The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 95 The Fall of Kandahar (Part 2)

The muzzles of the artillery have been pointed at the castle, and the gunpowder and shells have been loaded. How to deal with the last defenders of Kandahar depends entirely on Ibrahim's orders.

Ibrahim has lost patience: I have given them a chance, and then their fate will be decided by Huda. Ignite.

The castle in Kandahar did not last long under artillery fire. The gate was quickly broken open by artillery shells and gunpowder blasts. Engineers quickly filled the trenches outside the fortress, providing a channel for the Safavid army to attack. This time there was no cannon fodder to open the way, and it was the bow wielders who served as the vanguard of the breakthrough.

Miran Shah knew that he was at a numerical disadvantage, so he voluntarily abandoned the courtyard and planned to restrict the Safavid army in the narrow corridor.

The firing of matchlocks easily disrupted the defense line of Gulegheni's army. The bow-wielders took advantage of the brief opportunity when the enemy was in chaos to quickly engage with them at hand-to-hand combat. In just one attack, they overwhelmed the dozen or so people guarding the front.

Facing these warriors who were armed to the teeth, they had no room to fight back. The Safavid army quickly reached the core area of ​​the castle and severely wounded Miranshah and captured him.

After all the remaining enemies were eliminated, Ibrahim rode into the castle. As the political center of Kandahar, this is also where the treasury should be located. What Ibrahim is most concerned about is how much loot he can get.

The door of the treasury was slowly opened. After entering the treasury, the captured financial officer presented the bill with both hands and said flatteringly: Dear, great conqueror, you defeated the master of Kandahar, so the property here It deserves to be yours too.”

Ibrahim took the account book and ordered the soldiers to cooperate with the quartermaster to count the property in the treasury.

Contrary to his expectations, the Kandahar treasury was extremely rich, to the point of being surprisingly rich. There were a large number of small boxes stacked here. The soldiers opened them and filled them with silver coins.

These silver coins were shown to Ibrahim, and the financial officer explained: Your Majesty, cash is the largest stock in the treasury, and coins of different shapes have been classified and packed in different boxes.

Among these silver coins, there are some cast independently by Kabul, and there are also rupees, which are silver coins from Hindustan. Among them, the largest number of rupees are also in various forms, including those issued by the Delhi Sultanate and cast by other regimes in Hindustan.

Ibrahim picked up a rupee that seemed to be of good quality and looked at it carefully. The pattern on it is the full name of the Sultan of Delhi at the time of manufacture, the mint location and year are marked on the edge, and the back is an inscription praising Allah.

Of course, Ibrahim only knew Farsi, Azerbaijani and Arabic, so he could only guess at the content on it - except for the Arabic verses on the back.

Throwing the silver coins back into the box, he continued to look at the other loot. In addition to storing cash, the treasury here also stores a large amount of goods - such as gems, silk, cotton, pearls, spices, ivory, etc.

According to the explanation of financial officials, these are taxes paid by merchants in kind.

After visiting the treasury, he went to check the stables, granary and arsenal of the castle, but the results were disappointing. The harvest of the stables and granary was acceptable, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that the remaining armaments in the arsenal were in tatters.

Walking out of the castle, Ibrahim looked at the chaotic urban area: Hashayar, you will now lead the bowmen to assist the military judges and gendarmerie in restoring order to the army.

The herald also went to inform the emirs: All ministries are ordered to stop looting within one hour, all red heads must gather outside the city, and all officers must come to the castle.

With the transmission of orders and the actions of the gendarmerie, the riots in the city slowly subsided. The red heads withdrew outside the city wall with some of the loot. The standing army and the bow-wielders controlled various urban areas and killed a group of people who wanted to take advantage of the situation. A bandit who fishes in troubled waters.

It was not until all the officers were assembled that the quartermaster gave Ibrahim a statistical report on the treasury's property, and this was still a very rough result.

He did not expect that the humble palace in Kabul would have such a full treasury, which really gave him a huge surprise. There were more than 600 boxes for storing coins, and each box weighed six or seven kilograms.

The valuation of various luxury goods is equivalent to cash, and these goods can be easily converted into cash when shipped to the markets in Iran and Hindustan respectively. Bringing these luxury goods into the palace and letting craftsmen in the royal workshops process them into palace supplies is also an option.

When the quartermaster reported these situations to Ibrahim, this was also heard by the officers present, and they were immediately overjoyed. Ibrahim was not stingy in distributing the spoils.

My loyal and brave ministers, Kandahar and the people here have now become my property, which is why I sent the military police. Of course, I know that I need to thank you for your support. Find Bookstore Without you, I would not be able to complete such a great undertaking. I will not take one-fifth of the ransom paid by the communities in the city, but can all be distributed to the various troops. In addition, I will also transfer some financial subsidies from this treasury. Soldiers.

After talking about how to distribute the spoils, Ibrahim continued: You can obtain such a huge income with enough effort. I will not disband the troops this winter. I need enough time to conquer Afghanistan. The mountains of Stan, I also hope that you can mobilize more young people from the tribe to make up for the losses.

Even after Kabul was pacified, Ibrahim still needed a strong enough military force to show force to various Afghan tribes. Only by winning the obedience of these tribes could Safavid rule here be stable.

However, after seeing the wealth of Kandahar, Ibrahim turned his attention to the source of wealth-Hindustan. Everyone has heard of India's wealth. Perhaps, he can take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

Withdrawing his mind, Ibrahim asked the clerk on the side to draft an order: Inform all community leaders and guild leaders in Kandahar: In accordance with the will of the benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent Huda, the war has caused the destruction of human beings and the destruction of order. In order to end the chaos and rebuild the To create order, I order the subjects of Kandahar to abide by Safavid laws and systems and follow the Shia faith...

Although many Sunnis had been killed in red-headed lynchings, Ibrahim also arranged public executions of Sunni clerics to deter potential disobedience.

At the same time, in order to appease the people in the city, Ibrahim also temporarily reduced taxes to speed up the recovery of Kandahar and distinguish himself from the tyrant of Kabul.

After many orders were issued, the aftermath work in Kandahar is being carried out in an orderly manner.

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