The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 52 Raid on the Uzbek Camp

The four regiments that Ibrahim handed over to Ismail were all red-headed, which was exactly one-tenth of the Uzbek army. They rushed quickly and lightly to the vicinity of Samarkand.

As vanguards, their main task is to conduct armed reconnaissance and ensure the safe deployment of follow-up troops.

In order to gain a detailed understanding of the situation, Ismail first led his own troops to conduct a reconnaissance to gain a general understanding of the current size and deployment of the Uzbek army, and found that the enemy had not responded accordingly to his arrival.

Now, although the Yue Jibie army is much more numerous than our army. Facing the four thousand captains, Ismail first pointed to the camps on the outskirts of Samarkand in the distance: But they are still scattered among the various siege camps. Yes, the camp in the north of the city is where the sweat tent is and has the largest concentration of troops, but the camp in the southeast of the city is too far away.

At the same time, during the march, Uzbek scouts responsible for monitoring the main roads had discovered this forward force. Although he sent men to hunt down the scouts, some managed to escape back to camp.

After such an analysis, they need to take the initiative to attack before the Uzbek army is ready. The only target that can be attacked is the part of the Uzbek army that confronts the defenders on the west side. It happens that that is not the main attack direction and there are not many people and horses. It is the blockade line. of weaknesses.

I plan to attack the Moon Army from here. With Huda's blessing, we will definitely be able to break the chains of Shabani Khan in Samarkand. After some thought, Ismail chose the most conservative and safe plan. .

At first he thought about marching the entire army directly into the Khan's tent, and personally charging into the core formation to kill Shaybani Khan, but even he himself thought this idea was too outrageous, and Ibrahim advised him not to It was too reckless, so I had to restrain myself.

The troops took a brief rest, allowing the soldiers and horses to regain their strength and check their equipment to get ready. Ismail did not waste much time before gathering the red heads again.

Four thousand horsemen gathered together and rushed towards the nearest Uzbek army camp with Mirza's flag. The stationed sentries were the first to notice, but it was too late. The Safavid army's surprise attack did not provide enough time for the assembly. .

Arrows were like rain, hitting the unprepared enemies, and then they witnessed the iron hooves crossing the low fence outside the camp, bypassing the horses and rushing in front of them.

The Uzbeks were in chaos and started a melee with the red heads who came in the complex camp. The chaos soon spread to the entire camp, and the situation was out of control.

Ismail was the first to rush into the center of the camp. The Uzbek Sultan who was in charge of commanding this army failed to save the army, but consolidated the security of the military tent through his own soldiers.

Compared with the soldiers outside who were almost unorganized and spontaneously resisting, these gathered soldiers were much harder to chew. Moreover, there were nearly a hundred soldiers guarding the Sultan, and there were only more than twenty who rushed here with Ismail. A personal soldier.

You little brat who doesn't know how to live or die, how can he challenge the authority of King Khan with just this? The Sultan saw that Ismail dared to outnumber the crowd and was young, so he couldn't help but taunted him, but the Iranians on the other side couldn't listen. I knew what he was talking about, but I could only tell that it was provocation from his expression.

For him, there is no need to defeat the enemy now. He only needs to wait until the reinforcements sent by the Khan arrive to surround and kill all the bold enemy troops.

Ismail did not rush in and kill first, but shot inward with a bow and arrow first. Several soldiers around the Sultan were immediately hit by arrows, and dozens of arrows followed one after another, disrupting the formation of the crowd.

Seeing that the enemy was in disarray, Ismail planned to ride his horse directly into the crowd. More than 20 horsemen immediately rushed into the crowd. He easily rushed to the Sultan to fight with him.

The Sultan first dodged the lance that was thrust towards him, and then watched as several soldiers who tried to approach Mirza from the left and right to pull him off his horse were killed with one blow. Others did not dare to approach after seeing this. Just when he was about to run away, he suddenly felt severe pain in his thigh. Looking down, his right leg had been penetrated by an arrow.

Naturally, a limping man could not outrun a war horse. Ismail immediately captured him. The Sultan could not resist at all, so he could only let Ismail tie him up like an animal, and then he was killed along with his mount. Take away.

As time went by, the situation of this Uzbek army became more and more unfavorable. There were fewer and fewer resisters on the periphery, and the red heads began to move closer to the center. As a result, the Sudanese soldiers had to deal with more than just these twenty fierce men. ride.

Seeing that their master was captured, the soldiers immediately lost their will to resist, and the weakest siege camp was destroyed by him. Find Shuyuan

The Safavid army wasted no time in searching for loot. After burning as many tents, baggage, and equipment as possible in the camp and executing the wounded and unimportant prisoners of war, they withdrew outside the reconnaissance of the Western Uzbek army before reinforcements arrived.

The reinforcements coming from the sweat tent could only see dead bodies and ruins everywhere and enemy troops running away in the distance, especially Ismail's flag - the conspicuous golden sun flag with a green background. They did not pursue him, but reported these reports to Shaibani Khan.

Returning to the temporary camp, the sentry who stayed behind reported that no scouts had discovered this place, which reassured Ismail. He then arranged for a messenger to report today's battle situation to Ibrahim, who was still one day away from here, and began to interrogate him. captive.


Shaibani Khan glared at everyone present in the sweat tent: As soon as the scout told me that the enemy was coming, the more than two thousand horses on the back were destroyed. Less than half of the people and horses escaped, and the Sultan was gone. What does this mean? thing?

Seeing that everyone was silent, he continued: Of course, this is not the responsibility of any of you. It is because I did not expect the enemy to arrive so quickly and launch an attack. Tell me what to do now.

Several bold sultans spoke one after another, and their opinions were very consistent with Shaibani Khan - to gather the siege troops scattered around the city to fight against the enemy reinforcements coming from the west.

In this case, let me crush these heretics under the city of Samarkand. I will not allow anyone to ruin this holy war because of cowardice. Shabani Khan glanced at everyone, and the sultans expressed their efforts to fight.

Just at this time, the last group of troops came to Samarkand to join him, just in time to make up for the losses. He immediately decided to leave 5,000 men to monitor the city's defenders, gather all the remaining soldiers and horses, and send scouts westward to collect intelligence.

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