The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 18 The deal with Qeshm Island

The port of Hormuz was getting farther and farther away from the merchant ships, and gradually blurred in the eyes of the fifty-man captain. He sat in his cabin and cast his eyes on the sea through the window. This was the first time he saw the sea, the first time he saw and rode an Arabian dhow. He did not expect that this novel journey would end in such a way. The end comes to an end.

The fifty leader did not want to sit back and wait for death. As the captain of the mission's escort team, if he returned like this, he would most likely be treated as a scapegoat. But now that the ship has not returned to the port of Basra, his superiors and the King of Kings do not know the news of the failure of the mission. Taking this opportunity, he must find a way to rescue the mission and make meritorious service.

He left his private cabin and came to the deck with his captains and captain. Bypassing the busy sailors and deck boys, he came to the bow of the ship.

Not far to the west of Hormuz Island is Qeshm Island, the largest island on the northern shore of the Persian Gulf. It was transformed into Hormuz Island in the signature work of a Swedish company. This island was once a major trading hub, but it has now declined. The main source of economy is fishing and salt industry, and there is also a small iron mine that supplies the island's handicraft industry.

In addition to fishing and mining, the islands also have farmland and pastures, but the output is not self-sufficient. Only forests can provide sufficient wood for the fleet.

Merchant ships slowly approached Qeshm Port to purchase supplies. There were already more than a dozen ships parked in the port. There were fewer people coming and going in the port area than in Hormuz Port. The local area was not as prosperous as Hormuz, but it was still very noisy. On the beach near the port, several small boats rolled over on their sides, and workers were cleaning the bottoms of the boats and other maintenance work.

Mr. Captain, how much do you know about this sea area? Who can help me and my monarch control Hormuz? The captain of fifty asked the captain tactfully.

The Persian Gulf is really a distant and unfamiliar sea for the Safavid court and the red heads with Azerbaijan as the core. Ibrahim's army conquered the coastline, but did not capture the islands near the coastline. The previous Safavid regime did not pay much attention to these islands and the residents living on them. Due to the existence of a power vacuum and the prosperity of the two trading ports of Basra and Hormuz, pirates have become the masters of the sea and islands. For various pirate groups operating rampant in the Indian Ocean, the islands here are also a good resting place. All kinds of militants and exiles also flocked to the island to take refuge or settle.

The captain introduced the situation of various islands in the Persian Gulf to the fifty captains. Among the many islands, only the trade center Hormuz Island and the largest Qeshm Island have political power. The other small islands are under the control of pirates. anarchic society.

Qeshm Island is different from Hormuz. The port here does not maintain an armed fleet to fight pirates, but chooses to accept pirates. This makes this island the largest sale and supply place for pirates in the Persian Gulf.

Then he pointed to the dhows undergoing maintenance work: Those are pirate ships. You can see this on any beach on Qeshm Island.

At the same time, customs officials from Qeshm Port boarded the merchant ship, and the fifty-man captain immediately conveyed to them a request to meet the island owner through the captain.

The relevant process was similar to that in Hormuz. The red heads met with the local sultan under the embarrassing situation of not carrying any gifts, and successfully were despised by everyone in the palace of Qeshm Island.

Shabby guests, I know that you are warriors of the famous Safavid Order on the mainland, and you probably failed on your mission and are on your way back, right. The Sultan looked at the fifty-man leader and said slowly said.

It was no secret that the Safavids sent envoys to Hormuz. The mission's journey could be described as massive, promoting Ibrahim's victory on the plateau to various forces in the Persian Gulf and declaring the majesty of the Safavids.

As a melon-eater, the Sultan of Qeshm Island planned to see how the Safavids would handle this matter.

Yes, dear Sultan, I need your help. You have also heard about the tyranny of the Shah of Hormuz. Please allow me to hire soldiers and ships on your island and purchase military supplies. Mission Not all belongings were taken away when they disembarked. The ship still had the fare paid for the return trip and unspent funds, which could be used by the fifty men.

Sultan nodded with satisfaction, knowing how to take the initiative to say hello showed that he was not an idiot. And he heard that the red-headed warriors of Safavid were powerful, and wanted to take this opportunity to drive a wave of these well-equipped Turkmen to fight for him.

How do you ensure that the army you have assembled on my territory will not infringe on my interests? The Sudan asked a fatal question.

You will gain the friendship of the Order and the King of Kings. Find Shuyuan The fifty-man leader is at his wits' end.

No, this is too false. Sultan waved his hand, If you can prove with actual actions that you and the master behind you are here with friendship, I can help you attack Hormuz.

What? The fifty leader was in disbelief, his tone mixed with surprise and confusion. Fortunately, he was speaking in Azerbaijani, and the translator wisely did not translate the words he said in a momentary gaffe. The Sultan of Qeshm Island ignored his surprise and continued speaking.

Although I am the owner of this island, it is difficult for me to control everything on this island. There are always people who will try to escape from the control of the monarch. I think the monarch of your country must have encountered a similar situation. I graciously allow pirates They are active in my port, allowing them to entertain indulgently, sell stolen goods wantonly, safely purchase supplies and maintain their own food. However, there are always some people who are insatiable and are interested in the salt mines and iron mines on the island. They also occupied a coastal village and wanted to threaten me.

The Sultan of Qeshm Island looked angry and explained his intentions to the fifty-man leader who gradually reacted, just like an NPC explaining the task to the protagonist.

In short, this fifty-man team mainly serves as a vanguard. It first goes to a predetermined location to assemble with other armed men, and then undertakes the most arduous task during combat - acting as a sharp blade to pierce the pirates' defense line.

Is it true that you said you would help me attack Hormuz after this is completed? What price will I have to pay? the fifty captain asked impatiently.

You haven't finished what you have to do now, so don't think so much. If you succeed, I will naturally tell you that distraction is not good for the battle. The Sultan finally sent away the fifty-man leader and asked him to follow the military commander and the red heads. Head to the assembly point with the other troops in the city.

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