The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 108 The revenge for killing my father can be slowed down

What Ibrahim did not know was that while he was marching in the valley with the Emir of Sibi, the messenger who went to Quetta to report the news had already arrived at the Sultan's court.

However, the Sultan was not in the palace. The palace guard informed the messenger: Your Majesty has gone hunting.

This time, the messenger turned into a Jihad warrior, but he was just an ordinary emir's soldier and was not qualified to talk to various important ministers in the palace.

It was not until the day before the Safavid army arrived at Quetta that the newly returned Sultan Shah Bek Alhun received the news. He had no time to prepare for city defense, so the situation in the city was very chaotic, even nine percent panicked.

However, the other party did not seem to be unreasonable barbarians. They first sent a team of envoys to negotiate with the Sudan. The army did not act rashly.

Shah Bek tried to calm down and asked his companions to welcome the messengers into the hall.

The Safavid envoy strode up to Shah Bek with his head high and his chest high. He only bowed symbolically and bowed slightly before taking out the letter dictated by Ibrahim.

“I, Ibrahim bin Haidar, King of Kings of all Iranians and non-Iranians, Destroyer of the Indus, to the Sultan of Quetta: In the name of Huda, I command you to submit to me. Pay tribute, otherwise, I will use all the force I have to destroy you. From Azerbaijan to Afghanistan, all fools who have tried to stop me have been crushed into powder. Huda gave the power of thinking when he created mankind. Ability, I hope you have not thrown it away. If you want to protect your property and your relatives, then surrender. I can guarantee that you will spend the rest of your life in peace and go to heaven smoothly. If you want to do it for the so-called faith and If you fight for your honor to the end, then I will have to send you to hell!

After reading the letter, Shah Burke unknowingly grabbed the edge of his seat and tried his best to prevent his hands from touching the saber. With his constant efforts to control his emotions, he finally did not make any aggressive moves towards the messenger in front of him.

When the envoy recited the contents of the letter, he discovered two facts that surprised him - first, there was the emir of Sibi beside the envoy, and his own military generals with fiefdoms actually appeared in the enemy's diplomatic team, regardless of whether How, Sipito has escaped from his rule.

But this is impossible! he roared inwardly.

As the fulcrum for the expansion of the Sindh region, he spent a lot of resources to repair various facilities in Sibi, including city defenses, warehouses, military camps, roads, etc.

Although it is still a small town, it is still a military town that will take at least several months to encircle.

Either the emir was disloyal to him and chose to surrender to the enemy; or this army is so terrifying...

He soon came to believe the latter statement because he heard the title - King of Kings of all Iranians and non-Iranians. If the name Ibrahim is considered bad, then this title is very recognizable.

Originally, when the Safavid army attacked and destroyed the divided Aries Dynasty, sporadic rumors about Ibrahim had already been known to Khorasan and Afghanistan. However, it was not until the fall of Herat that the tribes of Guregani and even Central Asia began to take a closer look at this uninvited guest who suddenly broke in.

This is the second point. He and the Zongnong under the emir of Kabul belong to the Alkhun family. To put it more directly, the two have a father-son relationship. The Zongnong is the father and Shah Bek is the son.

The Safavid army defeated Zongnun in the battle of Dammam, and his life was ended on the order of Ibrahim. When the news of Ulugh Beg's defeat and surrender reached Quetta, Shah Bek wore mourning clothes in public for a week and ordered the suspension of hunting, feasting and other recreational activities.

Now, the army of the enemy who killed his father is under the city, and the lackeys sent by Ibrahim to humiliate and threaten him are right in front of him. Can this be tolerated? Is this still bearable?

The answer is, yes!

Shah Bek's love for Zongnong was real, but his desire to preserve his power was also real.

If he had the strength of Hussin Baihara or Muhammad Shaibani, he would have the courage to avenge his father. It's just that he was forced to move all the way from Kandahar to Quetta, and will be further transferred to Sind in the future. How can such a bereaved dog have the strength to talk about revenge?

Moreover, Ibrahim did not know much about these situations. Even if he knew the reasons, he would not regard him as a serious problem.

However, Quetta was located in a humble location and was not wealthy. Within the scope of Safavid's power projection, there were many matters that had higher priority than dealing with the Sultan of Quetta and required Ibrahim to resolve them one by one. Find Shuyuan This gave him great freedom. He could continue to develop Sindh without interference and encroach on the territory of the local Indian monarch.

Thinking of this, Shah Bek stood up. He first expressed condolences and comfort to the Emir of Sibi: Timur Tash, you are the most loyal, brave and dedicated among all my Beks. Today you stand On the side of the Iranian envoy, it must be that you cannot rely on Sibi to stop the army of the King of Kings. You were coerced, involuntary, and had to do it as a last resort. As your suzerain, I failed to fulfill my responsibilities to my subordinates. What reason and position do I have to accuse you of not being loyal enough? Now I should be asking you, if you are willing, you can return your allegiance to my lord.

Hearing Shah Bek's sincerity, Timurtash was not a rebellious person after all: Your Majesty, I will continue to support you.

The Safavid envoy on the side looked at this deeply touching scene and did not interfere too much. He just silently recorded it all.

Dear Iranian envoy, I have no objection at all to your monarch's proposal. I will immediately organize a ceremony to pay tribute to the King of Kings. Please report this good news to His Majesty. Shah Burke spoke up Turning around, he said to the Safavid envoy.

The messenger quickly reported the good news to Ibrahim. He felt a little strange when he heard such a name.

It's quite like Tong Peggy to name her directly by her title...

After a little bit of complaining, the gates of Quetta opened, and Shah Burke led his cronies out of the city on foot, kneeling to greet Ibrahim in an extremely respectful manner.

Seeing this scene, Ibrahim knew that the passage to India was also under his control. He would soon be able to return to Kandahar smoothly, return the loot to the treasury, and plan the next Northern Expedition.

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