The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 1 Trip to Aleppo

Countless horse hooves trampled on the dilapidated rammed earth. A centurion of Qizilbash surrounded the outermost side of the team. The guide and centurion led the team forward.

Assad, the leader of this mission, was a little uneasy. He had never been to a big country as a mission before, let alone a leader, not even as an attaché. And this mission, which has a centurion escort provided by the Governor of Kurdistan Ustaji Khan, nearly a hundred officials and attachés, hundreds of camels carrying property and servants to serve them, is now obeying his command.

The outlines of Diyarbakir have become blurry. Assad put all other thoughts behind him and walked along the road with the entire delegation.

At the same time, across the Tigris River, news of Tabriz's mission to Egypt has arrived in Aleppo. The messenger sent by Assad has arrived in Aleppo, and the letter has been delivered to the desk of the governor of Aleppo.

With the help of the governors along the way, the letter will soon be sent by courier to Damascus, then Jerusalem, and then westward across the Sinai Peninsula to Cairo, where it will be delivered to the noble Malik.

In addition to seeing off the messenger, the governor of Aleppo also needed to greet the incoming delegation.

A few days later, a group of Mamluk cavalry stopped a large column advancing on the road to Aleppo.

We are here to develop friendly relations with you on the orders of our lord Shah Khan Shah of Iran. The leading centurion took the document handed over by Assad and stepped forward alone to show the document to the Mamluks The cavalrymen.

The leading Mamluk officer looked at the document. He had no patience and no need to read the text written in Persian and Arabic. After briefly looking at the last monogram, the officer looked up at the fluttering sun-lion flag with a white background and a green edge, and then he said to the envoys in front of him: Distinguished guests, welcome to the rule of the great Malik Syria. My name is Mohammed, and I have come to greet you on orders from the Governor of Aleppo.

Then he turned his horse, and these Mamluk cavalry also changed their formations and turned in an orderly manner with the emir, leading these guests to Aleppo.

The centurion looked at these uniform Mamluks and felt that this move was a bit of a demonstration. But he didn't need to do anything. He just led his centurions to escort the mission forward.

This cavalry team led the general to the city gate, and then Mohammed Emir said: Ahead is the city of Aleppo. Follow the main road into the castle area and you can go in to meet the governor. The caravanserai in charge of settling your party has also been Get ready, but it is inconvenient for a large group of cavalry to enter the city. We cannot escort your distinguished guests into the city, and your guards cannot all enter the city.

At his request, most of the red heads went with the cavalry to the military camp outside the city to wait, leaving only a ten-man team to follow the envoy into the city and arrive at the caravanserai.

Assad and his entourage first familiarized themselves with the place where they would spend the night tonight, so as not to be unable to find their room when they came back to sleep. After resting for a while, the attendant came in and reported to Assad: Your Excellency, the servant of the Governor of Aleppo is here.

Invite him in. Assad tidied up his appearance a little before letting the guest in.

Hello, Iranian envoy, I am the servant of the governor of Aleppo. My master has prepared a welcome banquet for you. I also ask you to come and enjoy the scenery when it gets dark. I will guide the distinguished guests. Come here. the servant said humbly.

In the evening, Assad and several higher-ranking entourages were led by servants to Aleppo Castle for a banquet. The accompanying guards were stopped at the gate of the castle, and after a brief inspection, Assad came to the hall to meet the current governor of Aleppo.

Hello, distinguished Governor of Aleppo, this city has prospered under your rule. In addition, we are saddened by the death of Malik Ashraf (Qaitbe's title), he was a great Malik. Assad bowed.

The mission came at a bad time. Malik Ketbey, who had ruled the Mamluks for 28 years, died of illness in early August. The entire regime was in a turbulent transitional stage. It was not known how long it would take for his son Anansir to stabilize his rule.

The prosperity of the city of Aleppo is also contributed by the merchants of your country. Without the raw silk from your country, the silk weaving workshop here cannot start operation. The Governor of Aleppo signaled, and the servants served snacks to entertain the distinguished guests. and drinks. Find bookstore

Desserts include various sweets and fruits from the Middle East. Egypt is also a sugar-producing place in the world. It is not unusual for a large amount of sugar to appear on the table of the governor of Aleppo.

While enjoying sweets and fruits, Assad and the governor of Aleppo chatted. However, the conversation between the two was not very nutritious, except for ceremonial greetings, arrangements for the upcoming journey, and rainbow farts. After all, the person sitting opposite Assad is not Egypt's Malik, he is just the governor of Aleppo. If the two really talk about political and military cooperation, it will be linked to foreign countries.

At the climax of the banquet, after the dance ended, and after the dancers left the stage, Assad's specially arranged gifts were delivered to the governor by the servants - a Sheshier scimitar inlaid with gems, an Ardabil workshop It produces fine rugs, a hunting scene-themed silver plate and other Iranian artifacts.

If you don't mind, please accept these. Assad said.

The governor took the scimitar first, and he immediately pulled the scimitar out of its sheath, and the cold light from the blade reflected on his face.

Come here! He planned to test the knife on the spot. Under the order of the governor, the servants sent various supplies for testing the knife. Assad and other members of the mission watched the proceedings.

However, this knife is not a rare sharp blade in the world, it just has some decorations on it to better show the identity of the owner. After discovering this, the Governor of Aleppo ended the knife test with some embarrassment, and then began to admire the silver plate and miniature painting.

However, he has no artistic talent and has very low appreciation of art, but he still accepts it and plans to decorate his mansion.

The banquet ended soon, and according to the schedule agreed upon by both parties, the mission will leave for Damascus tomorrow.

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