The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 106 Turning to Fars

Under a lightning offensive that even the red head himself had not expected, the top leaders of the religious order were all wiped out in one fell swoop. Under the escort of the red heads, they arrived at the camp outside the city and were personally received by Gaola Berry.

The senior leaders of the religious order suddenly fell into despair. The worst situation would be for the leadership group to be lumped together. The scattered followers need to be organized to continue fighting. Without high-ranking priests, there is no authority. Without authority, there is no authority. Unable to unite all forces. Even if a legendary figure emerges from the grassroots priests and successfully leads the believers to create a big storm, what does that have to do with them?

Hello, distinguished guests. Huda bless you. Gaolaberi greeted politely first.

Hello, noble Emir. The priests nodded guiltily.

Then I'll get straight to the point. You must also know what you are here to do. This is the only job you can do. Gaolaberi said slowly. If his mouth was more poisonous, he could add another sentence This is your only purpose to taunt these prisoners of war.

Although you are prisoners of war, as long as you can show sufficient value, we can still fulfill our previous promises. Gaolaberi's words were very straightforward, directly asking these high-ranking priests to use their authority within the order to assist The red heads take over Khuzestan.

However, these priests did not agree immediately, but began to hesitate, as if they wanted to bargain with Gaolaberi.

Humph, heretic, do you dare to debate the scriptures with me? A fanatic jumped out and challenged Gaolaberi discordantly.

Gaolaberi just calmly ordered the soldiers to deal with the sudden hardness - the two warriors stepped forward to control him, suppressed his resistance and got him out of the crowd, and then used riding whips to hit him hard. The ferocious bloodstains and groans on his body directly shocked the capitulationists and wall-riding factions.

Hmph, hum, ah ah ah ah. The priest who was beaten half to death was dragged out of the tent by the soldiers like a dead pig. He used his last strength to accuse his colleagues who were just watching: You are traitors one by one!

After dealing with the priest who turned into a beast, Gaolaberi decided to emphasize it again: This is not a plea or a negotiation, this is an order. You are not qualified to bargain with me, and don't think about going against the will and going to me without compromise. Execute the order!

After saying that, the soldiers put the knives on their necks, and the cold blade was close to their skin, which had a good effect in dispelling the heat in this hot summer.

After several mentally retarded screenings, Gaolaberi eliminated those senior managers of Moussasha who were highly resistant and unwilling to cooperate with the red heads, and screened out a few usable weaklings.

Through a physical and spiritual attack, the remnants of the Order of Musasha will soon become history.

Thousands of miles away in Tabriz, in the palace garden. Ibrahim is training Ismail in the pavilion, making him accept the academic pressure that he should not bear at his age.

Your Majesty, your spymaster Turgut wants to see you. The eunuch passed through the defense line of the guards and walked into the pavilion to report.

Call him in. Ibrahim hesitated and threw the book in his hand to his brother. Ismail, who was forced to study here, secretly glanced at Ibrahim and felt that he could take a breath and catch a fish.

Your Majesty, and Your Highness. Turgut saluted the two of them, then took out a letter and handed it to Ibrahim respectfully: This is a letter from Fars. Several local families Tired of the chaos, these unarmed writing nobles wanted to find themselves a new protector.

Shahansha took the letter, and the content inside was so densely written that it took up two pieces of paper. However, the handwriting was beautiful and Ibrahim didn't feel any discomfort.

It first praised Huda, praised the Safavid Order and Qizilbash, and then got to the main topic: We and other good people admire Wang Hua and hope that Wang Shi will regain Fars as soon as possible. When the king's division arrives, they will provide as much help as they can and ask Ibrahim to continue to employ them in administrative management.

In addition to these, they also sincerely sent information, including the strength and location of various factions in Fars, the status of roads and settlements, as well as suggestions that may or may not be useful.

In this way, I don't know anything about Fars' use of troops.

Ismail, just study hard and I will test it when you come back. He turned around and told his brother, and then Ibrahim stood up and slowly walked back to the meeting hall followed by a group of followers.

The summoned red-headed emirs are already waiting here, and Ibrahim will select commanders from among them to restore order in Fars.

Seeing Ibrahim coming, these emirs under the leadership of Hussein respectfully saluted the King of Kings, who was much younger than themselves, and followed his arrangements.

Your Majesty, these are the emirs who I think are qualified to serve as generals. Hussein said first, and then began to introduce them one by one: This is Abdul, the emir of the Talish tribe. Mir, after the establishment of the Persian province of Iraq, was assigned to attack local local forces and bandits many times.”

Ibrahim nodded: Where are the other candidates?

But the second candidate was an acquaintance. Hussein smiled and said, Your Majesty, this one doesn't need any introduction, right?

Ibrahim looked at Dada Beg Talish, who was about the same age as Hussein, and recalled the information about him: like Abdul, he was the leader of a sub-tribe of Talish, and Hussein is also one of the seven old loyalists (referring to the seven senior leaders of the religious order who were responsible for raising, educating, and assisting the two brothers after Haidar was killed). He participated in Rostam's usurpation war and other events throughout the Haidar period. In all the wars that the Safavid Order has participated in, it has been responsible for suppressing and pacifying the first few provinces established after the army was launched, and has rich experience.

The new faces that appear later are basically the new generation or the red-headed emir with a weak sense of presence. They may be only slightly older than Ibrahim. They have neither experience in independent leadership nor any outstanding military exploits. The most they can do is practice as captains of thousands.

After roughly considering who the general was, Ibrahim asked: How many cavalry are there in Tehran so far?

According to the recent report, there are about fifteen thousand. Your Majesty, do you still need to continue mobilizing? Hussein replied.

In that case. Ibrahim said to Dada first: I entrust you to go to Tehran to take over this army and be fully responsible for the task of restoring order in Fars.

Yes, Your Majesty. Dada, who had seen a lot, accepted the task calmly.

And you, Abdul, you become Dada's deputy.

Abdul was a little disappointed, but he still thanked him and said, I will fulfill my mission.

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