The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 63 Banquet, Military Parade and Hunting (Part 2)

Sunlight filters into the woodland through gaps in the branches and leaves, transferring heat to the world. Countless horse hooves trampled on the already slightly muddy ground in the forest - the snow was slowly melting.

The riders moved together loosely in the forest. They formed a large net to surround a large group of deer and the beasts that wanted to prey on them. They then guided them in the right direction and used various methods to capture them. Rush to the designated location.

In addition to the wild beasts originally found in the hunting grounds, staff usually prepare beasts for consumption through other channels. No matter how well-planned a hunt is, it is difficult to predict the exact number of prey, and long-term hunting in the same area will also deplete local wildlife resources, requiring resources to be imported from other areas to meet demand.

Although the ecological environment in Ardabil is still very good, and it is the first time for Ibrahim to organize hunting here, in order to avoid embarrassment, the hunting ground still prepared wild beasts in case of emergencies.

Ibrahim and the Khans were waiting on horseback at the predetermined location. Together with their personal guards, they were the last to make up the encirclement net.

The wild beasts rushed out of the woods. At first, they were just deer, foxes, hares and some birds. For these animals that did not look powerful enough, Ibrahim had no interest in hunting them. He just ordered his guards to shoot them for him. Use your strength and arrows on those high-value prey.

Shoot! the officers loudly conveyed the order to the surrounding riders.

Arrows were continuously shot around Ibrahim, falling on the unobstructed grass. The deer running in the front were shot to the ground, and no one paid attention to them for the time being. Many small animals nimbly avoided this round of arrows and passed through the surrounding net through the gaps between the riders.

The entourage only stopped after making sure that the animals that escaped first would not hinder the hunting of the King of Kings and the Khans.

Although the beast has not yet been seen running out of the forest, Ibrahim has already drawn the arrow and put it on the arm of the bow.

In order to distinguish the results of the battle during collective hunting, all the arrows of the princes were specially treated to distinguish them. The so-called special treatment is to dye the feathers of the arrow tail. Compared with the bright colors selected by other Khan kings, he chose his favorite black.

Coming, Your Majesty, it's a pack of wolves.

The reminder from the personal guard made Ibrahim react. Following the direction he pointed, Ibrahim clearly saw a group of wolves running at the edge of the forest in the distance.

He quickly rode forward and asked the trumpeter and herald to pass the signal to the other teams, asking everyone to surround them tightly.

The riders continued to tighten the encirclement as the King of Kings rode forward. The sound of horns and whistles conveying orders have alerted the prey, but no matter how fast they run, they cannot fly as fast as the arrows.

While everyone was still estimating the distance and calculating the time, Ibrahim had already shot an arrow at the wolf closest to him. Although it didn't hit the eyes and penetrate the brain or heart and lungs, it was still considered a minor injury if it penetrated deep into the torso.

Ibrahim's arrow was like the starting gun in the hands of the referee. After this arrow, the other nobles nocked their arrows and drew their bows, shooting at the wolves.

The sudden huge casualties made these predators know that they seemed to have messed with someone they shouldn't, so they had no choice but to abandon the fallen venison and run back to the forest.

But the riders would not let them go easily. They followed the wolves into the forest and used bows, arrows and lances to hunt down these fleeing beasts.

Arriving in the woodland with complex terrain, the originally relatively orderly formation was immediately scattered, and the irregularly distributed shrubs and trees greatly restricted the rider's maneuverability. After running for a certain distance, Ibrahim found that the guards around him could only keep up with him for only a dozen riders.

But this is not a big deal, at least not being beaten into the woods by the Ottoman Kapkulu and Sipahi to escape for their lives.

Ibrahim stabbed the last running wolf with his lance, hitting him in the back of the neck. With the acceleration given by the war horse, the spear head penetrated deeply, and he could even use the force to pick up the entire wolf.

While the arm was still sore, the impaled wolf was removed. Each of these hunted wild wolves was shot into a hedgehog. Arrows and lances had severely damaged their fur, making it of little value to peel them off. They were of little use except for eating.

Fortunately, the King of Kings is not a small nobleman, and the economic value of dozens of furs is not that great to him.

It seems that Huda responded to Ibrahim's thoughts. After the mobs were cleared, he immediately arranged a Syrian brown bear as the bottom boss.

Brown bears of this species are widely distributed, extending to Lebanon and eastern Asia Minor in the west, to the Caucasus Mountains in the north, and to the Zagros Mountains and the southern coast of the Caspian Sea in the west. They are likely to appear in religious texts, but most notably, a pup of this breed was purchased as a member of the Polish exiled army during World War II, was awarded a military rank, and was used in the works of a Swedish company. Made into Easter eggs.

The group did not panic when faced with the oppressive adult brown bear. Everyone tried their best to comfort the mount and used the mobility of the horses to keep a distance from it. Ibrahim looked down at his quiver. The bear's blood was very thick. Can one arrow subdue it? Don’t even think about close combat, go to Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com Although his military power is much stronger than before time travel, it is not as incredible as the legends like Rostam in Kings.


While the attendants were confronting the brown bear, Ibrahim pulled out a matchlock gun from his saddle bag. He had loaded the propellant and lead bullets before the hunt. He only needed to prepare the primer and light the matchlock.

Smoothly light the match rope with the fire sickle and pour the primer into the medicine pool. After getting ready, the rear sight, front sight and the brown bear's head smoothly formed a three-point line under Ibrahim's aim.

Ibrahim pulled the trigger, and the hook holding the match rope pushed the match rope toward the medicine pool, igniting the medicine pool and priming the medicine. Accompanied by the sound of gunpowder explosions and the smoke produced by combustion, the lead bullets flew toward the target at high speed.

Before he had time to check whether he had hit the target, Ibrahim put away his matchlock gun, picked up his bow and arrows, and drew the bow, fearing that a brown bear would suddenly pounce on him after the buckshot deflected.

However, Ibrahim's worries were unnecessary. When he fired, the distance between the two was only more than ten meters, and the accuracy and power were guaranteed. A hole has been opened in the brown bear's skull, the brain tissue has been destroyed, and blood is flowing out of the hole.

Let's drag this bear back to the camp first. After putting away the weapon, Ibrahim took out the matchlock gun and carefully looked at this beautifully crafted handicraft.

While teaching Iranian craftsmen, Giovanni took the time to make a royal firearm based on the shape of a Turkish matchlock. The barrel and bolt were made of fine steel. There was a leather-wrapped handguard under the barrel, and the stock was still ivory. It was made with scriptures, patterns and hunting scenes carved by the artist and decorated with gems.

The stragglers arrived one after another at this time. Ibrahim directly ordered a few people to be responsible for dragging the dead bear back to the tent, while he continued to hunt with the remaining riders.

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