escape. After thinking for a while, Berg made a decision. In addition to the sound of bugles, the soldiers also cheered and shouted loudly to cheer up themselves and their comrades.

Retreat, we have trained, don't let the soldiers get confused. Mustafa finally gave his answer when he saw the reinforcements on the other side of the river, and the captains could only return to their respective units dejectedly. Command the retreat.

They are just a bunch of cowards! Sheep who deserve to be slaughtered! Rush up and steal their swords, armor, gold and silver, wives and daughters! Seeing the Persians retreating, the Turkmen officers took the opportunity to mobilize the soldiers. For these nomads For soldiers, nothing is a more convincing reason to join the war than burning, killing, raping and looting.

The red heads ignored them and retreated on their own.

Why are you running so fast? Aren't you afraid of an ambush? Ahmed, who was still crossing the river, saw his troops on the east bank chasing the retreating enemy like rabbits. He yelled and cursed, and the leaders on the side stepped forward. He advised the Sultan to calm down and wait until the battle was over.

The two sides chased for several kilometers and reached the flat land northwest of Mosul city. Ahmed did not deploy any troops to the north of Mosul because all the north of Mosul was his territory and the defenders could not pass to the north. roads to obtain supplies.

The chase ended here, because the chasing Turkmen cavalry saw the enemy's main force.

Mustafa is back? Send someone to pick them up quickly! Ibrahim, who was thinking in the army, heard the scout's report that there were friendly troops nearby, and quickly ordered Muhammad to pick up the friendly troops.

Ibrahim led his troops to the northwest of Mosul city, intending to detach his troops from the nearby undefended river crossing point and attack the camp in the southwest of the city in a detour. Thinking of this, Ibrahim really wanted to beat himself to death yesterday, why would he come up with such a highly uncontrollable plan in a hot head?

In an era without modern communication methods, it was very difficult to coordinate operations with a force that was tens or hundreds of kilometers away. However, Ibrahim suddenly thought that this problem could be solved with a perfect plan, and also The time required for the journey and the physical strength of the soldiers were not considered.

So after the on-site investigation, Ibrahim regretted that he had to separate six regiments, which was a full 6,000 cavalry.

After receiving the order, Muhammad quickly ordered several thousand captains to follow him. After a while, the three regiments followed Ustaji Khan and separated from the large army to move south.

When the pursuing cavalry saw the enemy's large force right in front of them, they immediately used their brains to think. Then, without waiting for the officer's order, everyone turned around and ran south.

These Aries cavalry didn't seem to care about the life or death of their horses. They ran too fast. After seeing their speed, Muhammad gave up the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to capture the heads and just escorted the friendly troops back.

Mustafa, why did you, a striker, suddenly come back? Don't let His Majesty think you are a deserter. Muhammad was a little confused. Can these cavalry make Romulukhan escape?

Muhammad, their Sultan, crossed the river, and I saw his Turks and cavalry gathered on the river bank. Mustafa just explained with a look of displeasure.

Before they could continue talking, Ibrahim came with his guards and asked Shuyuan Romuruhan, I know you will not retreat without reason. How is the situation ahead?

The two Khans first dismounted and saluted, then Mustafa drew a simple map on the ground with his knife, and began to explain everything he knew and his judgment to Ibrahim.

On the west bank of the Tigris River, Gaolaberi led the cavalry to march north at the fastest speed under the scorching sun. In order to speed up, Gaolaberi personally led the most elite cavalry at the front, while the others were far away from Gaolaberry. Many cavalrymen fell behind due to physical strength or burden animals. The team stretched for several kilometers along the entire road, and there were many beasts of burden carrying luggage in the middle. The team was uneven and the organization was disrupted. If it weren't for the sophisticated armor they wore, people who didn't know better would have thought it was a nomadic tribe moving.

Gaolaberi wiped the sweat from his forehead and cheeks with his sleeves, and drank the last drop of water in the water bag. Many soldiers' water bags were also empty.

General, take a rest. A soldier, who was as tired as a dead dog, saw Gaolaberi stop and quickly advised him. The horse under his crotch was also panting heavily.

Seeing that most of the cavalry around him were exhausted, Gaolaberi nodded. After the soldiers were allowed to rest, they jumped off their horses one after another and rushed toward the Tigris River crazily. Not only were they filling water bags, some even jumped directly into the river and drank it to cool themselves down.

If the army doctors in the team had not fallen behind, Gaolaberi would have received advice on prohibiting soldiers from entering the water to avoid non-combat attrition, but unfortunately, the doctors still fell behind.

After resting for less than half an hour, some cavalrymen who were lagging behind also followed up. The non-combat attrition Gaolaberi did not bother to care about it. He just left it to the troops behind and continued on his way with the soldiers.

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