The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 93 Battle of Daman (Part 2)

Zongnong still had time to think, but the gunners facing the Guligani cavalry were very nervous. After loading, they loaded the swivel cannon and pointed the muzzle in the direction where the Guligani cavalry gathered. A fire was lit.

The sudden loud noise frightened the war horses and stalled Zongnong's offensive.

Because of the long distance, the first shot fired were all solid bullets, which had more of a deterrent effect on them than damage.

While the opponent was still appeasing the horses and adjusting their condition, the gunners quickly loaded the rear-loading swivel cannon. Another or two gunners set up matchlock guns next to the cannon, intending to reload after the cannon fired.


The artillery officer gave an order, and the breech-mounted swivel gun once again spit out a fire dragon filled with countless lead bullets and gravel. The gunner with the gun beside him also opened fire. Countless soldiers and companions on horseback were swept down.

This 'little hornet' they call is so powerful? Huda gave our army such a sharp weapon. This is Huda's blessing to His Majesty! The bow-wielders who had never seen firearms in the field exclaimed.

Blow the trumpet and charge! Use the flag again to remind Piribey and Achibey. Ibrahim, who had been observing the battlefield, saw that the artillery bombardment had a miraculous effect and quickly seized the opportunity to order an attack.

When the camel artillery team set up, they left a passage for the cavalry to pass. The bow holders quickly appeared in front of Zongnong through this passage. The Gulegheni cavalry was lucky enough to escape two shellings and one shooting. This time they had to face the arrows fired by the Safavid cavalry again.

After receiving Ibrahim's order, the red heads on both wings quickly pressed towards their sides and rear as planned. The cavalry led by Zongnong fell into a dilemma of being attacked on three sides.

But he has lost his mind. He considers himself the Lion of God and his plan to break the situation is to kill the enemy.

Seeing the enemy troops who were still trying to retreat or overwhelm them, Ibrahim was shocked and said: Since I raised my army, I have never seen such a brave enemy.

However, reckless bravery alone could not break the situation, and the Safavid cavalry continued to ruthlessly reduce the enemy's range of activities. Seeing this scene, Zongnong's companions all complained to him: Master Burke, the enemy is endless, and our army is suffering casualties every moment. If we continue to fight like this, our brothers will be wiped out.

Zongnong said nothing, but glared at Bandang, who was about to retreat, and continued to fight the Safavid cavalry who came to him.

After repelling the enemy in person, he looked at the big flag not far away and shouted towards there that he wanted to duel in front of the formation.

In the name of Allah, I ask that you, the Lord, will fight me out in a sacred battle under His watchful eye!

Ibrahim was immediately amused when he heard this request. Although dueling in front of the battlefield is indeed a historical tradition, he is not a humanoid Gundam like Ismail. He is not sure if he is really going to fight him alone. He plans to use a trick. deal with.

Seeing no response from the Safavid side, Zongnong was really anxious. He also wanted to boost morale by killing the generals in front of the formation. Unexpectedly, the other party was really a loser. He would rather be ridiculed as a coward than go to war, and he didn't even send personal guards to go to war.


Zongnong, who heard the gunshot, suddenly felt something hit his chest hard, and he fell down, almost lying on his back on the horse. What Bandang saw on the side was that his breastplate had been penetrated and blood was flowing out of the small hole. They supported Mr. Burke who had lost the ability to fight with fear on their faces, fearing that he would fall like this.

Zongnong, who was seriously injured, soon passed out, and his companions had to take him away from the battlefield.

The Guregani army, which lost the leadership of Burke, immediately fell apart. They and their companions ran in the direction they came from. This scene of birds and beasts scattering was quite spectacular.

Seeing the enemy's defeat, Ibrahim did not choose to pursue rashly. As far as he knew, the Guregani army had nearly 10,000 troops, but the number of the troops that had just been defeated did not appear to be that large.

Maybe the opposing commander had some brains and wanted to use this trick to lure him into an ambush? But the surrounding area is very flat, making it difficult to set up an ambush, and Daman is some distance away from the surrounding mountains.

Out of caution, he first sent out scouts for reconnaissance and dispatched vanguards for pursuit to detect the actual strength of the enemy's forces.

Until the spy reported back: Your Majesty, the enemy army is currently in chaos!

It wasn't until the scouts reported everything they detected to Ibrahim, coupled with previous intelligence and speculation, that he could roughly sort out a clue.

It turned out that the cavalry just now was led by the enemy's general, but they rushed too fast and left behind the infantry, baggage and some other cavalry. The disconnect between the two was the most critical factor in his easy victory just now.

After this group of cavalry was defeated and collided with the large force that was still advancing, the main force, which was still in order, became chaotic when they saw the forwards returning in embarrassment and the injured and unconscious Burke.

Now Ibrahim had no worries: Send my order, the whole army pursues, don't let even one enemy escape! Then he took the lead, running at the front with his own soldiers.

It only takes ten minutes to find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com The billowing smoke and dust brought out by the galloping Safavid cavalry caught the eyes of the Guregani army, which caused panic in the army.

The officers calculated that if they spread out, they would be dead, so they simply gathered together and slowly retreated to Kabul.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Safavid army formed an encirclement network, they gathered large vehicles and piled debris inside. Anyway, there was no time to dig trenches, so they relied on this simple vehicle camp to survive this wave.

The Safavid cavalry first stepped forward to test their quality, constantly using arrows to shoot at the Guregani army arrayed behind the obstacles. The archers in the military formation immediately responded to the Safavid army.

The camel cannon was immediately deployed outside the range of the bow and arrow. The gunner slowly loaded the sub-cannon loaded with solid bullets into the breech of the main gun, and adjusted the direction and pitch angle.


The solid bullets quickly flew towards the obstacle with the roar of the gunpowder explosion. After several shots, the gap was soon opened.


The camel artillery switched to shotguns at this time and advanced with the cavalry, suppressing the Guregani infantry who tried to block the gap at a distance of dozens of meters. However, the cavalry moved too fast and they only had time to fire one round of artillery.

The military formation, which was subjected to successive artillery bombardments and cavalry attacks, could no longer withstand it. The Guregani soldiers threw down their weapons and ran back without caring about their armor. The fierce red-headed and bow-wielding men just poured into the enemy camp, killing everywhere.

The Guregani army guarding the edge was completely defeated in less than ten minutes. The desire to survive urged them to run to the center, and the Safavid army who came in also pursued towards the center of the camp.

The officers in the center of the camp couldn't help sighing when they heard the screams of the defeated soldiers outside. They looked back at the unconscious Zongnong lying on the ground, then silently took off their sabers and armors, and gathered the defeated soldiers. Surrender together.

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