The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 124 Interception and Raid

Ibrahim, who learned about the Battle of Kunduz, did not expect that Husslaw was scared away by him. In this case, how should Pilibey's contribution to the city be measured?

Moreover, after Huslao escaped, he did not organize a pursuit, but only sent scouts to follow and investigate. Ibrahim personally received the returning scouts and learned from them the current status of the Guregani army.

It's just that Husband ran very fast, and it would take some time for Ibrahim to send his cavalry to catch up and launch a surprise attack. He immediately stopped resting and asked Abdul to select his best cavalry to pursue immediately. Not to mention defeating Hus Lao, he also wanted to entangle the defeated army no matter what.

At the same time, he arranged to stay behind the troops. The army led by Piri suffered heavy losses in the storm, losing many Afghans and some red heads. Ibrahim simply asked them, together with the soldiers and horses brought by their vassals, to bear the task of maintaining order in the occupied areas.

When Piri received this order, he realized that the military exploits after the army set out had nothing to do with him, unless all the tribes in the mountains rebelled, and then he could cut off the heads of all the rebels and offer them to the King of Kings.

After the scout returned his report, he understood that his fault for delaying the fighter plane with Ibrahim was confirmed. Faced with this treatment, he had no objections.

Fortunately, he had slightly more soldiers and horses under his control than before, and they would not be idle. Huslao's territory, or the whole of Central Asia, was in chaos due to war and tyranny, leading to bandits running rampant. His next task was to use his elite troops to clear out all the banditry at the northern foot of the Hindu Kush Mountains.

Abdul acted quickly. After receiving the order, he selected three captains and asked them to gather troops to pursue Huslao with him. In order to rush for time, he did not spend time waiting and set off directly with his soldiers and the scouts who acted as guides.

Dozens of riders galloped along the road. After dozens of hours of pursuit, Abdul successfully crossed the Wahsh River and saw the huge team marching in the distance ahead.

However, he did not launch an attack rashly, and was still monitoring from a distance. At this time, the soldiers were fully armed and had been marching for nearly two days. They were already exhausted, and their number was small. If they could surprise an army of nearly 10,000 people under such circumstances, it would still be difficult. If you can defeat the enemy, you will really be a superman of Azerbaijan.

Fortunately, the three captains were not slow in their movements. They were not far away from Abdul. He only had to wait two to three hours to rendezvous with the main force.

Abdul was not worried that Hussites would take advantage of this time to run away from under his nose. It was already night, and the place was not far from Hisar. He judged that the mentality of the Guregani army was already quite relaxed. Burnout.

Before resting, he personally and several soldiers quietly went forward to investigate the camp where Huslao spent the night. He found that the Guregani army was currently focusing on a place of comfort. Perhaps because he felt that this place was not far from the reinforcements, he did not set up the camp carefully. There are basically no camp fortifications, sentries and patrols.

After taking a thorough look at the outside of the enemy camp, he quietly returned to the nearby temporary camp.

The soldiers were on alert and had not taken off their armor since setting off from Kunduz. They were tired and could not light a fire in order not to be exposed. They could only eat cold food to replenish energy during their rest time and rely on thin blankets to restore their energy.

Fortunately, there is drought in Central Asia, so there will not be a heavy rain that will make them miserable without a tent.

Master Bey. As soon as they returned to the camp, the soldiers handed Abdul the dry food and water bags, and the other two stepped forward to take care of his mount.

Although it was late at night, Abdul still did not feel sleepy at all. He still ordered: Everyone has a good rest. The main force will arrive in a while. There is not much time.

After being in a daze for more than two hours, Abdul finally waited for the soldiers who came to inform him: Sir, your troops have arrived, and they are waiting for your order.

Abdul did not hear the sound of horse hooves that could shake the heaven and earth. He was still a little confused about this, but he still went to receive the red heads of these three regiments under the leadership of his own soldiers.

In order to facilitate the reception of follow-up troops, he sent his soldiers in better condition to guide the main force farther south from the temporary camp. In order not to disturb Hus Lao in the distance, they chose to walk the last short distance with their horses.

Facing this intimidating force, Abdul was overjoyed: You didn't let everyone's military achievements be frightened and run away.

After saluting Abdul, the three captains asked: General, what are your next orders?

Abdul looked up at the sky. The moonlight was not very clear on the ground. It was difficult for the main force to take advantage of this light to travel, and the newly arrived red head was probably very tired.

Let the soldiers rest for a while, and prepare for the raid when the sky is almost dawn. You go and settle the troops first. I will explain the specific situation to you later. He ordered.

Then he found a place with a wide view to discuss matters with the captains.

Abdul first pointed to the obvious fire in the distance: That's the enemy's camp. Look for Shuyuan I went to conduct reconnaissance before you arrived. They were very lax and did not even set up basic sentries.

He added: It is late at night, but their camp is still very noisy, and there is no defense at all. However, our soldiers are still very tired, and it is unlikely that the enemy will suddenly break camp and march at night. I plan to break camp before dawn. What do you think about launching a surprise attack?

The three captains nodded and expressed no objection: Yes, General, we understand what you mean.


Huslao had just gotten up. At this time, the companions were still sleeping or doing their own things. Only the two guards guarding the tent served his master in time.

As soon as he put on his clothes, Burke, who was commanding the reinforcements, came to the big tent to ask for a meeting.

Emil, I have something to report to you. Burke went straight to the point without saluting.

Hu Si Lao was a little disapproving: What's the matter?

The sentry sent by me to explore the road disappeared. Then I sent another person and discovered that a group of people suddenly appeared nearby. Their camp was very simple and they were all fully armed. They were not good people. Burke was very vigilant. He hoped that Hu Si Lao would pay attention to this matter.

After saying this, Hu Si Lao was also a little suspicious. He knew that no caravan would take the initiative to approach him. He knew all about the stragglers in the territory. There could be no mercenary team that he didn't know about.

Could it be...

Hu Si Lao's idea became a reality, and the sudden sound of the trumpet made his pupils shrink.

Get your horses ready and go to Hisar! He shouted to his companions and Burke, mounted the horse at the fastest speed in his life, and rushed north quickly.

As soon as he escaped from the camp with Burke and a dozen companions, the red-headed iron hooves of his hind legs began to trample the Guregani army.

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