The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 103 Fergana Interlude

Although there was no war to be busy with, Ibrahim did not rest assured that he still stayed in the Indus River Valley to personally supervise the escort affairs. Watching the camels and mules carrying the loot entering the Khyber Pass under the escort of the army, he was heartbroken. Filled with peace of mind and joy of harvest.

Such days lasted until the end of the fighting season. At the turn of autumn and winter, they returned to Kabul with the last large amount of property and prisoners, and continued to transfer the loot to Herat.

It wasn't until he arrived in Herat that he formally awarded rewards to the troops who participated in the invasion of India. The military ranks of senior officers were adjusted to varying degrees. Many of the people plundered from Delhi and surrounding areas were rewarded. The remaining most valuable craftsmen and artists were arranged to be settled in the new capital of Isfahan.

Of course, if you have money, you have to spend it. Coins that are not used for circulation are just a pile of scrap metal. Ibrahim ordered that all captured Indian coins be recast at the Herat mint into standard Iranian coins and then be included in the account for use. expenditure. Precious stones, spices and other property were given to royal merchants for liquidation, leaving only the highest quality ones for royal use.

It takes time to complete these tasks. Ibrahim took advantage of this gap to make his next spending plan and enjoy the celebration banquet in Herat. However, an uninvited guest disturbed his joy at this time. Not surprisingly, he He brings surprises.

The Kazakh envoy was led by his attendants and shuttled through the corridors of the Herat Palace. He flawlessly admired the beautifully decorated mural tile walls and stained glass windows. He just walked on the tile floor to the door of a room, waiting for the owner inside. Summon him to enter.

The uneasy waiting did not last long, and the door quickly opened again: Your Majesty agreed to receive you, and announced that you have entered.

After entering the room, he immediately saluted Ibrahim, who was still confused, to show respect, and said hello: May Allah bless you, and may your land and people prosper until the Day of Judgment, esteemed Khan of the Khans.

Ignoring the steppe-specific change of changing Shah's name to Khan, Ibrahim asked: Is it important that your Khan sent an envoy to come to see you?

Yes, Your Majesty, the foreign minister came here on the order of the Great Khan to apologize to your country and ask for your understanding. The Kazakh envoy narrated the incident from the perspective of the Kazakh Khan, allowing Ibra to Xin figured out what happened on the northeastern border during his eastern expedition to India.

After the Safavid army defeated the Yuejie tribes on the banks of the Zerafshan River, the defeated ones were robbed by Kazakh Khan and were forced to surrender to Barandu Black Khan and provide him with soldiers and tribute.

But in the final analysis, the Kazakh Khanate is just a tribal federation. The tribes under the Khan have a lot of space to do their own thing. These previously defeated Uzbek tribes are still stationed in various settlements on the north bank of the Syr Darya River, out of fear of Safa Despite Wei's hostility, they continued their hostile activities in private.

At first, when they saw a new settlement emerging on the south bank of the Syr Darya River, they planned to go there and plunder it. However, they did not expect that these border guards were very hard-nosed. The small group of plunderers could not chew through these rammed earth and mud brick fortresses at all. Nomads who lack the ability to attack fortresses cannot even cross a curtain wall that is no different from a fence.

If the scale increases, just crossing the Syr Darya River will take some time. The border guards will have enough time to call for reinforcements from the governor in the river, and then huddle in the fort and wait for others.

This kind of goal with no money and many things to do was quickly collectively disliked by the sultans and soldiers of several tribes - we wanted to disgust the Tajiks, but I also wanted to eat.

Just as the news of Ibrahim's invasion of India spread from south to north, these sultans gathered again for a small meeting and unanimously decided to take advantage of the opportunity to do something big.

They eliminated many options based on their own capabilities. Tashkent could not be surrounded, and Samarkand was too far, and would attract the attention of the Kazakh Khanate, so Fergana became the only target.

Thousands of Uzbek plunderers entered Fergana from the north through mountain roads. The puppet Jahangir and Tanbal, who was actually in power, were caught off guard. Not a single Burke dared to go out of the city to fight. They all huddled within the city walls and allowed themselves to be killed. He raided the countryside and then paid a city redemption fee.

For a whole month, Tanbal did not send a messenger to ask for help. After the Uzbek plunderers left, he concealed the matter. Taken away from Fergana.

These Uzbek plunderers were discovered on their way back, and the Tashkent garrison immediately pursued them, forcing them to give up part of their loot and flee north. This move made the Kazakh Khanate aware of this.

Balandu Black Khan was immediately furious when he learned of the sudden change. He had no intention of becoming an enemy of Ibrahim, and it was of no benefit to him to maintain the trade route from the Western Regions to Iran. One harm.

The Great Khan then punished all the tribes that secretly participated in the plundering like thunder. Their bandit leaders were executed, all the people and livestock were confiscated from the Khan's tent, and the Yuejibie tribe that did not participate in the plundering were also moved north. Dear kings King, our Kazakh Khanate is not as rich as your country and cannot give you gifts that you can appreciate, so I offer the bandit leader in the hope that this will appease your anger.

After the Kazakh envoy finished speaking, the guard brought the box he brought to Ibrahim and opened it. It contained several spherical objects wrapped in cloth. As Ibrahim thought, he opened the box wrapped in cloth. cloth. Inside is a treated head.

The heads of Uzbek sultans such as Khuchunchi, Suyunchi, and Obeidullah, who had not died under Safawi's sword, were now neatly stacked in front of Ibrahim. He waved for the guards to take down the heads.

Your Khan made the right decision. If this kind of rebellion that ignores the authority of the monarch is not eliminated, it will not only be me, but also your country that will suffer. Ibrahim replied with approval to the Kazakh envoy Song Yi It seems that his mission was successful.

Being able to live in peace with the Kazakh Khan is the most ideal situation at present. Since the other party has taken the initiative to apologize, he does not want to lead his army to the Kipchak grassland to fight these Kazakhs.

After the envoy left, Ibrahim immediately ordered the rectification of Fergana: Due to this terrible surrender and concealment of information, I decided to abolish Jahangir's rule and deprive him of all Berk's territory. The chief culprit was Tanbal. and Jahangir must be arrested and I will personally try them here.”

The Fergana region, which was included under the jurisdiction of Diwan, was placed under the management of Transoxiana Province.

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