The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 23 Diplomatic Countermeasures against Selim

When Heraclius arrived at Poti with his army, he knew that he had arrived too late - the city walls were damaged, and the city was filled with smoke and devastation. This one of the important ports in his jurisdiction had been abandoned due to looting and massacre by the Ottoman army, and countless wealth had been plundered.

When he entered the largest church in the city, the Georgians present were outraged. Selim did spend a lot of effort to dismantle the landmark buildings in the city. The clergy of each church were killed and the bodies were randomly piled in the open space next to the altar.

As if to deliberately humiliate, Selim even left a military flag and planted it in the most conspicuous place in the city. Everyone could see the star-and-moon flag representing the Ottomans and knew what it represented.

Caution quickly took over Heraclius's mind. He originally thought that this was the work of a rebellious tribe that despised authority, and he hoped to solve the problem by force.

But this obviously didn't work for Osman. After he knew the enemy he was facing, he quickly ordered his army to return to Kutaisi to gather with the troops who were still gathering to prevent possible surprise attacks and ambush.

Even this is not enough...


Alas. Ibrahim put down the report sent by Heraclius, put his right hand on the table and supported his forehead, with a sad look on his face.

The sudden bad news of losing two cities at once really caught Ibrahim off guard. Heraclius specifically mentioned the Ottoman flags left in the ruins of the city and the descriptions of the army by survivors of the massacre. In order to prove the report's claims, the messenger The Ottoman flag left in Poti was also delivered together with the report.

This information can basically help Ibrahim determine the initiator of the attack-it can only be said that Selim, the prince governor of Trabzon Province. And it was probably a solo operation without telling Kostantinier.

The Grand Vizier, Grand Emir, Foreign Affairs Vizier and Military Vizier, who were summoned urgently, hurried to the study and happened to see the King of Kings looking frowning. In addition, the vizier who was urgently notified to come to the meeting was the most important, so they subconsciously judged that they were in trouble.

Dear viziers, the news has just been sent from Tbilisi. The two cities of Batumi and Poti and the surrounding villages have been attacked shamefully and not tolerated by Huda. The attackers have caused tragic events. Massacre, almost leveling the place. Ibrahim solemnly told the four viziers what Heraclius had reported.

The King of Kings was not in the mood to play guessing games at this time, and he immediately expressed his judgment: According to the report from the Governor of Georgia, this attack can basically be determined to be carried out by the Ottoman army, and the messenger also brought back some Items proving identity were found in Poti and Batumi, which were in ruins.”

Your Majesty, are you really sure that this was done by the Padishah of Roma? The great emir was very shocked.

Ibrahim shook his head: No, it's not Bayezid. This Padisha who will only stay in Kostantiniya has no such intention. It's his son, Selim, who is extremely hostile to orthodox beliefs. Bu Zong’s master.”

The four viziers were still thinking, what's the difference? Could it be said that this military action is just the prince's personal thoughts and actions?

The Great Emir immediately suggested: Your Majesty, I suggest that you immediately assemble troops on standby to prepare for the possible expansion of the conflict in the future, and at the same time order Ustaji Khan and Gerkin Khan to send more scouts and plundering troops deep into the enemy's territory. At the same time, we must send an envoy to Kostantiniya to solemnly protest to Padishah and ask him to restrain the prince’s hostile behavior towards you, otherwise it will be regarded as a formal war between the two countries!”

This tough countermeasure immediately won the approval of the other three viziers. The foreign affairs vizier also suggested: Perhaps, another envoy can be arranged to go to Trabzon to contact Selim?

Ibrahim immediately rejected it: I have nothing to discuss with this person.

Assad, this matter must not and cannot be dealt with privately. We can only inform the high officials of the true situation and let Padishah restrain the prince. The Grand Emir also opposed the proposal of the Foreign Vizier.

Seeing that the two heavyweights rejected it, he had no choice but to put away the proposal. Find bookstore

The military vizier continued to ask: Your Majesty, how much military supplies should I raise? Should I just use reserves or requisition as much materials as possible to supply the army.

Ibrahim was still hesitating, what should he do if a fight really broke out? Whether politically, militarily or financially, he was not ready for a full-scale confrontation with the Ottomans.

In other words, even if Bayezid deliberately humiliated or even detained and executed the envoy, he could only endure it temporarily, and then send troops to expel Selim, who invaded the Transcaucasus without authorization or under instructions.

Even if Selim is captured or killed, will he be able to get any advantage from Bayezid due to lack of preparation and strength?

Unknowingly, Ibrahim felt deeply uneasy in his heart. He was not the confident and arrogant Ismail. He thought he knew the rank of Osman in this period.

If there is really going to be a war, then we have to contact foreign aid now. The first person I can contact is...the Venetian. But he had just declined Venice's request before. Wouldn't it be too clownish to go to Francesco to convey his attitude now?

And can the Venetians and even the entire Christian world give him any practical help? As for the Franks who came to Iran to help the Shah build ships and cannons? Don't say anything that undermines the majesty of the monarch.

In short, this matter must be kept secret first. No one else can know that the Ottomans invaded our territory, especially the Venetian ambassador. The size of the mission should not be too large, but it should not be made so that the Ottomans feel that I disrespectfully despise him. At the same time, in Kurdistan and the Caucasus to prepare counterattacks in response to possible subsequent invasions. After the discussion of specific measures, Ibrahim finally concluded the meeting.

Yes, Your Majesty. The viziers all agreed to Ibrahim.

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