The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 104 Attacking Ahvaz

The travel-stained messenger brought the envoys of the Musassah Order to the camp under the city of Ahvaz under the guidance of sentries. After the soldier responsible for guarding the entrance of the big tent verified the identity of the messenger, he reported the arrival of the messenger to the general inside the tent.

The messenger walked into the big tent, walked quickly to Gaolaberi, took out the letter and said respectfully: General, this is an order from His Majesty.

Gaolaberi took the letter and unfolded it to read it. The main message of the letter was that the Musa Shah Order secretly sent envoys to Tabriz to seek peace, but their peace terms could not satisfy Ibrahim. The King of Kings then ordered him to put pressure on the Musasas to surrender on the terms proposed by Ibrahim, preferably before the harvest.

Bring Musasha's guests here.

The envoy of Musa Shah was brought in, trembling with fear and feeling as if he were facing an abyss. Gaolaberi looked at him. His robe and turban were not exquisite. He looked like an ascetic monk. Looking at his expression and behavior, he should be an unlucky guy who was temporarily assigned a task.

Take out the documents on you. In order to complete Ibrahim's task, Gaolaberi needed to know what Ibrahim's conditions were.

Without saying a word, envoy Moussasha took out the crumpled letter. The soldier roughly took away the letter, unfolded it, and handed it to Gaolaberi respectfully.

Gaolaberi was a little surprised. Ibrahim did not choose to write a reply. Instead, he wrote a brief reply to the original letter as if he were writing instructions to a lower-level official. Without reading the content, you will know that this is completely humiliating them.

The content of the letter surprised him even more, disbanding the original religious organization, converting all clergy to the true faith, joining Safavid after screening, and converting the people of Khuzestan together.

This... Gaolaberi was a little unsure of what to do. How much pressure would the Musasa Order have to bear to accept this condition?

Then he returned the letter to the envoy and told his soldiers: Send him back to Ahvaz and tell the heretics in the city that they will have enough time to consider these conditions before the city is destroyed.

After the Musasas were dragged away, the messenger produced a second document.

This one is a personnel transfer. Envoy Assad accompanying the army was canceled from this mission. He was required to report to Diyarbakır as soon as possible after receiving the order and lead the mission to Aleppo.

Gaolaberi nodded. He had no feelings for this pen-wielding nobleman who had been responsible for diplomacy for a long time. He could not say he disliked or approved of him personally. Then he ordered his soldiers to deliver this order to Assad.

Outside the camp, a group of soldiers escorted the envoy and kept approaching the city wall under the eyes of the defenders.

After the leading ten-capion felt that the defenders on the city could hear his voice at this distance, he loudly said to the Musasa people: On the order of General Gaolaberi, we will send your messenger to you. Come back. Then he pushed the envoy Moussasha forward.

The defenders did not open the city gate, but lowered a hanging basket and motioned for the envoy Musasa to sit on the basket. After he was hoisted into the city, the ten-man team quickly got out of the range of the bows and arrows in the city.

The letter brought back by the envoy was quickly delivered to Mohammed Sheikh's desk.

After reading the Instructions at the bottom of the letter, he put down the letter tremblingly and sighed. Then he thrust the letter into his arms, but soon after he took it out and glanced at it again uneasily.

O Allah...

As Sheikh Mohammed lamented about the future of the order, the same war cry erupted from the city walls. The two warring parties shouted the same slogans and fought.

After more than a week of preparations, Gaolaberi finally had the conditions to launch a strong attack on the city of Ahvaz. The cannon fodder, that is, those fanatical volunteers and speculators, pushed the siege engines forward under the supervision of the red heads.

The siege tower and ladders were placed against the city wall. With the support of the archers on the top of the tower, the cannon fodder scrambled to climb to the top of the city. These warriors fighting for their faith fought desperately on the square inch of the wall, every minute. Someone fell off the wall.

One, two, three...throw!

The Musasa people brought in kerosene that had been in the ordnance inventory for an unknown period of time, and these ignited clay pots were thrown onto the siege engines at almost the same time.

Accompanied by piercing screams, many cannon fodders jumped off the city wall in pain, hoping to die immediately without having to endure the pain of being burned. These wall-jumpers made no movement after jumping off, and I don’t know if they were really dead.

But the effect of this round of kerosene offensive is limited. The history of human war is long. Counting the previous Middle Ages alone, Europe and the Middle East and even the entire world island have experienced thousands of years of war. These traditional and tried-and-true tactics have also been slowly used. I figured out how to deal with it.

All siege engines have been treated with fireproofing. Although Gaolaberi is not rich enough to use cowhide or something, it doesn't cost a few silver coins to apply a layer of wet mud on the surface.

Seeing that the enemy's passage had not been completely destroyed, the officers looking for Shuyuan could only grit their teeth and lead their men to hold on.

It's just that in the new round of offensive, the reinforcements are no longer cannon fodder, but real red heads. The fighting power of these medieval evangelical warriors (the hadiths of Allah and the Prophet are also gospel!) does not need to be elaborated. The casualties of Musa Shah's warriors increased rapidly.

Retreat! Seeing that the city wall could no longer be defended, the officers unanimously planned to retain their strength and retreat to the barricade defense line to continue fighting the enemy. With the blessing of religious fanaticism, their retreat did not turn into an avalanche. The red heads intercepted and killed many people, but more people became part of the barricade defense line.

Looking at the barricades in front of them, which were almost two people tall and made of garbage, the red heads were at a loss. The officers were clamoring to use kerosene and kerosene to turn the city upside down.

But Golaberi quickly vetoed this plan. Ibrahim ordered him to conquer Khuzestan in order to provide tax revenue from this province. If nomadic conquerors like the Golden Family and Timur slaughtered all the people, , then who do the tax officials look for to exploit?

This was the end of the first day's strong attack.

The next day is Friday, and the weekly Juma Day service is on Friday. Pious soldiers from both sides gathered with their colleagues to pray under the leadership of the priests accompanying the army, listen to the priests' khutba, and It’s missionary speaking.

In the cruel and boring war, indulgent entertainment, alcohol and these chaplains were the most solid spiritual pillars for the soldiers.

On the other side, in the mosque in the city center, Mohammed Sheikh, who was informed of the current situation of the war, confessed Ibrahim's peace terms to all the senior clerics and military officers in his khutbah. There was an uproar, and what made everyone feel even more uncomfortable was that their Sheikh could no longer hold on.

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