The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 87 Assassination Attempt

While Miran Shah was plotting against Ibrahim, Ibrahim was also discussing with the Khans in the tent how to plot against Miran Shah.

The big tent in the middle of the siege camp was brightly lit, and the candlelight reflected everyone's faces. Ibrahim, who had just returned from the investigation work, passed the senior officers who were lined up to salute, and walked back to the main seat.

Hashayar, who was waiting next to the main seat, stepped forward to report: Your Majesty, your letter minister has arranged for someone to deliver it. According to reports, Mirza stationed in Kandahar has received this letter.

Okay. Ibrahim nodded approvingly, Next, I plan to capture Miranshah like I did with Hussin Baihara to break the will of the Kandahar defenders to resist.

As soon as these words came out, Kehobard immediately stepped forward and said: Your Majesty, no, this time is different from dealing with Hussin Baihara. It is difficult to succeed again.

Ibrahim looked at him in surprise: I remember that you were still training at the school in Tabriz at that time.

Kehobard was not embarrassed at all: Your Majesty, I have read and studied the battle reports sent back to the palace from the front line. I believe that this battle is different from the previous ones. First of all, you were defeated in the field. Hussin Baihara has essentially destroyed the opponent's will to resist, and at the same time, the enemy has no solid city defense to rely on, so it can succeed.

Now, our army has not yet defeated the enemy, and the enemy is relying on the strong city of Kandahar. If the prestigious Burke is still in the city, even if Miran Shah is captured, it will be difficult to destroy the morale of the defenders.

And Your Majesty, I would venture to say something, what if the other party really comes to surrender? Kamran, who was responsible for recording the meeting, also interjected.

In addition, there are considerations of diplomatic reputation. The capture of Hussin Baihara took place in a sparsely populated wasteland. The soldiers who knew about it were either killed or captured.

This time, Miran Shah was backed by the important town of Kandahar. It was impossible for him to massacre the entire city just to block the news. If his tricks were known to the whole world, I'm afraid no one would surrender to him in the future.

After repeated persuasion by his staff and officers, Ibrahim put away his evil thoughts and planned to have a good talk with Miransha tomorrow or wait there for a day.

In order to avoid wasting time, he planned to organize his daily work for the next few weeks or even months tonight.

Kayhobard, starting tonight, I want your troops to deploy to the new starting position in the west of the city. First deploy the mortars and field guns, and the rear swivel guns will not move...

After Ibrahim's explanation, Kehobard roughly understood what he was thinking.

The existing starting position - that is, the siege camp - is still too far from the city wall, completely beyond the range of various firearms and siege equipment at this time. Ibrahim plans to push the starting position to 400 meters away from the city wall. , and then dug the trench as far forward as possible until it was less than a hundred meters away from the city wall.

Three hundred to four hundred meters is probably the optimal range for artillery units to attack city defenses. Artillery at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries was still too primitive, but technological progress in agricultural societies was very slow. It is foreseeable that in Ibrahim's lifetime, the range of artillery will not be too far.

Your Majesty, then our troops... Seeing that the standing army had been assigned tasks, Romru Khan and Talish Khan immediately asked about their tasks.

Ibrahim ordered without hesitation: Your troops also move forward, build fortifications to block traffic, build high platforms, and arrange shields for archers to harass the defenders. I will detach some breech-mounted swivel guns to support you. Don't The defenders felt that the other three sides were too comfortable.

Finally, it was Piribey's turn. The irregular cavalry he led did not need to stay in the siege camp. He was ordered to monitor the road between Kabul and Kandahar. A messenger must be sent to report once at sunset every day. In case of emergency, notification must be made immediately.


At ten o'clock at noon the next day, in accordance with the letter's request, the gates of Kandahar were opened wide, and a group of riders galloped out. Just a few hundred meters away from the city gate, they saw Ibrahim and his banner.

Seeing the approaching group of riders approaching until they halted in front of him, Ibrahim asked the leader: Are you Miran Shah, Mirza stationed in Kandahar, son of the Emir of Kabul?

Yes. The leader nodded.

But Ibrahim felt a little strange, because he was a little hesitant and unnatural in his answer. Although it didn't last long, he was still noticed. But he had never seen Miransa before and had no way of identifying him.

Nevertheless, he continued: I think I made it very clear in my letter of surrender. If Huda has given you reason, then you should not come like this.


These words directly confused the other party: Isn't the letter talking about negotiation? Find Shuyuan If I don't come this way, how else can I come? Get off your horse, kneel down and present the city gate and castle keys together. What?

Ibrahim continued to say to the leader: If you notice the difference in strength between you and me at this time, then you know what to do. If you plan to persist in resisting, just ignore the letter. If you plan to If you surrender, do it respectfully. Such a pretentious attempt to talk to me as an equal will only make you look like a clown.

Although he didn't know what Ibrahim wanted to express, Burke, who was leading the team, noticed that he and Ibrahim were close enough, so he drew his saber and wanted to cut off Ibrahim's horse.

The Gulegheni cavalry who followed as a guard quickly rode forward to support Burke, but the fast-moving bow wielders would not let them do so.

Are you planning to use a trick to assassinate me?

After reacting, Ibrahim directly relied on his breastplate to resist the blow, and at the same time pulled out his own bones to fight back.

Bang The bone hit Burke's chest, and there was a muffled sound of metal collision. Burke, who was hit in the chest, had to stop attacking Ibrahim. Seeing that the opponent's attack was interrupted, Ibrahim immediately rode his horse to distance himself from him.

Burke obviously did not expect that Ibrahim would be prepared even in a diplomatic situation. He wore a set of strong armor under the gorgeous brocade robe. At least Ibrahim did not wear a kazaghand (chain mail sewn on the inside of the fabric, similar to a cloth armor, but looking like ordinary clothing) like the Ayyubid emir and sultan.

The bow-holders took advantage of the short opportunity to rush between Ibrahim and Burke. He was immediately put into a one-to-many disadvantageous situation, and was eventually captured in a fierce battle, while the other horsemen who came were killed.

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