The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 69 Conquering the Persian Gulf (Part 2)

The situation in the Persian Gulf is as Ehsan expected. A large number of pirates have planned to leave the Sudan of Qeshm Island for various reasons. They purchase supplies and even stop in Muscat, waiting for the winter northeast monsoon to move south to the Red Sea or the East African coast.

Some people are also looking at the southern coast of the Persian Gulf. There is still oil and water in Bahrain, Qatar and Oman, but these areas are under the rule of the two dynasties of Jabrid and Neb Khan and are not weak independent city-states. .

During the voyage, Ahsan ordered the fleet not to fly the Safavid flag. During the several-day voyage, the merchant ships and pirates passing by did not know their identities and purposes. The Sultan of Qeshm was unaware of this threat until they appeared on the island's southern shore.

However, the fleet was not in a hurry to attack. Ehsan first arranged for the Caravel sailing ship to go outside the port and put down the small boat used to contact the Trojan Horse.

This floating fort, which has yet to be named, will be blocked in front of the port. After the merchant ships inside try to set fire to other armed ships moored inside, it will use the loaded artillery to sink all ships trying to escape.

Except for the detached caravel, other ships anchored after approaching the coast and transported troops to this desolate beach through small boats. Slightly further north of this beach is the edge of Qeshm Port.

Compared with Basra Port, Qeshm Port is like a fishing village. The settlement has no city walls, the urban infrastructure is imperfect, and the layout of the port area is also very messy. The only commendable thing is the castle area centered on the Sultan's castle.

The sailors—to be precise, the elite pirates raised by Ehsan—had already set foot on land—and began to set up camp after taking a short rest. Before all the scheduled combat troops disembarked, they dug trenches and erected fences, while other ordinary pirates took on the remaining chores.

They will not attack the castle directly. Before that, the pirates have to wait patiently and lonely until night.

At the port, the small boat launched by the Caravel sailboat quickly found the undercover merchant ship in the chaotic port.

At this time, Qeshm Port has entered the off-season for trade. In addition to the fishing boats crowded together near the pier, there are only a few merchant ships, which is easy to identify.

The small boat conveyed Ehsan's order to the sailors who were staying on the merchant ship. At this time, most of the decision-makers on the ship were on the shore, and it was delayed for a while before it was delivered.

The leader has arrived. Brothers, don't forget the tasks that the leader gave us.

Several young pirate leaders were sitting in the caravanserai room as merchants. Guards were guarding the door and the windows were blocked with curtains.

No, I remember it very clearly. A person who was relatively close to the captain took over what he said, and then continued: This is the simplest mission I have ever seen since I joined the industry.

It was a coincidence that they arrived. Many warships in the Sudanese armed fleet on Qeshm Island were undergoing maintenance at this time. The wood and asphalt they brought happened to be sold to all the Sudanese shipyards, and the pirates also learned about this important event. information.

With fewer ships to deal with, they could devote more manpower to controlling the port area.

Don't take it lightly. There are still few of us. If the guards at the castle attack us first...

Then let's get back to the ship. You've all seen those big iron pipes that spit fire on the side of the ship. If any idiot dares to come close, beat him to pieces!

This confident statement eased the already tense atmosphere in the room.

Okay, then, let's do it tonight and let this searching island owner see how powerful I am. Everyone was gearing up, already thinking about how to divide the gold and silver silk and satin in the castle.


As night fell, the merchant ship put down all the boats. Opened cans of kerosene were neatly placed in the boats, and a large bundle of flammable materials including hay was tied to the bow.

Each boat was manned by about five or six men, four at the oars, and the remaining men ready to set fire.

Watch carefully, don't burn the slipway over there. The pirate in charge poured kerosene onto the flammable objects while giving directions to the rowers.

The Sudanese warships were all parked together in a group, and were at a certain distance from the fishing boats and merchant ships. After a simple identification, the small boats took advantage of the cover of night and accelerated toward the delta and galleys.

After estimating the distance, the pirates ignited the flammable objects soaked in kerosene, and the sparks quickly expanded into a raging fire within a few seconds. Several people quickly jumped into the water and swam towards their ship as quickly as possible.

Several burning boats used their inertia to accurately ram into the battleship, igniting the entire fleet.

The soaring flames quickly attracted attention, and port guards and officials quickly went to check the situation and discovered the burning warship and the pirates wandering away from the crime scene.

Quick, shoot with a crossbow, don't let them run away! the officer shouted to the guards around him. The guards used crossbows to shoot at the vague humanoid silhouette in the distance, regardless of whether they hit the target or not. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuuuan.comm

At this time, gunfire rang out unexpectedly on the sea not far away. Six iron cannonballs randomly hit some buildings in the port area, but did not hurt the guards.

The strange loud noises and the damage to the buildings that had never been heard of had really dampened the morale of the guards, and everyone present was at a loss.

The sailors in the Trojan Horse took advantage of this gap to gather at the port. They found a few carts, mounted the rear-mounted swivel gun on the side of the ship, and loaded the ammunition.

They advanced along the streets, pushing carts in front of them, and when they encountered armed men who tried to resist, they knocked them to the ground with shotgun shells. The sailors took advantage of the enemy's confusion to swarm over them and cut them down with swords.

The port guards and the sailors on the warships combined were much more numerous than the Safavid sailors who raided the port, but they were defeated by the rear-mounted swivel guns, and it was even difficult to organize an effective counterattack.

In less than an hour, the Safavid sailors pushed the enemy out of the port area at the cost of single-digit casualties. However, they knew that they lacked manpower, so they stopped there and assigned carts with rear-mounted swivel guns and a few archers to guard the main roads leading to this place from other cities.

Under the supervision of officers, the sailors opened the warehouse in the port area. The goods and taxes stored here were considered too much for them. When they were recruited into the Navy of the King of Kings, the military judge explained to them the principle of one-fifth - that is, only one-fifth of all loot needs to be handed over to the King of Kings, and the rest belongs to the war. of warriors.

Under the officer's scolding, no looting took place in the warehouse. Instead, about one-fifth of the belongings were taken out and piled aside.

While the sailors at the port were carrying their belongings, Ahsan, who saw the flames soaring into the sky at the port, also began to attack, and news of the attack on the port also reached the castle.

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