The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 88 Reinforcements Delayed

While new economic organizations from the Mediterranean were gradually introduced into Iran, Ibrahim also needed to consider their legal status. The Ulama were gathered together to discuss the revision of the commercial law parts of the secular code, and the King of Kings Then attend meetings regularly to understand the current progress and the opinions of all parties.

Under his deliberate supervision, things were developing in the direction he imagined.

Compared to Ibrahim who stayed in Tabriz all year round, Ismail's year in 1505 was much more interesting. After Mirza returned to Tabriz from Makran to celebrate Nowruz, he first brought The soldiers presided over the work of annexing vassals, turning Sistan and northern Baluchestan from vassal states into provinces. Then he went to the Caucasus to participate in the holy war against the Circassian tribes, and captured many male and female slaves for the palace who could be sold at high prices.

After a fulfilling combat season, the two brothers did not meet again until the turn of autumn and winter, and Ismail was entrusted to go to the palace military academy and military camp to supervise teaching and training work on his behalf. In his spare time, Mirza shared anecdotes about what he saw while traveling back and forth, which made Ibrahim happy, and his critical comments on the state of roads in various provinces.

The winter of 1505 was uneventful for the two brothers. At the same time, all the reinforcements sent to Aden had landed in Muscat, and soldiers, ordnance, supplies, war horses and camels were replenished on the spot. Prepare to march to Aden.

In order to avoid another conflict with the Nabni dynasty in the interior of Oman, the reinforcements marched along the coast after crossing the Hajar Mountains. In addition, the distance between Muscat and Aden is already long. Even if everything goes smoothly, it will take at least one person. It takes half a month to reach the destination.

Fortunately, at this time, no force has the ability to launch an attack on Aden. The naval soldiers stationed in Aden still feel more psychological pressure. Their nerves are tense for a long time because they don’t know when the battle will happen. They are worried. There are not only enemies outside the city walls, but also those within the city walls. The defenders waited for reinforcements until 1506.

Facts have proved that it is an extremely difficult feat for the army to march two thousand kilometers continuously in unfamiliar and unfriendly areas, and because the designated commanders of the two core regiments are the acting governor of Yemen who are far away in Aden, the two thousand men The commander had no superiors to rely on at the scene, and the decision-making of the entire unit was coordinated by the two.

The reinforcements encountered trouble as soon as they set off. The Nabni Dynasty never gave up the idea of ​​retaking Muscat. The Sudanese spies were planted in the city. The arrival of the reinforcements and their subsequent movements were all clearly understood.

Therefore, just as the reinforcements passed through the mountain trails of the Hajar Mountains, the ambush of the Sultan of Oman suddenly attacked the team. Under such a sudden blow, the Arab mercenaries who bore the brunt suffered heavy casualties and collapsed within a few minutes of the battle.

The red-heads who were coerced by the defeated army decided to retreat to a wider area to reorganize their troops. The baggage was abandoned directly on the road. In order to compete for these spoils, the Omani army stopped directly and ignored the retreating Safavid army.

The Emir of Oman, who commanded this army, believed that the enemy army had been completely defeated in an ambush and would no longer pose a sufficient threat to the Omani army, so he simply allowed the soldiers to search for loot.

Within ten or twenty minutes, the red-headed soldiers came to cover them up on horseback. The Omani army, which had completely dispersed in order to collect property, was completely unable to withstand the impact. Arrows and lances caused the Omani soldiers and even officers present to be killed, flee or be captured. , the commander who planned and directed the ambush was also included.

After this small victory, the reinforcements safely crossed the valley and came to the vast desert. With the help of the previously hired guides, they found the correct direction of travel. However, the harsh environment made many mercenaries and auxiliaries unsteady. They deserted and fled, and nearby tribes loyal and disloyal to the Nabni dynasty raided the camp at night and stole baggage.

The only good news is that the guide still has some morals and did not abandon the team and run away.

The rapid consumption of baggage and the desert environment made many soldiers complain. They hoped that the commander could return to Muscat and use other methods acceptable to humans to reach the destination.

Regarding the complaints in the army, the two captains believed that they were only caused by a few deserters, and planned to punish a few typical examples to calm down the unfavorable remarks. This tough approach allowed the troops to strengthen their spirits and continue marching. After two weeks of marching, they arrived at the scheduled destination. 's port.

According to the plan, the reinforcements should meet up with the fleet transporting baggage at this port, and then march together along the coast to Aden. But at the port, they did not see any ships belonging to the Safavids, and the captain asked the locals but did not get an answer.

In order to collect enough military supplies to last until the fleet arrived, the red head immediately plundered the local settlement. In just one day and one night, almost all the residents were brutally murdered. The towers of human heads erected prevented the surviving refugees who had nothing left to return to their hometowns.

Relying on searching for supplies from house to house and enslaving local residents to fish and take care of date palm trees and other crops, the food supply of the reduced reinforcements is not a problem for the time being.

However, what they didn't know was that the fleet was hit by bad weather, with strong winds and waves causing many ships to capsize and crash. They could only transport supplies to the designated port, then return to tell Ahsan the unfortunate incident, so that The commander arranged for another fleet to perform the mission.

Blessed by Huda, we finally see land. The sailors on the deck looked excitedly at the land and buildings near the coast. After experiencing sudden bad weather, they desperately needed to go ashore to rest and restore their morale.

The lookout at the mast claimed to have seen several human-head towers erected on the land, with military flags on their tops, which were very eye-catching. This instead made the captain confirm that there were friendly forces stationed on the shore. After all, he had seen the Safavid Army with such a terrifying style in reality.

The bad news was only known to the two captains after the merchant ship docked. Due to lack of supplies, the reinforcements could only continue to stay in the port, waiting for the safe arrival of the new fleet before they could continue their march.

After receiving the news, Ahsan had to quickly raise ships and supplies, arrange for a new fleet to set off, and report the matter to the King of Kings.

The news of the fleet crash did not cause any waves in Ibrahim. He focused on India and believed that Ehsan could handle these affairs on his own.

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