The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 99 Summation

The next day, an arrow carrying a letter of persuasion was shot into the castle by a group of red heads who ventured into the bow and arrow range.

Bring them back to your emir! After saying these words, they retreated without caring whether the defenders heard them or not.

After the red heads withdrew, Golaberi had no hope that the enemy could surrender. In his understanding, the soldiers of the Musasa Order and the red heads of Safavid were bound by religious fervor. To recruit and organize. The fighting will is much higher than that of troops of the same level.

To this end, he decided to use all methods to try to destroy their physical and psychological defenses.

General, the open space has been cleared, and the trebuchets are also being prepared. The officer in charge of commanding the siege engines came to report the progress to him.

Next, the remaining defenders can realize where the reinforcements they have been waiting for have gone.

Hang the body and let them take a good look at it.

Nalder was looking at a scrawled and brief letter of persuasion to surrender. The main idea was that the reinforcements that came to rescue them had been wiped out, Ahvaz was also in danger, and unless Huda came down to earth, no one could save them. Surrendering is the only way out, otherwise they will be sent to hell by the swords of the Qizilbas.

My lord! My lord! A soldier rushed in and shouted: There is something unexpected outside. The officers ask you to go to the tower to check.

Throwing the letter away casually, Nard waved his hand: Take me up.


In the open space in front of the castle, several trebuchets stood, ready to start a new round of attacks. Several prepared corpses were also inserted with wooden spikes and were held high for display to everyone.

The body that was lifted high was the commander of the reinforcements. Nalder knew him, and not long ago, this poor nameless man was so high-spirited that he went to rescue his colleagues. But now it has become a powerful weapon to break the psychology of colleagues.

What the red heads did next was even more outrageous.

On the orders of Colabéry, the prepared heads - all embalmed - were loaded and thrown into the castle. Under the influence of gravity, the heads that hit the stone bricks were smashed to pieces.

Musasha people! You have lost hope of victory!

If you don't surrender, your heads will be thrown into Ahvaz like this!

Some of the soldiers on the wall were shaken, while others were more determined to resist. But no matter what, the divisions among the defenders expanded, and Naarde was also in a moment of decision.

While the defenders were hesitating, a group of volunteers carrying simple ladders had already advanced to the bottom of the wall and began to build ladders to attack the city. Archers appeared on the heights of nearby buildings. The deadly arrows took away some lives and plunged the city into chaos.

The attack continued, and some of them had already climbed onto the outermost wall of the castle and started fighting with the enemy.

Nard was very disgusted with these volunteers who had to be equipped but not equipped, trained but not trained, and fought with only religious enthusiasm. The Safavid Order and the Moussasha Order are both Shia Sufi orders, but why are these Shia volunteers willing to help the Safavid red heads?

But there was little time for him to think about it now. The threat of the city's destruction was imminent, and the news that the reinforcements had been destroyed and that their hometown was in danger continued to tear apart the soldiers' psychological defenses, and many chose to give up resistance.

Undoubtedly, the castle fell quickly, and the red heads quickly wiped out all remaining enemies.

Arab Iraq was completely controlled by the Safavids.

After arranging the necessary aftermath work, Assad and Gaolaberi discussed the next action in the large tent of the military camp outside the city.

General, troops are valuable and quick. We have annihilated two enemy armies in succession, and now their military strength is empty. Now when we march into Khuzestan, just scaring them is enough to give us enough advantages in negotiations. Assad persuaded. Tao, Gaolaberi was concerned that the troops had been under siege for more than three weeks and needed time to rest and recover before they could continue to fight.

Assad, on the other hand, believes that there will be no new battles when entering Khuzestan. In order to complete the task as soon as possible, he went to Shuyuan. He and his entourage strongly encouraged Gaolaberi to continue marching into Khuzestan.

Other officers present were noncommittal.

The whole army will rest first and we will talk after counting the loot. Gaolaberi planned to end the topic directly. He did not want to risk the tired army.

Your Excellency, I implore you to consider this proposal. We cannot allow our enemy to regain strength.

I did not let the enemy regain strength. Do you think it is easy to form an army? They have no tribes they can rely on. The mercenaries are expensive and unreliable. All soldiers and officers have to be trained from scratch. There are not many The moon cannot produce a serviceable army.

Besides, it's still summer, and you know the weather in Arab Iraq. If you let an army that has never rested march and fight in the sweltering heat, what percentage of its combat strength will be left at the destination? How long will it take to rest before fighting?

Assad, who is not proficient in military affairs, was unable to refute what he said. Although he was very pious, after all, he had been a staff member in the army for several years. He had the kind of we can win with God He couldn't say the words.

How long does our army need to rest?

Don't worry, the credit will not go away. I will definitely get it before the end of this year's combat season (from Nowruz to October).

After determining that the attack could only be postponed, Assad said goodbye and left the tent.

A few days later, the news of the defeat on the front line was known to Sheikh Mohammed of Moussa Shah. He then quickly sent envoys to sue for peace, and an envoy went to Basra with gifts in the hope of bribing the army to delay its advance.

The other peace team was much simpler in pursuit of speed. They rode horses along the dilapidated road and rushed to Tabriz with letters.

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