The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 53 Victory Celebration

While Babur was at a loss on the throne of Samarkand, Tabriz was a different story.

News of Ibrahim's triumphal return had spread throughout Tabriz through couriers who had returned in advance to report the victory. As soon as he approached the city gate, a welcoming team led by the great emir came to greet him.

I salute you and congratulate your Majesty on your conquest of Khorasan.

Every noble and bureaucrat Ibrahim rode past bowed to him on horseback and congratulated him verbally. This team included the Italians he had hired, who saluted unskilledly in accented Azerbaijani as if they were taking a speaking test.

No one wore European-style clothes. Apart from their faces and beliefs, they looked just like the local nobles.

Then a large number of women in costumes came to pay tribute to Ibrahim. Their class status was as prominent as the nobles and bureaucrats who came first. They all wore clothes embroidered with gold thread, inlaid with jewelry, and cut from expensive fabrics. They wear sophisticated hunting clothes and breeches, and use luxurious harnesses to drive expensive horses like men.

This was a spectacle that the Italians had never seen before. They secretly turned their eyes to those young and beautiful noble ladies, but they were not too blatant. Moreover, the focus of the audience at this time was still on the King of Kings and him. The army behind.

Of course, for Ibrahim, the most eye-catching one is Ismail, who is surrounded by his peers. The children followed the etiquette of the adults and paid homage to Ibrahim.

Ismail, come here.

Ismail, who had no idea why, unskillfully rode his horse closer. Ibrahim saw the opportunity and directly carried him from the colt to him. Everyone present was shocked by this sudden move. They must have been surprised by Ibrahim's arm strength.

Ibrahim touched his brother's head and comforted the frightened Ismail: Maybe you will accept everyone's tribute in the same place in the future.

Then he whipped up his horse and led the army across the avenue, heading straight from the city gate to the castle. Civilians on both sides of the avenue knelt and kissed the ground as Ibrahim rode by.

Following closely behind Ibrahim were not only the musicians and riders, but also a cart carrying several boxes of silver coins and two attendants. They threw coins on both sides of the road along the path that Ibrahim walked. .

The silver coins thrown on both sides of the street triggered looting incidents. People with quick eyesight and quick hands quickly took away the silver coins scattered on the ground, causing dissatisfaction among the people around them.

Behind the cart that distributed silver coins was a huge convoy of trophies. Many carefully selected trophies were specially placed on the outermost side of the cart on both sides of the road. Also included is a stuffed cheetah made during the march.

The victory parade was followed by celebrations throughout the city. All the musicians in the city were invited to play everywhere, and every street in the city was filled with music. So much so that every time you turn a corner, you can hear different music.

The financial officer of the castle treasury fell into deep thought as he looked at the large trucks coming in to unload.

The large square in the center of the city was emptied, and various sports activities were held during the day. Beast fighting, gladiatorial combat, wrestling, riding archery, polo and other competitions were held in turn. However, this time Ibrahim did not leave the field in person, but in the presence of his attendants. Surrounded by his wife and brother, he watched the game from an exclusive high platform.

Except for the temporary box exclusive to the King of Kings, other spectators can only watch from the ground around the venue or from the roofs and balconies of nearby buildings. Many nobles used their power and wealth to occupy these favorable positions, allowing their attendants to set up awnings and pass the time while enjoying exquisite drinks and snacks.

In the open field, two teams of 12 riders held polo poles. Behind the two teams of riders, there were two pillars with no nets between the two pillars. The referee throws the wooden polo into the center of the field, and with the whistle blowing, the game officially begins.

The two teams of riders almost frantically competed for the polo, but their skillful equestrian skills made it possible to survive all emergencies. Whenever the polo was hit between the two uprights, the drums and drums on the field were heard. The horn will sound once, and the referee responsible for statistics will record the scores of both sides.

However, Ibrahim's attention was not entirely on the field at this time. He and Mira beside him started talking quietly. Neither of the couple were sports fans, and attending the celebration was more like fulfilling their obligations.

Although the two were separated for several months, the conscientious messenger did his best to ensure the smooth exchange of letters between the palace and the big account. In addition to asking about the current situation in the court, Ismail's education and chatting between husband and wife, Ibrahim also tried to write a love poem to please his wife, but he really had no talent for poetry, and in the end he was driven by shame. I still secretly destroyed this crappy poem.

Ibrahim shared this with Mira with some embarrassment. She smiled slightly and said: My Shah, don't underestimate yourself so much. Your talent is a gift given to you by Huda.

That's true, but some words are better not to appear in this world. As he said this, he unconsciously began to caress his wife's white and smooth little hands, looking for Holding a pen and holding a sword for a long time The resulting calluses constantly rub against the carefully maintained skin.

Then he looked down. The long skirt blocked Ibrahim's gaze and covered the hostess's thin legs and feet.

But it's not time to do anything yet, so the two of them just stick together and chat about something.

The afternoon polo match was quickly passed by chatter, and by evening the city square was no longer a makeshift sports ground, hired handymen to rearrange the place. At night, it becomes a stage for entertainers, musicians, dancers and prostitutes.

The circular stage was covered with carpets, and countless candles and lanterns illuminated the venue. With the cooperation of musicians, dancers and actors took turns to provide entertainment for the citizens gathered here.

Artists performed throughout the square. After each complete performance, onlookers would come forward and leave varying amounts of copper coins for the artists.

The prostitutes try their best to make themselves conspicuous in order to attract customers. After attracting customers, they will take the customers to a rented room or a relatively secluded tent to provide services.

Like craftsmen, artists and prostitutes also formed guild organizations, and their leaders cooperated with market supervisors to manage the city's special service industries. The prerequisite for legal business is to first pay a sum of money to purchase a license, and then each person pays a fixed amount of tax every year. Singers and dancers who are free or dependent on nobles and wealthy businessmen are also managed in this way. The tax burden they bear is very heavy, but even so, famous prostitutes and entertainers still have the financial resources to live in prosperous areas.

While the common people in the square were enjoying various entertainment activities for Ibrahim's victory, the nobles also poured into the palace to accompany the King of Kings to attend a luxurious banquet exclusive to the powerful.

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