The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 68 Sudden Resignation

Ibrahim, who had been dealing with other official duties for a long time after sending Ismail away, thought that today's official duties were almost over. At this time, the eunuch notified Giovanni, who had been promoted to director of firearms manufacturing, to come and request an audience.

Ibrahim put down the documents and immediately summoned the unfamiliar Italian. Previously, the reports and instructions of the firearms workshop were all uploaded through documents. There were almost no major issues that required the general counsel to meet in person and state them.

Your Majesty, I am here to meet with a few colleagues this time. Giovanni's attitude was very respectful. Seeing his posture, Ibrahim thought he had made some big mistake.

For this reason, he also quietly did some psychological construction for himself to avoid losing his composure in front of his ministers after hearing the news.

What is it that deserves your special visit? he asked doubtfully.

Your Majesty, it's like this...

Based on Giovanni's account, Ibrahim clarified what he wanted to say. To put it simply, some experts who have been employed for many years want to stop working for Ibrahim and return to their hometowns with the money they have saved over the years, hoping that the King of Kings will approve their departure from Iran.

Giovanni was noncommittal about these resigned craftsmen. In any case, he could not seek better treatment when he returned to Italy or Germany. The Governor of Venice and the German Caesar would not appoint him to manage the firearms craftsmen in the territory and formulate general management regulations for each workshop.

In order to dispel Ibrahim's doubts, Giovanni focused on the achievements they had made in training local apprentices, ensuring that even if these European experts left the firearms workshop, it could still operate normally and output would not decrease.

Today, in Safavid territory, large-scale firearms workshops are distributed in four places - Tabriz, Herat, Isfahan and Hormuz, employing a total of more than 2,000 Iranian craftsmen and apprentices.

The rapid expansion of the number of craftsmen has naturally led to an increase in production capacity. Tabriz alone can cast more than 400 gun barrels every month. Blacksmiths and carpenters can often make other parts in time, and the output of gun barrels is basically equivalent to Production of arquebuses.

However, in comparison, the output of Tabriz is entirely dependent on the number of craftsmen. The workshop in Isfahan sits directly on the river bank and uses water power for production to save manpower.

Since Ibrahim's army expansion plan is gradual, the expansion rate of the firearms force cannot keep up with the increase in production, and some firearms of various shapes have been accumulated in the warehouse.

After listening to Giovanni’s defense, Ibrahim did not embarrass those Italian experts who wanted to leave: “In this case, I have no reason or motive to embarrass these dedicated consultants. When you go back, list those who want to resign and leave. According to statistics, if I pay an extra season's salary, it will be regarded as travel expenses.

Ibrahim was not prepared at all for the consultant's sudden resignation. He didn't know how many more migrant workers he would encounter with such a personality. But at least there are only a few people leaving.

The King of Kings readily agreed, causing Giovanni to bow quickly: Thank you for your generosity. I will go back and inform them of your generosity.

Ibrahim then stared into Giovanni's eyes: Then what do you think? Mr. Director. I hope to always hire reliable and dedicated talents to work for me.

These words made the Italian tremble in his heart. He didn't know what Ibrahim wanted to express. Was it to warn him that he would force him to stay at all costs? Giovanni felt a little scared, and he replied as calmly as possible: You are the most generous employer I have ever encountered. I really can't think of a better place to be than under your rule. All the family property is now with me. Tabriz.”

Seeing Giovanni's reaction, Ibrahim felt that the other party seemed to have misunderstood something, so he comforted him: With your assurance, I feel relieved.

These words solidified Giovanni's misunderstanding, which made him feel quite conflicted. He was very happy that someone in power valued him so much, but such a controlling expression made him feel intimidated.

Then please help me persuade them. If they really want to leave, forget it.

Yes, Your Majesty. I will try my best. Giovanni looked very reluctant.

After speaking, Ibrahim did not keep Giovanni anymore and asked the eunuch to send him out of the palace.


Andrew, Shah has agreed to your request and will pay additional travel expenses. The money and identity documents will be issued to you soon.

The Italian, who was instructing the servants to pack their luggage, immediately put down what he was doing and walked over when he heard Giovanni's voice: This is really good news. I was still wondering when I could leave.

Seeing his excited face, Giovanni was a little puzzled: I don't understand why you want to give up this job.

I still want to die in the arms of God eventually, but before I return to Italy, I have to be a pilgrim, go to the Holy Land, and see the promised land in the scriptures that is ruled by pagans. Andrew looked like Already excited, Giovanni stopped trying to persuade him when he saw this, he could not force his friend to stay.

Then what are you going to do when you go back?

What else can I do? He shrugged and continued: Of course I will continue to forge cannons for employers who can afford the money. Thanks to the generosity of the pagan monarch, I think I can open a small workshop in my hometown and work alone. ”

Giovanni nodded. He could now enjoy the service of multiple slaves, both male and female, and looked no different from the senior bureaucrats who served in the palace. The counselors who came with him had all lived in Tabriz for many years, and some had even considered converting.

After a few years, the Western European craftsmen who came to Iran basically divided into two groups. Some of them were like Giovanni. They felt that their original living environment was not worthy of nostalgia, so they simply turned this place into the starting point of the second phase of their lives. The most extreme ones even Convert to Shiism.

The other group just plans to work for a few years and leave after receiving a satisfactory salary. Even if the transportation cost is high, they insist on returning to their hometown or working elsewhere.

But after all, even if they resign collectively, they will not destroy the results achieved in previous years. Ibrahim quickly put the matter behind him.

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