The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 101 Assad’s Impeachment

Your Majesty, there is someone who claims to be the envoy of the Musasa Order and wants to see you. The servant came to a pavilion deep in the garden and reported to the master sitting inside.

Ibrahim was flipping through Zheffini's History of the Conquerors of the World, and when he saw the part about Genghis Khan lamenting on the banks of the Indus River about giving birth to a son, Ruzalandin, the rest time suddenly ended.

Looking at the servant who suddenly appeared in front of him, Ibrahim closed the book and said, Call him over.

Not long after, the travel-worn messenger was brought to the pavilion, and then he took the initiative to kneel down and salute the King of Kings sitting inside: The great Sheikh Ibrahim of the Safavid Order, in the name of Musa Shah A letter has been sent to you by order of Sheikh Mohammed of the Order.”

Taking the letter handed over by the servant, Ibrahim unfolded it and read it quickly.

You can't stand the pressure, are you asking for peace? It seems that Gaolaberi has won a great victory recently.

In the letter, Muhammad lowered his stance. The Musa Shah Order could hand over its arms and its territory. They only hoped to retain their religious organization, mosques, and holy tombs. facility.

This surrender is very complete. If it is successful, then the Musa Shah Order will also be under his rule.

I do not accept this condition. Ibrahim said directly to the messenger and threw the letter in front of him.

He stood on the steps facing the kneeling messenger. The attendants and guards around him formed a circle and surrounded the two of them. Coupled with his aggressive attitude, the messenger felt a sense of oppression.

Dear Sheikh...are you...going to kill them all? the messenger asked without giving up. But after he said it, he felt regretful about his stupidity and impulsiveness. Everyone knew Ibrahim's religious policy - wasn't it just to kill everyone?

The desperate messenger was dragged out.

So, what is the current situation of the Musasa Order?

Speaking of which, he didn't pay much attention to the reports sent regularly by military couriers. Every time he just read the beginning of the letter, and when he found that Gaolaberi mentioned that the war would continue, Ibrahim would feel bored and put the battle report aside.

Go! Send all the latest battle reports. He randomly assigned a guard, and after a while, the guard came back with several documents.

Ibrahim examined it carefully and roughly deduced the battle situation based on the map in his mind. The Safavid army destroyed two armies of the Musasa people at a very small cost, and also used the prestige of the order to recruit a group of volunteers.

The letter briefly described the surrender of the city of Basra and his next plan.

Finally, Gaolaberi mentioned the mission sent by the Musasa sect to bribe him. The final solution was: all the property was confiscated and all the people were killed.

Very good. Ibrahim said silently in his heart.

He picked up a pen and paper and quickly drafted a brief order—to allocate money to repair and maintain the two Shia holy sites of Karbala and Najaf, and to set up dedicated priests for management.

Then he turned to the next document. But he soon discovered that this document was different from the others.

To put it simply, this is an impeachment letter, and the letter was written by Assad, who wanted to impeach Gholabery.

In the impeachment letter, Assad focused on his handling of the Moussasha envoy, emphasizing that Gorabery failed to follow your orders and ruined all possibilities of negotiating with the Moussasha sect to force a surrender. He tried to Risk your army to gain more military honors and higher official positions for yourself. To do this, you will ignore your orders and exclude your colleagues who are supposed to work together. You are desperate, just like a wild beast, without caring about the consequences...

Through the description in the impeachment letter, Ibrahim painted in his mind a reckless man who disobeyed orders, tried to monopolize the military glory, tried to win over the morale of the military, and squeezed out his colleagues.

Although Ibrahim was mentally prepared, the emergence of the first conflict between the Iranian civilian officials and the red-headed military attache still made him feel a little...

In the future, such conflicts will only increase until the red-headed tribesmen are marginalized within the regime.

Assad's motive for impeaching Gholabery this time is also very simple - Gholabery's actions almost cut off his path as an envoy. If you go to negotiate with the enemy to persuade them to surrender when the other party's envoys are killed, then you are not sending an envoy, you are sending yourself to death.

If this is the case, then he will not be able to get a large share of the military merits. Although he also has a job of coordinating and supervising his staff, can this credit be compared with successfully persuading surrender...

After thinking for a while, Ibrahim wrote an instruction on the impeachment letter: I understand.

However, this is still a small problem now. He must first think about how to deal with the Musasha Order and use this as an example to deal with other Shia Sufism orders. First of all, the original religious organization cannot be retained. There can only be one Safavid religious organization in the territory.

As compensation, other members of the sect who are willing to accept the ideas of the Safavid order can join the Safavid order, serve in local offices, and enjoy the benefits of the bureaucratization of clergy.

Their addition can also alleviate the current shortage of Shia clergy. Coupled with the dervishes returning from some Asia Minor and the Shia jurists who are willing to be loyal to him, the replacement of the clergy should be carried out smoothly. very smooth.

In addition to maintaining the operation of mosques, he also plans to open religious schools in various places, restore almshouses, open and expand hospitals and other ancillary facilities to mosques, which also require sufficient manpower to maintain operations.

Moreover, priests and civil servants are both pen-wielding aristocrats. The strength of the two can suppress the sword-wielding aristocrats and prevent the army from being too domineering. Moreover, Ibrahim planned to integrate the sect into the government. He and subsequent kings of kings would also serve as Sheikhs and become the leaders of Shia clerics across the country.

Sadr, the manager of religious affairs across the country, is nothing more than the executor of the will of the King of Kings. Ayatollahs serving in the government will work diligently to handle various religious affairs within the country and ensure the stability of the regime.

In short, there are many places where priests can use it.

Bring up that scrap of paper, Ibrahim ordered.

The servant picked up the peace letter that was crumpled and thrown on the ground, then spread it out flat and handed it to the King of Kings respectfully.

Ibrahim immediately wrote his own conditions at the back of the peace letter, just like he was writing instructions on the official documents handed to his ministers.

You can give this letter to the original owner and tell him to go back now. He handed the crumpled letter paper to the guard with his left hand, and picked up the History of the World Conquerors placed aside with his right hand and read it again. stand up.

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