The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 79 Aden Incident (Part 2)

After this cautious contact, Ahsan finally disembarked surrounded by his own soldiers, followed by the Yemeni officers who came to greet him and went to the castle in Aden to meet the emir.

The soldiers were left outside the hall, and only a few followers followed the commander into the room. After polite greetings and introductions, both parties got to the point: His Excellency Emir Yahya, regarding the Frankish pagan pirates. You must have heard of the blasphemous atrocities. The pilgrimage route from all over the world to the holy land of Mecca is no longer safe, and my monarch is very worried about this.

Yahya understood this: It turns out that your monarch was worried that the fleet would be attacked by these vicious infidels, so he sent so many warships to escort him. It was my villain who misunderstood your caution and almost caused trouble. It’s a big mistake, I hope God can forgive me.”

This fleet is not small in size, with more than ten large ships. It is unlikely that it will carry the monarch's relatives or a large amount of property to be donated to Mecca. If so, if it is not handled well, it will be a very serious diplomatic incident. He does not intend to go into detail about what this seemingly important Iranian fleet is carrying.

Almost caused a big mistake? Ahsan accurately grasped the key words in Yahya's words and carefully pondered the meaning in his heart. It seems that the Emir of Aden once wanted to gather military power to deal with him. He once again raised his defenses against Yahya, believing that the other party was probably delaying time to gather strength to prepare to use force to deal with the Safavid fleet.

So your Excellency is here to rest the fleet and purchase supplies? Yahya followed Ahsan's words and took the initiative to find a reason for him to visit Aden.

Yes, after a period of sailing, the fleet needs to replenish supplies and the crew also needs to rest. My master and I will be very grateful if you can allow me to stay here for a few days. Ehsan said the last sentence The tone was almost pleading, which made Yahya a little moved.

The emir, who didn't know that he was luring the wolf into the house, entertained these guests very generously, which made Ahsan laugh in his heart - when the time comes, the Safavid soldiers who eat and drink Yemen's supplies for free will take advantage of the rule of Aden. .

After the most important issue was settled, the next details became clear. Yahya was only worried about whether such a large team purchasing supplies and other goods would cause prices to rise in Aden.

After returning to the flagship, Ahsan began to make a series of preparations. He took advantage of the opportunity of the sailors taking turns to come ashore to survey the city defenses of Aden under cover, and tried to contact the local Iranian community to carry out a central development and internal and external cooperation.

However, the results of the contact were not good. Aden took in some Iranian Sunnis who had fled due to religious persecution. These people were deeply hostile to Safavid. Out of caution, Ahsan canceled the plan and turned the secret meeting into a mere visit to a wealthy businessman. Although this group of people cannot dominate the entire community, there is still a risk of leaks after all.

After staying in Aden for about three days, the plan and preliminary preparations for seizing the city have been basically completed. The naval infantry hidden in the city is preparing to take the lead in seizing the city gate to clear the way for the large forces in the rear.

They deliberately stayed in the city until no one was around at night. Under the persuasion of the leading officer, the guards responsible for guarding the city gates opened the gates for them even though they felt something was wrong.

The sound of swords being unsheathed made these Yemeni soldiers realize something was wrong, but it was too late. The sharp blades had already penetrated their bodies. Several people died one after another under the siege without making much noise.

The sailors who controlled the city gate hurriedly went to control the city tower and sent messengers to quickly inform the large forces still in the port of the news. This period of time is the most nervous moment for everyone. The anchorage of the Safavid fleet is some distance from the city gate, and it will take some time for reinforcements to arrive.

Fortunately, the Emir of Aden did not pay attention to night patrols, and the news that the city gate had been lost had not spread until the first batch of reinforcements arrived. As time passed, more and more naval infantry and rear-mounted swivel guns arrived, and the raid within the city walls began.

The large crowd that suddenly appeared on the streets of the city finally alerted the guards. The patrolling Yemeni soldiers stepped forward to ask questions, but before they could open their mouths, they heard a loud noise and felt something hit their chests, and a force pushed their bodies. Pushing back, unable to resist.

Gunpowder made the situation develop to the point where there was nothing to hide. In just ten minutes, the emir learned about the attack on the city. In confusion, he immediately dispatched all the forces in his hands to deal with these invaders.

Fucking heretics, I shouldn't believe the lies of these sons of devils! Wait for me, I will personally send you all back to the hell of fire one by one! After clearing his mind, Yahya angrily put on his equipment. , intending to go with his own soldiers to personally meet these invaders. Find Shuyuanww. zhaoshhuyuan.comm

The streets were in chaos, and the awakened citizens closed their doors and windows, quietly waiting for the chaos outside their homes to end on its own.

The naval infantry advanced in an orderly manner, using matchlock guns and breech-mounted swivel guns to repel groups of Aden guards who tried to counterattack. Although some Yemeni soldiers rushed forward and fought hand-to-hand with the enemy, they suffered many casualties and failed to deal a powerful blow to the invaders. blow.

By dawn, Ahsan's flagship moved to the predetermined position, and the naval guns fired at the castle. Iron shells hit many buildings in the city. Fortunately, the main building of the castle was not a shoddy project, and it looked like it was just a hole.

From midnight fighting to dawn, the Aden defenders failed to achieve any results in the battle, suffering heavy casualties and even the emir was shot. Seeing this situation, Yahya could only withdraw all his remaining forces back to the castle, intending to rely on the last fortifications to resist.

What he didn't expect was that the presence of naval guns and other weapons greatly improved the siege capabilities of these sailors. Under the suppression of these firearms, the Yemeni soldiers in the castle could not stop the naval infantry who were far more numerous than them. Ye Hai Ya could only watch as the defense line was breached and the enemy approached the main building step by step.

The Safavid soldiers who crossed the curtain wall continued to fire suppressively at the windows of the main building. The sailors who entered under cover had a final battle with the emir. By the time of morning prayers, the fighting in the city was over, and Ahsan officially took over. This vital trading port.

This raid on Aden consumed a large amount of ammunition, but fortunately there were few casualties. The casualties of a thousand naval infantrymen who were responsible for the main combat mission were less than one-fifth, and the losses of the sailors who were removed from the battleships to assist in the battle were not too high.

The only fly in the ointment is that the Safavid army failed to capture Yahya, and the Emir of Aden managed to escape at the last moment by some unknown means.

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