The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 90 Valley Raid

Ulugh Beg's letter did not cause any waves in the camp. In the next two weeks, the Safavid army continued to siege the city at its own pace. The city wall has been opened by shelling and tunnel blasting to open many gaps. Ibrahim has also organized cannon fodder many times to cooperate with the commandos in an attempt to control the gaps. However, Miransha made adequate responses and the defenders fought tenaciously. The two sides were often in a stalemate. , the bottom of the trench was covered with cannon fodder and the corpses of Guregani soldiers.

However, although on the surface there was no progress in the siege, Miransha was still very aware of the ebb and flow of power.

Whether they are civilians or soldiers, everyone is exhausted. More and more gaps are being opened in the city wall, and more and more resources are needed to plug these gaps. In high-intensity combat, the consumption of materials, especially the loss of ordnance, is rapid. Unfortunately, Ulugh Beg has not paid enough attention to the reserve of ordnance in the past.

The Safavid Army only paid a negligible price. The wounded and corpses abandoned in the trenches were basically Afghan mountain people recruited temporarily. Only a thousand Safavid soldiers died or were disabled due to the siege.

And the work of blocking traffic was also very effective. Miran Shah had been sending messengers out, but without exception they were intercepted by the red heads. The letters that were supposed to be sent to Kabul were all sent to the siege camp.

Through these letters asking for help, Ibrahim and the Khans clearly knew how many kilograms the Kandahar defenders had. He no longer cared about how to deal with Miransha who was trapped in the city.

As it happened, the riders from the northwest arrived at the siege camp at this time.

I am Pilibey's messenger and I have urgent information to report. The rider said to the red head who came to stop him, and took the initiative to show his token to prove his identity.

Wait a moment. The red-headed officer immediately ran towards the tent.

However, Ibrahim did not wait for any new news in the big tent. After completing his daily inspection of various siege camps, Ibrahim and other senior officers went hunting in the nearby wilds.

Where is your Majesty? Where is your Majesty? I have an emergency to report.

The bow holder who stayed behind in the big tent replied calmly: Your Majesty and all the nobles have something to do. You can wait here slowly.

This...sigh. The red-headed officer was speechless and had to leave.


In a wide valley about 50 kilometers away from Kandahar, nearly 10,000 elite soldiers from Kabul are camped here. However, Ulug Beg, the lord of Kabul, is not in the army. Instead, the most courageous Bek Zonnon under his command leads this army. Army.

Mr. Burke, our scouts have completed their investigation and found no trace of the enemy.

Zongnong nodded: Time is tight. I don't know how long Mirza can hold on. Let the ministries pack their bags and prepare for the march.

The staff on the side said worriedly: Dear Burke, this place is only less than two days away from Kandahar, but still no enemy troops have been found. I am worried that there may be some trick...

Zong Nong waved his hand and interrupted him. Upon seeing this, the staff simply shut up and retreated.

Just as the Guregani army was preparing for today's march, a group of riders suddenly appeared on the hillside not far away, and they were approaching the camp at the bottom of the valley. The sound of horse hooves immediately alerted the Guregani army.

A surprise attack is a surprise attack. Form a formation to meet the enemy! The officers closest to the periphery organized a spontaneous resistance.

Scattered arrows fell among the charging irregular cavalry, but they were completely unformed and very loose, and the archers failed to cause much damage.

Zongnong quickly put on his equipment and quickly mounted his horse: My companions, follow me and charge! His soldiers immediately formed a group with him and moved around the battlefield.

He took the lead, first shooting several Afghan riders with accurate bows and arrows, and then cutting down several Afghans. The enemy in front of him was so frightened that he turned his horse's head and ran away.

Although the companions on the side were not as brave as him, they also harvested the heads of many riders. There were only a few casualties of its own.

Soon, Piribey discovered a very brave Guregani cavalry, and many Afghan horsemen had been defeated. There is no suspense about the equipment gap between the two. In terms of combat skills and will, they are even inferior to Zongnong Burke and his companions.

What troubled him was that with Zongnong running around, the Guregani army, which had been in chaos due to the surprise attack, began to regain its strength. They fought independently and the limited number of Afghan riders continued to fall into disadvantages. The balance of victory was Tilt quickly.

Pulling out his saber, Pi Li pointed at Zong Nong, who was fighting left and right in the distance: This enemy general is particularly brave. If you chop off his head, the enemy army will inevitably retreat, and the killer can take advantage of everything that Burke has. property!

After saying that, he went to Shuyuan and his soldiers rushed into the battlefield and killed Zongnong Beke.

Pilibey first shot an arrow at Zongnong with his bow, but he quickly dodged it, and the two teams immediately began to fight. A team of red-headed soldiers suppressed Zongnong's companions, but the battle between Zongnong himself and Pilibey took a turn for the offensive. Zongnong wounded him and Pili almost fell off his horse.

Just when he was about to chop off Pili's head again, the soldiers rescued him in time. Pili, who survived the disaster, rode his horse away from Zongnong. Seeing that the decline was irreversible, he had no choice but to gather his soldiers and Afghan horsemen and leave the battlefield.

Zongnong wanted to pursue the victory, but his horse was exhausted from going to the camp to put out fires and could not catch up with the fleeing Afghan riders.

He had no choice but to stop and first order his staff to count the losses, and then took his companions to appease and gather the Guleggani troops who had been scattered in the battle just now.

In the battle that lasted less than an hour, the Guregani Army suffered little casualties, with no more than a hundred dead or missing, and a total of only five or six hundred casualties.

The Afghan horsemen failed to cause them a lot of casualties, but they plundered a lot of livestock. Taking advantage of the chaos, they took away or let go a large number of army horses, mules, cattle and sheep.

After listening to the report, Zongnong was silent for a long time, and then waved his whip: Judging from this battle, the enemy is not as strong as the rumors. What we lose now, we will take back more from the enemy in a few days.

However, Piribey was not discouraged by the defeat. While sending messengers to report the military situation to the big tent, he continued to organize attacks on the Guregani army. This caused the Guregani army to lose a large number of beasts of burden and means of transportation. In terms of mobility, it is even worse.

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