The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 110 Receive the Venetian Mission (Part 2)

Francesco and the entire delegation spent more than two weeks walking from Diyarbakir to Tabriz. Everyone was tired of the journey, but many of the attachés enjoyed it, and they were just like ordinary travelers. Observing this strange land everywhere.

After crossing the Zagros Mountains, the guides felt that there was no need to hide anymore. The red head who led the way put on the red hat again, and Francesco and others also changed back to their original clothes.

When they reached a short distance from Tabriz, a detachment of cavalry from the city stopped the mission. From the equipment and decorations on their bodies, it can be seen that they are the guards of the palace.

Are you the Frankish envoys?

I saw that the leading officer was dressed luxuriously. The mirror armor used to strengthen the torso protection was decorated with complex patterns. The helmet was inlaid with gems, and feathers were used to indicate the status. Belts, sabers, riding boots, war horses and utensils The attire is not comparable to that of the guide beside Francesco.

The guide on the side looked at Francesco: They are the guards of the palace. Different from the bow holders, they are usually composed of the descendants of tribal nobles. I was just asking you if you are the envoy of Venice.

Of course it is. Francesco gestured to the guide to answer in the affirmative.

After that, after the palace guards confirmed their identities, they continued: Mr. Messenger, our country is ready to entertain you in the palace. Next, we will lead the way and inform you of the etiquette you should know in advance.

A group of people followed this small group of cavalry and walked straight into the castle along the road. After arriving in the courtyard, the officer told Francesco: You wait here first. I will report to the palace first. Someone will come to entertain you. .

After saying that, he walked into the palace. The servants came over to help the Venetians unload their belongings and led the horses, mules and other pack animals to the castle stables for safekeeping.

After waiting for a while, several eunuchs came to inform: Come in, Your Majesty the Messenger, the viziers and Shah Bey Khanum are already waiting in the hall to receive you.

Shah Bey Khanum can be said to be Mira's official title. After all, Khanum is a title that can be used by all noble women. There is no need to add any words to distinguish how to highlight her nobility as the wife of the King of Kings. status?

As for the vizier, Francesco, who had served as both a consul and an attache to the mission to Cairo, knew about it. After all, this official title also existed in the Mamluk court. I just don’t know what the difference is between the vizier in the Safavid court and the Ottoman or Mamluk.

When the door opened, Francesco saw a hall full of people. There were dozens of guards at the door and on both sides, as well as various bureaucrats, nobles, and the most loyal servants - eunuchs.

The distinguished person sitting on the main seat is Mira, and in a smaller seat beside him is Ismail who is curiously observing the people present - attending diplomatic occasions should be considered a part of learning.

Francesco stepped forward and knelt down solemnly to Mira on the main seat: Dear Her Royal Highness the Queen, Foreign Minister Francesco salutes you and wishes the Lord to bless the noble King of Kings. May Yum and your country prosper until the Day of Judgment.”

After saying that, the eunuchs carried the big box brought by the Venetian envoy into the hall, moved it to the open space between Francesco and Mira, and then opened it carefully.

Please allow me to show you the gifts that the Republic has prepared for your country. After Francesco said, the eunuch opened the box, and the first thing he showed to everyone in the hall were boxes of Murano glass products. Including a set of daily necessities, as well as glass crafts that can decorate a bedroom.

Although glass manufacturing has a history of thousands of years in the Middle East, Venetian Murano glass has overtaken it. The Mamluk glass manufacturing industry has been destroyed. Venetian merchant ships transported soda ash from Syria and exported glass products to Alexandria and Beirut. .

In addition to the most precious glass products, there are woolen products and velvets produced in Italian city-states or Flanders, a set of decorative ceremonial plate armors made by Italian armorers, and handmade armors made by Italian and German craftsmen. Mechanical clock decorated with glass, gemstones and precious metals.

There was also an artist within the mission who was hired to please the King of Kings by painting a majestic portrait. But Ibrahim was still in Kandahar at this time, so he could only draw something else for the time being.

After displaying these valuable gifts, the eunuchs carefully carried the boxes out.

So, what's the important thing for your country to send your envoy to travel thousands of miles, travel across mountains and rivers, and work tirelessly to come to our country? Mila opened her red lips lightly, and also spoke to the Venetian envoy in Arabic. Being the protagonist in a diplomatic situation for the first time made her a little nervous, but she still behaved very calmly, as if the King of Kings himself was receiving the messenger.

As a regent entrusted by Ibrahim before his expedition, supported by the sect and the bureaucracy from Gilan, isn't it normal to receive the envoy properly? She thought silently in her mind, trying to dispel her anxiety.

The civil servants and generals who did not understand Arabic looked confused. Fortunately, the ulema present took the initiative to serve their colleagues and relieved this embarrassment.

Francesco spoke unhurriedly, and his tone had nothing to do with the urgency of the content: To be honest with Your Highness, our country is currently in crisis, and the Republic is at a disadvantage in the war with the Ottomans. Three years ago, your country was at a disadvantage. The monarch once sent an envoy to our country, hoping to develop friendly relations with our country, and proposed to form an alliance against the Ottomans. Find Shuyuan Now the Republic has sent me here, hoping to reach an agreement with your country for this matter.

When the Venetian mentioned this, Mira turned her attention to Giovanni, who was making up the numbers in the hall, and then glanced at Assad. She had no idea what Ibrahim was talking about when he sent the envoy to Venice.

The foreign vizier saw Mira's doubts and took the initiative to salute. After receiving permission, he added: Your Highness, although I was the leader of the mission to Cairo, I also know something about the team sent to Venice. Abiy Although the alliance with Venice was included in the diplomatic documents carried by the Ladd envoy, it was not a priority and was ranked very low. His Majesty is more concerned about trade agreements and foreign advisors.

After hearing this, Mira continued to ask Francesco: So, what are your country's specific plans?

This is the diplomatic document of the Republic. All our country's expectations are on it. Francesco asked the attaché to take out the document and pass it to Mira through the eunuch.

The content of the diplomatic document is very concise and clear. The first step is to carry out military cooperation with the Safavids against the Ottomans. The Senate and the Committee of Ten hope that friendly countries can send troops to harass the Ottoman border, or just deploy a force at the border to attract the Ottomans. Stantinier's attention prevented Bayezid from devoting all his military resources to dealing with Venice.

The next request was to have a permanent ambassador in the Safavid court. Although the Aleppo consuls of the two countries had close ties, it was still inconvenient to conduct diplomatic activities in this way. Having a permanent ambassador in the court would be helpful anyway. It is conducive to strengthening diplomatic cooperation between the two countries.

We will consider this agreement carefully and ask the envoy to wait for the good news. After saying that, Mira whispered to the eunuch manager on the side, asking him to inform the viziers to prepare for the next meeting.

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