The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 33 Calicut Commission

The chain reaction caused by the anomalies in the Indian Ocean trade has been transmitted to Iscandaria. The Venetians, who have been paying close attention to Portugal's voyages, obtained the latest information about the security of the Indian Ocean through various channels.

Information about Vasco da Gama's open hostile activities in the Indian Ocean made Leonardo Loredan, the new governor who took office last year, and his advisers and commissioners tremble with fear. Portugal's two previous voyages had already caused damage to the spice trade in Venice. caused damage.

The number of spices brought back to Venice by merchant ships going to Iscandaria was significantly reduced. In stark contrast, the Lisbon market was prosperous. Many merchants who originally came to Venice turned to Lisbon, and some famous Italian and German banks The bank announced the opening of a branch in Lisbon, which further enhanced Lisbon’s trade status.

In this regard, in order to prevent further damage to the foundation of Venice, the Governor and the Committee of Ten unanimously decided to set up the Calicut Committee at the end of the year to deal with this issue. In addition to local representatives, the core members also included representatives of the Republic in the East. All senior diplomats.

After the committee was established, it immediately held its first meeting under the chairmanship of the Governor. This meeting first summarized all the news they knew about India, including the most basic geographical and political information along the Indian Ocean coast and recent wars.

Based on the available information, we can know that the Portuguese fought continuously in the Indian Ocean, and the monarchs along the coast were no match for them, and some even took the initiative to court them.

“So how can we fight the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean?”

Obviously, the Venetian navy could neither enter the Indian Ocean nor attack the Portuguese mainland. Considering the international reputation, the plan of direct military confrontation was rejected from the beginning.

The next way out is to find nearby allies who are capable of solving the problem, and there happens to be a big country deeply tied to Venice who can help - the Mamluks.

While Vasco da Gama repelled Zamorin's night attack, Sanudo, the Venetian ambassador in Cairo, was ordered to secretly negotiate a solution to the problem with Saladin's castle.

For the Republic of Venice, this diplomatic action needs to be cautious and secretive, because they are helping pagans against their Christian compatriots. If it is leaked, it will become the biggest scandal in the entire Christian world.

Sanudo was lightly dressed and did not bring any servants or extra gifts to request an audience with Malik. At this time, the Mamluk political situation was gradually stabilizing. Sitting firmly in Saladin's castle was Ashraf Ashraf, who also held supreme power last year. Kansu Gauri.

Kansu Gauri had other matters to deal with at this time, including dealing with the opposition within the palace, dealing with the civil unrest caused by the tax increase, and the Bedouin tribes that had lost control during the previous chaotic period.

However, the Venetian envoy was still led into the hall by his attendants to talk to Malik. He saluted the slightly older Cansu Gauri and said: Dear Malik, the foreign minister came here to request an audience this time. I have been ordered to secretly tell you some news that you must know, so I failed to prepare a suitable gift for you, and I hope your Majesty will forgive me.

Kansu Gauri saw that the seriousness and nervousness on Sanudo's face did not seem to be fake, so he became more serious: What exactly happened? Ambassador, please tell me quickly.

Sanudo told Malik all the information he knew in detail, and Cansu Gauri exclaimed: The Franks appeared in the Indian Ocean? Is there no limit to their boldness?

The Venetian envoy then continued to exaggerate the threat of the Portuguese: What is clear now is that the Portuguese's goal is to control trade. In this way, the trading rights in the Red Sea no longer belong to you. What will happen next, you should compare it with foreign affairs. I know better.

Malik immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. The Mamluks were in great financial difficulty at this time. Kansu Gauri would rather suppress the uprising than raise taxes on the whole society to fill the hole. If something goes wrong with trade tariffs, the increase The financial pressure that Saladin Castle simply cannot bear.

After providing the relevant background, Sanudo then negotiated with Cansu Gauri. He first asked Malik to lower the tariff - a completely unpalatable proposal that only benefited Venice.

Cansu Gauri frowned at Sanudo, who had no interest in this proposal that would not provide financial benefits. At the same time, as the guardian of the Holy Land, he needs to pay attention to security issues. If the Portuguese fleet can sail across the Indian Ocean, it seems that it will not be difficult to enter the Red Sea and threaten Mecca.

It is not only the Holy Land itself that needs to be protected, but also the pilgrims and the pilgrim routes that overlap with the commercial routes. Defending the Holy Land and the pilgrims is to protect the legitimacy of his rule and international reputation, and to defend the commercial routes is to protect his pocketbook.

This made Kansu Gauri even more troubled. The Mamluks had no water power at their disposal in the Red Sea. If they just strengthened the defense of the Holy Land, they could still rely on local forces, but the importance of Red Sea trade and the Hajj route was not as important to him. Holy land is light.

Your Majesty the Messenger, it is my unshirkable responsibility to protect the safety of the Red Sea and the Holy Land. But now it is difficult to achieve anything by relying on our country alone. I am not afraid of the messenger's jokes. Our navy is no match for your country. If your country is really worried Red Sea commerce, then I would like to ask what your country can offer.”

Kansu Gauri's speech made Sanudo think quickly, what kind of assistance did the Mamluks need? Is it financial or other help?

Although he did not receive authorization or instructions, he still planned to discuss this issue with Malik. After all, asking for instructions from the local government first would waste a lot of time. If a plan acceptable to both parties could be drawn up in advance, the crisis could be resolved earlier.

Your Majesty, the Republic can provide you with everything you need to build a fleet - raw materials, craftsmen and armaments. If you need financial support to maintain the fleet, it can also help you contact bankers...

The interview ended in a pleasant atmosphere. Cansu Gauri did not agree to any of the conditions of the Venetian envoy in person. He just excused himself and said that there were other important matters that needed to be dealt with at the moment, but he also knew that-especially after the Miri incident spread. After opening - he had to solve the problem of Portuguese pirates.

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