The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 36 Ismail who first entered the military camp

In an open area in the forest, Ibrahim held a matchlock gun in both hands and carefully aimed at the prey flickering in the woods and shrubs not far away. However, he took aim for half a minute without pulling the trigger. A match rope on a serpentine pole ignites the primer in the charge pool.

Brother, you've been aiming this gun for a long time. If you don't want to shoot this prey, can you give it to me? Ismail, who was on the side, looked at the only remaining target and was a little eager to try. He had already started. The bow is drawn and the arrow is ready.

After saying that, a gunshot suddenly rang out, but it did not hit the big insect in the distance. The alarmed tiger moved quickly, but it was not faster than the arrow shot by Ismail.

Ibrahim silently put the matchlock back into the saddle, and Ismail said beside him: It seems that, at least when hunting, bows and arrows have more advantages than gunpowder.

Ismail's ideas have not changed much. He still insists that cold weapons are the best weapons for warriors, and horses and lances are the key to victory. For this reason, he repeatedly asked Ibrahim to compete with musketeers to prove the superiority of bows and arrows over matchlocks.

Ibrahim ignored these similar requests and continued to allocate more funds to firearms workshops and standing armies.

The attendant immediately stepped forward to check on the big insect that had been hit by the arrow. After confirming its death, he did not dispose of the prey on the spot, but dragged it back to the temporary camp with the two brothers.

On the way back to the camp, Ibrahim chatted: Speaking of which, how are you and that little girl from the Mosiru tribe? It's such a blessing to find a like-minded spouse. You are much luckier than me in this regard.

So, you and Shahbanu... Ismail turned to face Ibrahim and caught his last exclamation and asked.

No, it's just that we didn't know each other at all before we slept in the same bed. It's have to open a box that doesn't know what it contains. It's all because of Huda's kindness that I can have a satisfying one. wife.

Ibrahim then continued to throw the question back to Ismail: So, is it better for me to hold your wedding this year or next year?

Any time. Ismail felt that this question was a bit strange. After all, he and Tajiru were originally in love. His father-in-law also gave his daughter to him directly. He felt that the procedure could be completed now.

But Ibrahim still delayed it for a while intentionally or unintentionally. After all, he felt that no matter how fast the progress of the two of them was, it would take time, and they were still a little young.

Well, as the most noble Mirza in the world, nothing about you can be ignored. Ibrahim thought thoughtfully, ignoring that Ismail was his only living brother.

The two brothers continued discussing the minutiae of the subject on horseback until they reached the makeshift camp. Servants brought the drinks and food prepared in advance to them.

Speaking of it. While resting in the camp, Ismail suddenly asked as the excitement of killing gradually faded: Why do you suddenly want to take me out to play alone? I remember, you were alone with me Everyone together urged me to learn this and that.”

Of course, there was no dissatisfaction in his tone, just out of curiosity. After all, in his impression, Ibrahim rarely invited others to go out for entertainment alone, and the time he spent in the palace every week was obviously more than the time he went out.

Why, isn't it normal for brothers to go out to play together? Ibrahim, who was enjoying game, turned slightly to look at Ismail.

Ismail looked at Ibrahim's unnatural look, and thought of his abnormal behavior today, and he became more and more sure. He moved his buttocks to close the distance between him and Ibrahim, and then said, Don't hide it from me. I think you have something to tell me, right?

Ibrahim looked at his younger brother's handsome face so close. It was difficult for him to extinguish his evil desire for the boy after having played with the tributes, so he looked away slightly, looking a little coy: Well, yes, but mainly I still I want to be with you, after all, I have been staying in the military camp in the past...

Recently, I received a report of a tribal rebellion in Afghanistan. The war there is neither tense nor dangerous. You are almost sixteen now. As Mirza, it is time to contribute to the family business. Ibra Xin confessed all his plans to his brother.

So what does this mean to Ismail? The official position and trophies mentioned by Ibrahim were secondary to him. Dedicating himself to Huda through these adventures and becoming a contemporary legend comparable to legends was the most attractive.

Then. Ismail suddenly stood up and saluted Ibrahim like those senior officers: My brother will definitely give you the glory of victory for your generosity.

Ibrahim ignored this scene, which he felt was a little too good, and continued to add: The regiment of Friends of Shah was specially allocated to you by me. Use it well together with your soldiers, don't waste it.

He wanted to say something more, but Ismail immediately got on his horse and said, These troops must have gathered in the camp. Now I want to see the soldiers and horses under my command, as well as the emir in charge of this battle. .”

Okay, okay, let's go now. Ibrahim ordered his attendants to pack up the camp and the loot, and ran with Ismail to the military camp outside Tabriz.

When they arrived, these soldiers had just completed their daily drills and were resting in the camp. The officers did not expect that the King of Kings would suddenly come to inspect. The trumpets and drums sounded again, and Abdul Le and the captains saluted Ibrahim at the gate of the camp.

To the most powerful King of Kings in the world, your loyal sword is ready to chop your enemies into pieces for you and Huda.

Ibrahim and Ismail dismounted after receiving the salute: I am here this time, firstly, to check your combat readiness. I will bring you the roster and logistics documents later.

He then put his hand on Ismail's shoulder: This is my brother, the distinguished Mirza Ismail. I intend to appoint him as your lieutenant general. Find Shuyuan Abu Dürer.”

Abdul looked at Ismail, who had not yet had time to change out of his hunting clothes. His face was somewhat similar to that of Ibrahim - his hair was also brownish-red and his skin was fair. But his face is obviously more handsome, and he is not as tall as Shah, but he has a well-proportioned figure and does not look thin, while Ibrahim is bloated. My beard is not thick because of my age.

Until this could be a boost, Abdul silently thought about how to please Mirza. He planned to treat Ismail respectfully, but Ibrahim was still there. He didn't know whether it would be okay to lick someone else in front of him. It would displease the Shah.

After all, his ultimate goal is to gain Ibrahim's favor and rise to the top. Ismail's recommendation is just a convenient shortcut, but it cannot be penny wise and pound foolish.

He then welcomed the two of them into the military camp and gave a general explanation of the status of the army in the camp. Ibrahim only responded with um, ah throughout the process. Only Ismail kept asking questions, and Abdul and the military supplies The officials, clerks, etc. answered patiently one by one.

His Royal Highness is very enthusiastic about military affairs. He knows more military knowledge than Chen imagined and has enough wisdom to understand it. While Ismail walked out of the camp first to check on the soldiers in the camp, Abdul asked Yi Brahim revealed his feelings about Ismail, and his initial vague worries disappeared.

Seeing that the general did not reject this deputy who was directly airborne, Ibrahim's worries disappeared. After all, prejudice will expand the discord between generals, and discord between generals may ruin an army.

Finally, Ibrahim and Abdul determined the departure time and other combat plans, and then he left the military camp, leaving Ismail to handle his affairs in the military. At this point, he felt like a parent sending his child to a boarding school.

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