The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 110 Yazd’s Raid and Counter-Raid (Part 1)

The messenger quickly returned to the barren, arid, desolate mountainous area where the main force was hiding. Dressed in herdsman attire, he was quickly stopped by patrolling riders.

The messenger took off his token from his waist pocket to prove his identity.

Go in. The riders let him go. The messenger got on his horse and trotted along the road, heading towards the center of the camp.

The homing pigeons released by the dead soldiers did not fly directly back to the camp. Considering the safety and endurance of the pigeons, the messages conveyed by the pigeons were received by scouts in the countryside outside the city. After receiving the messages, they immediately rushed back to the camp of the large army.

After receiving the information, Muhammad ordered the assembly and ordered the scouts who came to report to go back and gather other scouts scattered outside the city, asking them to focus on the situation inside the city instead of monitoring the roads outside the city.

It took more than an hour for the riders to gather at Taft at the mountain pass, less than 20 kilometers away from the center of Yazd. It was a piece of cake for the nomadic raiders traveling lightly, from Abargu to Yazd was further away, but they were equally successful in raiding and taking the city.

Muhammad was confident in this.

Just as Abargu's riders were gathering, some of the craftsmen in the city were busy working on the construction site of the city wall, looking disgraced. He looked at the red heads around who came to supervise the work and did not dare to slack off at all. The people who came to work here were basically the surviving Sunni and Zoroastrian laborers. The red heads in charge of this section of the city wall had a bad attitude towards both. , and reflected in his actions. Although they did not have weapons, they all held riding whips, looking for anyone who was unhappy to be whipped, and they were all worried about it. Even the officers who over-fulfilled the task would make fun of them, or let the gathering The red heads nearby burst into laughter.

Fuck me. Hosaku cursed in his mind, but he still did what he was supposed to do with his hands. He thought of the fire sickle hidden in his crotch, and he wanted to give that guy with a bad attitude a few hits right away. But he still can't get away, and it's too early to ignite flammable materials and set fire, and it won't have much effect.

The sound of horse hoofbeats came from far away. Xizuo wanted to raise his head to observe carefully, but was whipped by the approaching red head: Look at your mother, work quickly. If you can't mend this wall, I will kill you.

Xizuo, whose back was burning, did not dare to be distracted and could only concentrate on pounding the soil with other hard workers.

Two generals, my subordinates came back with a tongue. After a brief interrogation, they found out that they were the scouts of Muhammad of Abargu, and sent them back. The leading scouts came to the castle, and after getting permission, they met in the meeting hall. Dada and Abdul, and reported military information to them.

Take that tongue to the dungeon, guards, tell the interrogator to come! Dada gave the order, and then went to the dungeon with the scouts who were escorting the prisoners.

The interior of the dungeon was dark, but the internal structure could still be seen clearly. The overall environment could not be said to be clean and tidy. Some cells exuded a smell that could make people vomit, and various liquids were splashed on the walls or the floor. But it is absolutely qualified as a dungeon. Feudal society has no universal values ​​called humanitarianism.

The prisoner was quickly handcuffed, and the thick chains around his limbs and neck made it impossible for him to escape. He could only wait in despair for the arrival of the interrogator.

After going through a period of training that was unbearable for humans, the scout told everything he knew.

After asking questions, Dada and Abdul left the dungeon. The guards grabbed the prisoner who was still breathing heavily, dragged him directly and threw him into a cell. He fell right on the haystack, so it wouldn't hurt too much.

As soon as they returned to the meeting hall, the two began to adjust the next preparations: first, they divided the fifteen regiments in their hands, that is, fifteen thousand cavalry, into two groups, five of which, together with all the auxiliary troops, The baggage battalion prepares to use castles, obstacles and small urban spaces for defense in the city, while the remaining troops go outside the city, sending small groups of troops to ambush on the only way for the enemy to retreat, and wait for the opportunity.

However, before dividing the troops, we must first call back all the original troops for redeployment, and do a good job of disguise. In addition to the obvious actions, we must also pray to Huda that the dispatched scouts will not be captured alive.

At night, the spies who had not seen any clues received a letter from the flying pigeon: the army had arrived in the suburbs of Yazd and was currently resting. At sunrise tomorrow, kerosene would be set off to create chaos. If there was an emergency in the city, they could Light the kerosene in advance to give a signal.

The letter was quickly destroyed and the order was quickly passed on to other agents. Find Shuyuan www.

Bang, bang, bang! At this time, the knock on the door startled Xizou, who had just gone up to the roof to let the pigeons go. He calmed down, then opened the door and asked, Who? Then he saw clearly through the lighting of the torch. The face of the visitor.

It's time to get to work. The red head at the door just said impatiently.

Master, it's already dark, how can we still work? Besides, the brothers have been working at the city wall all day, and they are all exhausted.

The red head ignored the detailed explanation and walked straight into the house. Xizuo didn't dare to step forward to stop him, so he took out his riding whip, and amidst the continuous curses, the people on the Datong bunk were woken up alive.

The young people in each house were kicked out and asked to set up obstacles overnight.

The agents wanted to convey information to their side, but they did not have proper means of communication. The only way was to light hidden kerosene to inform Ibrahim to launch an attack before the Safavids completed their deployment, but everyone was near the city center. The construction site is tightly guarded and escape is difficult. If this continues, we can only watch tomorrow's army crash into the prepared defense line.

Seeing this situation, he made some elaborate plans. Anyway, he was not exposed, and the master he was originally loyal to seemed to be defeated. Even if he won, he would have a reason to explain. Why risk losing your head while working when you can live safely?

Sighing slightly, they did not choose to stop what they were doing.

On the city's main road, ten regiments preparing to leave the city marched slowly toward the northern suburbs of the city. The leader of this army is Abdul, and the coach Dada sits in the castle and is responsible for controlling the overall situation. This miraculous feat was naturally granted by the leader out of love for his subordinates.

On this night, the red heads were secretly preparing to meet the enemy who did not know when they would arrive.

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