The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 4 Negotiations in Saladin’s Castle

While the Armenians were drifting in the Mediterranean, a mission led by Assad arrived in Cairo.

Because of Safavid's policy of persecuting Sunnis, they did not feel any friendly atmosphere along the way. Fortunately, the military and political officials everywhere had a clear mind and did not allow the mob to besiege Assad and others.

The mood of admiring the city of Cairo was swept away by the hostile eyes of the local residents. Fortunately, the surrounding guards were all Mamluks from Saladin's castle. No one was willing to risk their lives to provoke these slave warriors wearing full armor.

After walking uphill for a while, Saladin Castle, standing on the highlands east of Cairo, looked so majestic. The political center of Cairo was much grander than ordinary castles. The tall towers and walls can make a lasting impression on any traveler who comes here. However, the most prominent Mohammed Ali Mosque and Turkish minaret did not exist at this time.

The military functions of the castle are very complete. The castle is the location of the royal stables, and there is a small square on the west side of the castle for cavalry training or military parades. The castle square on the north is the location of the castle bazaar, which is also used during ceremonies. this venue.

The gate of the castle slowly opened, and first Assad and his higher-ranking entourage rode into the castle under the guidance of the Mamluks. Other attendants and the cart moved slowly behind.

After entering the interior, the envoys were asked to dismount and walk to the hall.

In the main seat of the hall, a young man in gorgeous clothes yawned impatiently: How long will it take for them to arrive?

Your Majesty, please wait a little longer. The Cairo city under your rule may have fascinated the guests, and they are still opening their eyes. Looking at Malik who was so bored that he was playing with the silver cup in his hand, the eunuch just piled up With a flattering smile, he comforted him in a flattering manner.

Ha, Cairo under my rule. Anasir repeated it in his mind with disdain. He didn't even bother to respond to such low-level flattery.

At this time, an attendant came in from outside the door and walked quickly to Annasir: Your Majesty, the guests have arrived.

Assad walked into the hall, and the scene was empty. Except for the guards and eunuchs, the only prominent people present seemed to be Anasir, who was sitting on the throne, and the civil and military officials who originally appeared on both sides to watch the envoys. There was no trace of the official.

He felt slighted.

Honorable Malik of Egypt and Syria, Protector of the Three Holy Cities (Jerusalem, Mecca, and Medina), Heir of Saladin's Citadel, An-Nasir, Foreign Minister Asad on behalf of our Lord Shah Khan Shah Yi of Iran Brahim greets you. May Huda bless your rule. Assad first greeted him in a routine manner.

Well. Anasir asked: I wonder if your country has sent an envoy here. What do you want to discuss with me?

Come for Osman, Your Majesty, Assad replied.

Osman? What is Bayezid doing? Isn't he building a navy now? Anasir asked doubtfully, Go and call my spy chief.

The people present waited patiently, and Anasir took a moment to confirm the latest intelligence about the Ottomans on the spot. As usual, Bayezid continued to contact the Pope, urging Italian Christians to return the body of Sultan Cem. Returned to Ottoman territory. At the same time, Gaomen is also preparing for war. In order to further encroach on the territory of the Maritime Empire and defeat the most powerful navy in the Mediterranean, the factories along the Golden Horn are still working overtime to produce various military supplies including galleys. The movement is loud enough to Let Galata on the other side get the information that the Ottomans are about to use troops.

However, there is no direct evidence that Osman will attack the Mamluks.

Mr. Messenger, the Ottomans have shown no signs of launching troops in Syria in the near future. Where is the Ottoman threat you mentioned?

Assad responded calmly: The existence of Osman is a huge threat. Her greed and aggression have caused serious harm to both worlds (the Heavenly World and the Christian World).

Then what does your country want to ask for from the Nile River? What is it willing to pay? Anasir nodded in agreement with his statement and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. cm Then asked the messenger.

Your Majesty, our country hopes to be able to travel freely through your territory and station consulates in Aleppo and Damascus. People coming and going guarantee that they will not violate your country's laws or infringe on your country's interests. Assad said the first one ask.

Free passage? Merchants and travelers can move freely in our country. Does your country's request include the military?

Not included, Your Majesty.

Okay, I agree.

Then Assad set out Safavid conditions one after another, including signing trade agreements, forming defensive alliances, and sharing intelligence.

With all due respect, Mr. Envoy, are your demands too excessive? Suddenly, Anansir scolded Assad, You are just a group of heretics, and you treat your compatriots (referring to Sunni Muslims) The persecution is outrageous, but you still want to ally with me. Only after you stop the persecution and convert to the right faith can we develop an alliance.

It seems that he has not clearly seen the situation he is in. Assad just sneered in his heart. Malik's unreasonable arrogance and sudden outburst quickly aroused his dislike.

After negotiating other details, Assad and others resigned. They were arranged to stay in Saladin Castle and were invited to attend banquets in recent days.

For Ibrahim, forming a defensive alliance with the Mamluks was just a casual move. It didn't matter if he lost, and he didn't expect to have much effect if he succeeded. It is just hoped that the combination of the two will make Padishah a little afraid and delay the outbreak of the Ottoman-Iranian war.

But at least Annesir agreed to a trade agreement and rights of way, albeit with full tolls.

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