The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 132 Shabani Khan’s First Experience of Defeat

Afshar Khan fled all the way, and Shaibani Khan chased all the way. Under the hurry and slow pursuit of the two armies, after a chase, they entered the battlefield chosen by Ibrahim. As long as Shaibani Khan chose to Fighting here, his artillery can fire at the Uzbeks under the cover of fortifications.

As early as the battle, Afshar Khan sent a personal soldier back to inform Ibrahim, which gave him time to prepare in advance. The Safavid army used this time to complete the deployment of the military formation.

Your Majesty, a group of riders appeared in the distance.

Ibrahim, who was waiting under the umbrella, saw the scout kneeling in front of him, making a report. He followed the scout's instructions and looked far ahead. Without the aid of a telescope, he still used his excellent eyesight to identify who the tired riders belonged to.

This is... Rorum Khan was still confused, and Ibrahim interrupted the others who were still observing: Those are Afshar Khan's men. They will retreat, indicating that there is a large army behind them. . Pass the order and let all ministries prepare to meet the enemy.

Yes. The heralds quickly rode forward to deliver the order.

The troops brought back by Afshar Khan were organized into reserves. They experienced a battle and retreat, which consumed a lot of physical strength - especially the horses.

The banners of the Safavid army covered the sky, which was so eye-catching that Shabani Khan was confused. He thought he was ambushed at first, but the terrain was flat and open, and the formation was a majestic formation. He did not hide nearby and rush out.

Stop first!

Shaibani Khan felt something was wrong, so he urgently stopped the advancing army and asked them to form a military formation. Then he began to observe the Safavid army's military formation.

Based on the width of the military formation and the number of military flags, he guessed that the enemy in front of him was equal in number to him, but this was an underestimation, after all, he could not observe the depth of the enemy's army.

While Shaibani Khan was still hesitating, the Safavid army's field artillery opened fire. The gunners measured the distance, adjusted the elevation angle and the amount of charge, and then ignited the fire. Artillery shells hit the Uzbek army's formation one after another. Although they didn't hit many, they still gave Shaibani Khan a little bit of Persian shock.

Shaibani Khan's face turned dark. Although he didn't know what it was, since the enemy had the ability to strike at super long distances and he didn't, his only options were to attack and retreat. .

For him, is there any need to think about it?

The Uzbek army soon began to launch a full-scale attack. The Safavid artillery increased its reloading speed as much as possible to attack the Uzbek cavalry. But the time was too short, and they only shot twice in total before officially engaging the enemy.

Seeing the enemy's full-scale attack, Ibrahim first ordered the red-headed troops deployed on both wings to flank the Uzbek army on both flanks. The number of these red heads alone is equivalent to the number of troops brought by Shabani Khan, which prevents the Uzbek army from launching a strong impact on the Chinese army.

The two armies were in a stalemate like this, and Shaibani Khan felt bad. All his strength was being held back. Only then could he be sure that the enemy had a numerical advantage.

It was the same for Ibrahim. Only then did he know that the Uzbek army on the battlefield was all Shaibani Khan's men. Uzbek Khan still rushed in without waiting for more troops to join. Ibrahim commented on Shaibani Khan to Afshar Khan and Talish Khan standing aside.

At this time, Rorum Khan and Abdul were in charge of commanding the two wings of cavalry respectively, and Kehobad was in charge of mobilizing the troops in the center. Together with the King of Kings who was watching the battle under the umbrella, they were the two people in charge of the rearguard.

Send the order to Kehobard and ask him to command the arquebuses and camel cannons to attack actively. The order was immediately conveyed to the military formations in front through the command flag, and the firearms troops originally deployed in front of the trench quickly moved forward.

The energy of the Uzbek cavalry was entirely used to fight against the red heads attacking from both sides. Just when the two sides could not tell the winner and could only compete for endurance, the sound of matchlock firing was like thunder hitting the battlefield.

The deployment of arquebusiers and camel cannons formally formed a battlefield situation in which the two wings flanked and attacked, and the Chinese army faced off and fired. However, it was basically a unilateral output.

The sudden huge casualties severely damaged the morale of the Uzbek army. The officers asked Shaibani Khan to order a retreat. Naturally, he saw that his army was in decline.

Shaibani Khan just said no to these requests one after another. After all, the troops were already entangled with the enemy. To order a retreat in such chaotic circumstances would be to kill the enemy. Even though the Safavid army, which was previously responsible for luring the enemy, organized an orderly retreat, the Uzbek army still cut off many red-headed heads and gained a lot.

The continuous shooting of matchlock guns created a large death zone in the center of the battlefield. Many shooters who had just come out of the school field were very excited about this advantageous situation and their morale was high.

A group of Uzbek cavalry wanted to break the situation of being harvested by the enemy. They simply ignored the red heads on the side and rode directly towards the infantry formations. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Continuous fire from arquebuses and camel cannons caused most of the cavalry to fall off their horses and die. Only a few people rushed in front of the arquebusiers.

Ibrahim did not ignore the close combat problems of these shooters and equipped them with breastplates and sabers. Due to the weight and military expenses, there was no additional protection.

Huda protects you, kill Guangyue and others!

They immediately drew out their daggers and slashed at the enemy. Several Uzbek cavalrymen could not even make splashes under the formation, and they all died under the sword. The arquebusiers suffered little losses, with only a dozen wounded and no one killed.

The Uzbek army gradually collapsed under these three blows. The Uzbek army gradually collapsed under these three blows. The red heads successfully advanced to the center of the battlefield. It was impossible for them to make a comeback.

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Shaibani Khan quickly called on all the sultans to retreat under the cover of their personal guards. He did not dare to go to Bukhara, so he had to take the troops still in Samarkand and run all the way back to Syr. North of the river.

In the end, the fierce battle turned into a massacre, and the Uzbek cavalry inevitably broke up. They either fled or surrendered, and almost none chose to continue fighting.

Different from the situation in the Guregani army where only the companions risked their lives and the others made up the numbers, the Uzbek army, both the companions and ordinary soldiers, advanced and retreated together on the battlefield, which opened Babur's eyes. But now it has become a matter of being killed, routed, or captured together.

Your Majesty, our army killed and captured over 10,000 enemy troops and captured thousands of armored weapons and weapons. Unfortunately, we did not catch the Uzbek Khan to show his head to the public. Those heretics should end up like this. General Kehobad initially said. The statistical results were handed over to Ibrahim.

The red heads are still driving prisoners of war to clean the battlefield and collect the corpses of their comrades, while the city of Bukhara in the distance does not yet know its fate.

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