The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 95 Confrontation with Karnal

The battle in Sirhind failed to interfere with the Safavid army's continued advance eastward. After Ibrahim learned that Ismail had won a great victory here, he was first happy for him, and then realized that the reaction speed of the Sultan of Delhi was faster than that of the Sultan of Delhi. He expected it to be much faster, and he could send out a large partial division to stop the enemy without realizing it.

Ibrahim stayed in Sirhind for one day and held a meeting to ask the public for their thoughts on the matter: Judging from Mirza's battle report, the Indian Sultan has prepared his army. Do you think it is time to continue marching towards Delhi? Or search for the enemy’s main force?”

Now that Sikandar Khan has taken action, his army has probably already set off, and Ibrahim is still very wary of the movements of the Delhi army.

In fact, he was still thinking wildly. Although Delhi is no longer the capital, it is still one of the best cities under its rule. It is impossible for the Safavid army to arrive under the city of Delhi without Sikandar Khan returning to the army for rescue. Being able to encircle the point and provide reinforcements will be very beneficial to the Safavid army. The French and Uighur forces have the initiative and can still wait for work.

The established plan to march into Delhi remained unchanged, but Ibrahim ordered more scouts to be sent to explore the surrounding areas. Naturally, the more detailed information the better.

The Safavid army then marched on the road without incident. After marching for more than two weeks since setting off from Lahore, Ibrahim met Ismail in Karnal, and Mirza became the king of kings. Brought important information.

Your Majesty, my scouts have detected the enemy's movements in the past few days. The Sultan of India has led his army to Panipat, which is less than a day's journey south. He has discovered my troops and is running towards here.

Ibrahim immediately decided to fight the enemy here, ordered the entire army to build field fortifications on the spot, and ordered Gulbuddin and Mirwais to lead the Afghans to harass the enemy.

He also asked scouts to scout Karnar City and other nearby fortified strongholds to eliminate surrounding hidden dangers.

As for how to respond to the enemy next, he still needs to observe the enemy. At present, he can only prepare his troops at any time and select a predetermined battlefield.



At the same time, Sikandar Khan severely reprimanded Mansoor, who had returned from defeat, in the tent of the camp near Panipat, but did not impose any substantial punishment.

The loss of several thousand men in Sirhind City was not a big deal to him. At this time, he still had a complete army in hand, and there was no problem in dealing with the partial division entrenched in Karnal.

But soon, the scouts returning from the front reported: Dear Your Majesty the Sultan, a huge enemy army appeared near Karnar City, and its size is slightly smaller than our army.

The sudden change made Sikandar Khan alert. When the troops marched to the city of Karnal, they set up camp and contacted officials in the city for more information.

On the day after the Delhi army camped southeast of Karnal, the scouts of both sides fought on the flat ground in the middle, with each other winning or losing. However, the Delhi light cavalry only repelled some of the Safavid scouts who peered into the camp and tried to go to Safa. The scouts who gathered information near the Wei camp failed to return to the camp with useful information.

The failure of the early reconnaissance and harassment operations cast a shadow on Sikandar Khan's heart: Perhaps this is an ominous omen from God to me? Let me avoid this war?

The confused Sultan of Delhi was planning to use some mysterious power to stabilize his mind. He suddenly ordered his subordinates to find an astrologer to divine for him, and emphasized that no rash actions were allowed before the results came out.

The emirs were confused by this, but frightened by the Sultan's authority and believing that this was a ploy to boost the morale of the troops, they faithfully carried out the order, although some people wondered why this work was not done before departure.

Just as everyone in the Delhi Army was waiting for the astrologer to arrive, Ibrahim, who learned that the main force of the Delhi Army had arrived at Karnal, immediately took his guards with him and planned to go to check the approaching enemy troops in person. The generals tried their best to dissuade him. Not to take such a risk, Ibrahim had no choice but to use religious authority to convince everyone.

He got out of his tent, mounted his mount, and left the camp with dozens of guards and ran south. Under the guidance of the scouts, Ibrahim easily reached a higher place near the Delhi military camp—the minaret of the mosque—to observe the enemy troops in the distance. Fortunately, he did not encounter an interception by the Delhi cavalry.

There are a lot of tents, and it seems that there are a lot of soldiers. However, the surrounding camps are very chaotic... and there are war elephants? Ibrahim looked at the items in the Delhi army camp, and asked about the general situation of the Delhi army. Got some understanding.

He also saw some Delhi light cavalry retreating back to the camp for unknown reasons, and after a while no other cavalry came out of the camp to perform tasks. Only a sparse number of sentries were deployed outside the camp. Ibrahim did not know what the Delhi army was going to do.

When he was holding on to the mud brick wall and climbing the wooden stairs to the ground to return to the camp, he found several guards from holding mangoes, plantains and other tropical fruits that he could not recognize. In front of him, he knelt down and held up: Your Majesty, this is a local specialty that I saw in the ownerless orchard. It is specially dedicated to Your Majesty.

While Ibrahim was observing the enemy's situation on the minaret, the guards who were on sentry duty found an orchard nearby. Several people who were close to the orchard went in to sweep all kinds of crops and select the best ones. To the King of Kings.

This... Ibrahim was speechless. He went on a reconnaissance mission and picked up a bunch of fruit to eat. In response to the good intentions of the soldiers, he had no choice but to say: You should divide these among yourselves. I will have whatever I want in the camp.

With that, he mounted his horse and returned to the camp.

In the big tent, he spent time sorting out the information in his mind. After sorting it out, he made thoughts and decisions based on this information. He once again summoned all senior officers to hold a combat meeting. He first recounted the enemy situation he had detected.

The facts are very clear. According to my estimates and rumors from surrounding residents and businessmen, the Sultan of Delhi brought 100,000 soldiers, and used the money in the treasury to pay military salaries and subsidies in advance before departure. The morale was high. But the good news is , they unwisely brought war elephants.”

The generals did not care about the enemy's numerical advantage, but they had never had any contact with elephant soldiers and could not understand why Ibrahim called the enemy's integration into the elephant soldiers good news.

Now, the atmosphere in the big tent is both tense and exciting. They have left their hometown for several months to fight in a completely unfamiliar foreign country. Everyone around them speaks an incomprehensible language. No one knows what kind of fate Huda will give them.

Ibrahim had no choice but to instruct many people to make final preparations before the war in order to welcome the arrival of the war. How to fight then, let's adapt to circumstances.

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