The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 112 Plot in Shiraz

In the living room of a mansion, the dancer and the musicians had just finished their performances and walked out of the room together with the other waiters, closing the door behind them.

After hearing the door being gently closed, the owner and distinguished guests in the room finally started to get to the real topic of today's party.

Everyone, the news just came from the castle. Abargu has been captured by the red heads of Safavid. The owner of the mansion drank from the silver cup that had just been filled with drinks.

So, the day of the uprising is coming soon? The visitor frowned.

Absolutely. Anyway, the sooner I can jump off this broken boat, the better. The owner said nonchalantly. After a while, there was only half a glass of drink left in his hand.

After unifying their voices, the conversation in the living room quickly turned to the details of the plan. However, after all, these civil servants were not the leaders of the Turkmen tribe or priests with huge appeal, and the force they could control was limited. The combined number of domestic slaves from their families is not enough to fight the emirs outside the city.

Therefore, their biggest role is to use their power as administrative bureaucrats to collect and transmit intelligence to Safavid, and to help Safavid spies carry out sabotage activities in the city, such as burning military supplies.

But again - they don't have enough cards, and most of the tricks they think of are impossible to execute.

Seeing that the discussion at this gathering couldn't come up with a solution, the host couldn't help but yawned: It's getting late, everyone should go back and rest. We will discuss this matter next time.

Almost everyone present had left, and only the owner and another mysterious man were left in the living room. It was clearly a spy sent by Turgut to establish a solid connection with these young men.

Dear sir, your enthusiasm is simply beyond my imagination. If my lord knows about it, you will definitely be promoted. However, there are still some difficulties in other aspects, but I believe this can be overcome. What do you think? The spy who had watched the whole party smiled half-heartedly and made a comment about the party just now.

So, what do you think of the plan to cooperate with foreigners here? The senior official asked for the advice of the professional spy in front of him.

But the problem is that the root of this problem is that these families do not have enough force. They may not even be able to raid and open the city gate and hold on until the red head outside the city arrives.

It's all the damn Turkic shackles (confirmed)

Time waits for no time, and the red heads led by Dada and Abdul will not stop just because the traitors in the city are not ready to meet them. Apart from irresistible objective factors, the only person who could interfere with their will was Ibrahim in Tabriz. But it is obvious that Ibrahim, who wants to swallow up the entire Aries Dynasty legacy, will not give up this military operation.

After the fall of Abargu, the entire settlement was bloodbathed and the tribal structure was forcibly dismantled. Both nobles and slaves were forced to give up their original lives and were scattered and sent to the valleys of Azerbaijan to start their new lives as slaves.

However, this has nothing to do with this advancing army. The city wall north of Shiraz has all fallen, and the brutal red-headed Turkmen horse bandits will soon approach the base of Shiraz's wall. The local ruler quickly wrote to other local forces and even planned to ask Timur for help.

But all this is destined to be in vain. Even if all the forces of Fars are gathered together, they will not be able to compete with the already strong Safawi. Of course, if they really unite and focus on fighting the enemy, then the red heads won't mind. After all, on the premise of ensuring that they are sure of victory, it is naturally best to eliminate all the opposition elements in one fell swoop, so as not to have to go to various areas by themselves. Beat them one by one.

General, secret message from the spy. At the meeting, the official responsible for coordinating the relationship between the red head and the spy respectfully handed the letter to Dada and Abdul.

Dada scanned it casually, while Abdul read it carefully and extracted useful information from it.

Our friends in the city are not as strong as we thought. Abdul summed up the meaning of the letter straightforwardly and accurately. As for the embarrassment written in it that these traitors were still thinking about the good things that should be done internally and externally, but did not know how to implement it, Abdul and Dada treated it indifferently.

We need more information, including material reserves, the number of defenders, and the defenses in the city. The more detailed the better. The two of them had a headache. For the sake of mobility, they did not bring too many auxiliary personnel, which meant Low siege ability.

In everyone's opinion, relying on careful coordination inside and outside to trick the city gate into opening is the most ideal method.

Since their force is not enough, we should provide them with support. Dada said. As long as there are enough Qizilbashi in the city, look for Shuyuan Is there any spy mission that cannot be completed?

This is like saying that this place is heavily guarded and cannot be entered by normal sneaking, so we should change our thinking and kill everyone.

General, the siege is imminent, and Shiraz will be under martial law soon. What name do you want to use to avoid arousing suspicion? Abdul said helplessly.

Refugees, let's ravage the surrounding rural areas, so that enough refugees will flow into Shiraz. It won't be difficult to add a few more people. After all, the managers of this city are ours. , isn't it? Dada was confident.

Well, that's a good idea, Abdul agreed.

Then the two secretaries helped draft a reply, asking the bureaucrats to put these red-headed refugees into the city. They would obey the spies' command and seize the city gates and attack the castle together with their armed domestic slaves. The fate of Shiraz was guaranteed to be decided in one night.

Just as the messenger from the city left, the outside scout entered the big tent, reported to the two men, and took out the bloody letter: General, we intercepted and killed the messenger leaving from Shiraz City. , please take a look.

Abdul took the letter and read it. After reading it, Dada took the letter and read it again.

Next, they had to face another choice - capture Shiraz before reinforcements arrived, and then defeat the guys who were a beat slower than the red heads; or let them assemble at will and then stew them in one fell swoop.

It would be better if there were fewer enemies on the city wall. Abdul expressed his opinion briefly and won the support of many captains.

Then, let's first decide on the troops who will stay in the camp... Dada said with a smile as he looked at the enthusiastic crowd.

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