The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 20 Raid on Hormuz

After defeating the pirates who attempted to challenge the authority of the Sultan of Qeshm Island, the Red Heads returned to Qeshm Port. The Sultan was hoarding military supplies and summoning pirates to join in the massive plunder.

The red heads and a group of mercenaries were organized together as a commando team. They were assigned a dozen small galleys and were responsible for directly raiding the port and disrupting the city of Hormuz.

After hurriedly gathering less than a hundred warships, in order to keep it secret, the Sultan ordered to set sail immediately. Among them were large sailing ships that could sail across the ocean, as well as small sailing ships and galleys that could only sail offshore.

The fifty-man captain spent several hours in a daze on the galley. When he woke up, the pirates had already fought with the armed fleet in Hormuz, and the galley he was on was about to attack the port.

Although the two fleets outside were already fighting fiercely, what was outrageous was that the port still did not have any protection. There were no chains blocking the entrance, and no warships were left to block suspicious ships from entering the port.

Under the urging of the sailors, the rowing slaves used their strength to make the galley rush to the shore. The small galley has a low side, and after easily setting up the gangplank, the red heads can easily step onto the trestle, then defeat the still confused guards and take control of the port area.


In the mansion, the messenger knocked on the Vizier's door, Dear Vizier, my master, there are intruders in the port and it has fallen.

The pirates defeated the fleet so quickly? This is impossible. Waqa Atta asked the messenger rudely. Countless possibilities surged in his mind, and his brows knitted together.

I don't know, there is no new news from the sea. The messenger lowered his head.

Waqa Atta thought of something and asked: Does His Majesty and other viziers know this news?

I came to inform you as soon as possible, dear master.

Very good. You can send the news to the palace and inform the other viziers and emirs in my name to let them face the enemy.


After capturing the port, the mercenaries first took control of the port's warehouse and sent part of their troops to the Bazaar to plunder more loot, causing a lot of commotion. The red heads took the opportunity to break away from the army, but took a few long ladders to take a detour to raid the castle.

But things did not go as smoothly as the fifty captains imagined. The messenger arrived at the castle first. Just when the red heads were about to put the ladder up on the wall, they bumped into the guards who were leaving.

The fifty-man leader, who was accustomed to taking the lead, bore the brunt and was the first to be shot dead by the guards. This scene shocked the red heads, and they fought frantically with the enemy in front of them, trying to snatch back the leader's body.

The castle guards, all wearing chainmail, were not idiots. They relied on their numerical advantage to squeeze the red heads. The red heads could only retreat while fighting, leaving the corpses of more than twenty colleagues to be ravaged by the enemy.

The defeated red heads thought that the friendly troops were looting the Bazaar, and they withdrew directly towards the Bazaar, intending to work with the mercenaries to resist the defenders' counterattack, or to use them to rear.

Although the guards held tight, the red heads were able to successfully rendezvous with the friendly forces. The powerful castle guards fought together with the mercenaries who were escorting the loot to the port, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Holy shit. Seeing that he had been tricked by these red heads, the mercenary leader cursed directly to vent his anger, but venting his anger was useless and could not repel the enemy. Fortunately, the commandos also brought fire starters and kerosene, so they could create isolation zones by setting fires to prevent the enemy from pursuing them.

But before setting fire, you must first repel the enemy in front of you. Gather, don't run! There are not many of them, kill them all! The leader and his guards shouted loudly to the surrounding militants, while actively stepping forward to meet the enemy, intending to contain them. This enemy's offensive.

The first ones to regroup were the red heads. Having lost the command of their superiors, they temporarily chose to follow the orders of the mercenary leader and join the queue that was lagging the enemy. The reinforcements coming from the galleys followed the orders and laid out ignition objects.

This scene seems a bit ironic. Many of the mercenaries who appeared on the island were defeated soldiers and exiled nobles who could not survive on the plateau. Now they are fighting in the same battle formation with their former enemies in order to survive. It is sighing.


There are countless sailors and warriors floating on the sea, and their broken limbs are missing. The sea dyed red also symbolizes the cruelty of the battle.

To everyone's surprise, the pirates actually won the naval battle. Hormuz's large armed fleet became the trophy of the pirates. The leaders dispatched some sailors to take over the captured ships. , took custody of the prisoners and property, and sailed the ship back to the pirate den.

The sailor on the mast observation deck climbed down and reported to Ahsan: Chief, the city of Hormuz is on fire.

The mercenaries successfully set fire to the city and created an isolation zone. No matter how fierce the offensive of the castle guards was, they could not extinguish the fire. They could only stay away and watch the invaders leave with their loot. Find the Book Garden The panting reinforcements who came from the military camp outside the city were in vain, and the guards could only return to report the situation to the nobles in the palace.

The commando team suffered heavy losses, but it did free up a lot of space to store their belongings. The galley carried everyone to quickly evacuate the port and return to join the victorious army.

The news of successfully repelling the invaders did not comfort Waqa Atta. Instead, the city of Hormuz suffered heavy losses and the pirates escaped with their loot. The most important thing is that the victory in the land battle cannot offset the failure in the naval battle. As a trading city-state standing on the rocks, Hormuz's life depends entirely on maritime trade. Now that the armed fleet has been defeated, Hormuz can only let it go. Slaughtered by pirates and the Sultan of Qeshm Island behind them.

He calmed down for a while and asked everyone present: Who is willing to negotiate peace with the other party on behalf of Shah?

The whole place was silent. As the actual leader of this city-state, he had no choice but to take action himself and chose an unlucky guy to accompany him.

After learning that Hormuz intended to sue for peace, the military commander of Qeshm Island, who was responsible for coordinating various ministries, took a small boat, together with several pirate leaders and their guards at the entrance of the port to meet with Wagah, who also came in a small boat. Atta meets.

This trading city-state was forced to accept the protection of the Sultan of Qeshm Island, pay ransoms to the pirates, pay at least half of the customs tax to the Sultan's treasury every year, and allow the pirates to legally conduct business in Hormuz.

Taking this opportunity, Ahsan demanded the release of the imprisoned Safavid envoys and the collection of all red-headed bodies. The ransom could be paid separately or included in his share of the loot.

He had talked with the Fifty Chiefs and planned to send the remaining red heads and envoys to the port of Basra to see if Safawi was as generous as the Fifty Chiefs said.

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