The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 38 It was obviously me who came first

Why are the Persians here too? Kansu Gauri rubbed his forehead tiredly. This was already the third batch of envoys who came to Cairo to request an audience with him. He could clearly feel the energy used to deal with foreign affairs. And more time is spent.

The first people to negotiate with him were undoubtedly the Venetians. Sanudo, the Venetian ambassador stationed in Cairo, had already had many friendly negotiations with him, and the two parties were progressing smoothly.

But it was not just the Venetians who rushed to Cairo after smelling the smell. Bayezid also sent envoys to Cairo to meet with Malik after learning that the Portuguese were doing evil in the Indian Ocean.

As soon as the Ottoman envoy met, he asked Malik with concern whether he could ensure the safety of the holy place and the pilgrimage route. For a time, Kansu Gauri thought that Osman Padisha was deliberately trying to disgust him. In diplomatic situations, however, he resisted the urge to punish the envoy severely and patiently replied why the Holy Land could only be kept safe under Cairo's tutelage.

But what he didn't expect was that Bayezid stretched out not a sword to the Mamluks this time, but a helping hand. The Ottoman envoy immediately expressed the Padishah's willingness to provide assistance to the Mamluks - including giving firearms and providing advisors for teaching.

In the Eastern Mediterranean, Venice and the Ottomans are both top naval powers. Both countries are capable of providing relevant assistance to the Mamluks. The only question he needs to consider is - what are the intentions of the Ottomans?

Kansu Gauri thought about it for a while, what else can the Mamluks do if they don’t have firearms and don’t have firearms? They don’t have warships. Since someone is willing to send these things that he lacks, then just accept them.

Following Venice and the Ottomans, the waiter then notified the Safavids to send envoys to request an audience. At this time, Kansu Gauri had truly realized the international status of the Mamluks. Is this the value of the most powerful country in the world with many auras such as Crusader Destroyer, Mongolian Resistance, and Holy Land Guardian?

The Safavid envoy did not wait long before he was ushered into the hall by a waiter to meet Malik. After bowing respectfully, he explained his purpose: Honorable Guardian of the Holy Land, Malik of Egypt and Syria, the foreign minister is here to pay homage to the Shah. Hezhi Ming, I hope to discuss with you issues related to the two countries and even all Muslims.

In Kansu Gauri's view, the words spoken by the messenger were alarmist, and he did not believe that anyone could harm the future of all Muslims at this time. Malik simply replied: What kind of important matter deserves your country to be so worried? Please explain it.

Your Majesty controls the Red Sea trade and pilgrimage routes, and you must have heard about the Frankish pirates raging in the Indian Ocean. Their existence is a serious threat to the Holy Land and all Muslims traveling to and from the Holy Land. The messenger then vented to Kansu Gauri. All kinds of threat theories prepared in advance tried their best to exaggerate the dangerous and tense atmosphere to everyone present, just short of directly saying You are about to be in disaster!

Kansu Gauri has heard such clichés for the third time, which makes him a little tired, but it also reflects the current situation of the Mamluks from the side. He must be careful to deal with the problem of Portuguese pirates. This is to maintain hegemony. necessary measures.

I am already aware of this matter. It is related to the safety of the Holy Land, so I will not neglect it. So what is your country's opinion on this situation? Kansu Gaoli asked.

The envoy took out the document and handed it to Malik's attendant: Your Majesty, our country, like your country, is in danger of being attacked by these pirates in its coastal areas. For this reason, the King of Kings hopes to cooperate sincerely with Malik. Defeat these invading enemies.

Kansu Gauri patiently read these words. The conditions proposed by Ibrahim were that the two countries should form an alliance to ensure each other's security and jointly deal with the common enemy.

After that, Ibrahim reiterated the rights of passage and trade agreement, hoping that the new Mamluk Sultan could continue to maintain friendly relations with the Safavids.

He handed the document to the attendant and said to the envoy: The Shah of your country is a wise monarch and a friendly monarch. I generally agree with the proposal he made.

The foreign minister is very grateful for your majesty's generosity. Seeing that the most important diplomatic task was successfully completed in this way, the envoy saluted Kansu Gauri again to express his respect, and then handed over a form.

Kansu Gauri glanced at it and saw that there were a lot of properties registered inside, but these were not gifts to him, but donations to Mecca. As for why the donation had to go through Cairo, Malik had to be informed, or it was because Ibrahim was worried that Malik would be offended by directly bypassing Cairo and contacting Sharif in Mecca.

It seems that Ibrahim still knows the rules. Kansu Gaoli silently added to Ibrahim's impression. Find Shuyuan

Malik negotiated with the envoy again, learned a lot of information about Safawi, and then asked the envoy to leave, ending the interview. And take advantage of the rest time to digest the large amount of information received during the day.


Although a few weeks had passed since Ibrahim issued the order when the Safavid envoy arrived in Cairo, the Venetian envoys and the Ottoman envoys had not yet left, so the arrival of the Persians could not be hidden from them.

Although there was no communication between the two parties, they both had a rough idea of ​​the other party's intention. They felt that the purpose of the Safavid mission was similar to theirs.

But then, the development of the situation caused the two envoys to break their defenses. First of all, the envoy's first audience took much longer than the meeting with the Venetian and Ottoman envoys.

They didn't know what was specifically discussed in Saladin's castle, but they just wondered why the new sultan valued the Persians so much. Could it be that he is also a secret Shiite or a follower of Sufism?

Of course, this is overthinking. After all, the Mamluks have been dealing with Venice and the Ottomans for many years, and Saladin Castle has a better understanding of the conditions of these two countries. Ibrahim's rapid rise aroused his curiosity, and he spent a lot of time learning about this new dynasty that ruled Iran.

After the first reception, Kansu Ghauri hosted several banquets for the Safavid envoys and publicly praised Ibrahim’s generosity: “Shah Khan Shah’s donation to Mecca showed his devotion to God. Faithful and may Allah bless his soul.”

Sanudo felt very strange about this: Why did the Sudan suddenly become so intimate with the Persians? It was obviously the Republic that first made peace with the Sudan...

In short, the Safavid envoy continued to seek to improve relations under the vigilant eyes of the other two parties.

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