The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 378: New county guard

"Method? Yes, it just needs Miss Yang Jie's blood. At that time, Tianyin Sacred Palace will be rewarded, and it will definitely be transferred into Tianyin Sacred Palace."

Tuoba Yuan said to Liu Cedao.

"Very good... I need you to enter the Tianyin Sacred Palace to investigate clues for me."

Liu Ce confronted Tuoba Yuandao.

Tuoba Yuan was overjoyed. If it were like this, he wouldn't need to die.

"This pill, you take it."

Liu Ce took out a pill and handed it to Tuoba Yuan.

"this is?"

Tuoba Yuan hesitated when he saw the pill in Liu Ce's hand.

"Take it, otherwise, die immediately..."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"I serve, I serve..."

Tuoba Yuan also knew that it was absolutely impossible for Liu Ce to fully believe in himself and return to Tianyin Holy Palace.

After Tuoba Yuan anxiously took the pill, Liu Ce said faintly: "This is Leopard Tire Yijin Pill. Without my antidote, you will not want to live, survive, and die. If you are so thin, The figure, if you don’t get the antidote over the time limit, you will abruptly become a big fat man within a month, and the height will be a few centimeters shorter. Tsk..."


When Tuoba Yuan heard Liu Ce's description, he was immediately frightened. If it was as described by the other party, it would be extremely terrifying.

"Of course, if you are obedient and have no other thoughts, as long as you find me on time and get the antidote, it will be fine."

Liu Ce looked at Tuoba Yuan and said coldly: "Of course, only I have an antidote for this medicine. If you want to find someone else to detoxify you, you can try it. But don't blame me for not having it. Remind you, if this poison is not successfully detoxified, it will explode more quickly. I will not be responsible for anything that happens when the time comes."

Liu Ce's words immediately wiped out all the cautious thoughts in Tuoba Yuan's heart. He really wanted to let the detoxification master of Tianyin Sacred Palace detoxify himself when he went to Tianyin Sacred Palace. But after hearing Liu Ce's words, he suddenly put out the idea.

"At this moment, the little blood you got is enough for you to complete the task, right?"

Liu Ce looked at Yang Jieliu's small bottle of blood and asked Tuoba Yuan.

"Enough, enough."

Tuoba Yuan asked hurriedly.

"Well, you go, what to do, I believe I will teach you again."

Liu Cedao.

"No need, no need."

Tuoba Yuandao.

"That's good, go..."

Tuoba Yuan left with the small bottle of blood.

Immediately, Liu Ce came to Yang Jie, looked at her pale face, and said distressedly: "Jie'er, how are you?"

"Cousin, Yang Jie is fine."

Yang Jie smiled at Liu Cezhan.

"Cousin is sorry for you and can't avenge you right away, but cousin promises you that he will definitely make him pay the price."

Liu Ce said coldly.

"Cousin, I know you have your own ideas, and Jie'er doesn't blame you."

Yang Jie smiled at Liu Ce.

"Well, let's go down the mountain, grandpa and aunt are both anxious to death."

Liu Ce said to Yang Jie.

After Liu Ce and others left, Liu Ce ordered that the surrounding area had already been quietly encircling the mountain. The Qi family army encircled and suppressed the entire Taixu Mountain, and all the remaining Xuanying Sect remnants were cleared away, and none of them needed to be left behind.

Sun's Home in Southwest County

When Liu Ce brought Yang Jie back. Both Sun Ling and Sun Yaoting were overjoyed, only to see Yang Jie like this, and a little distressed. Fortunately, even though Yang Jie lost too much blood, she could recover as long as she recuperated for a period of time.

"Cer, thank you very much, if it weren't for you, your cousin..."

Before Sun Ling finished speaking, Liu Ce interrupted her.

Originally, Sun Ling was a little uncomfortable with Liu Ce's name. After all, the other party was the famous Emperor of the Han Dynasty, but looking at Liu Ce standing in front of him with a gentle smile, like a boy next door, he shouted and shouted, Sun Ling was actually used to it. I don’t feel awkward. It seems that he did not link him to the legendary and brutal Emperor Han.

"Auntie, since you are all Jie'er and my cousin, I should save her. You shouldn't be polite to me anymore."

Liu Ce smiled at Sun Ling.

"Well, Ce'er, when are you leaving?"

Sun Ling asked Liu Ce.

There was a bit of dismay in his tone.

"It should be only these two days."

Liu Cedao.

"Can't you stay for two more days? Now Jie'er is still very weak and still recuperating. If you just leave like this, she will definitely be sad."

Sun Ling had some regrets.

"Auntie, don't worry, I said goodbye to my cousin before I left."

Liu Ce smiled.

Liu Ce still likes Yang Jie's cousin. If possible, he would naturally try not to make the little girl sad.

"Okay, then I'm relieved. It's late, and my aunt won't bother you to rest."

After Sun Ling left, people from Xichang appeared in front of Liu Ce.

"How's it going? On Taixu Mountain?"

Liu Ce asked Xichang factory guard who was kneeling in front of him.

"The emperor, the Qi family's army carried out a carpet search on Taixu Mountain. Except for the person you specifically confessed to let go, the remaining 378 Profound Eagle Sect's sons were all killed by the Qi family's army of Master Qi."

The factory guard road of the west factory.

"Well, has the official sent by Zhang Juzheng arrived?"

Liu Ce asked again.

"According to the news, Master Zhang, is going to send this year's Enke champion Dou Zhibai to become the county guard of the southwest county. The county lieutenant of the southwest county will be appointed in a few days."

Xichang Factory Wei replied.

"Oh. That's okay. The county guard is still more important. You can send the county guard in the southwest county first."

Liu Cedao.

The guard of a county is the soul, of course, the lieutenant is equally important. but. If the county guard arrives first, the local people's livelihood can be restored as soon as possible. Liu Ce naturally understands this.

"Go down."

Liu Ce waved his hand.

After the factory guard left.

Liu Ce murmured: "The top pick starts from the county guard. This starting point is really high. However, since it is the top pick of Enke this year, it must be at some level."

Liu Ce couldn't help but became interested in this Dou Zhibai.

Originally, Liu Ce was to leave Southwest County the next day, but he stayed one more day in order to see the newly appointed parent officer.

The next evening

Liu Ce came to the county government office

"You just stay here."

Liu Ce said to the Dugu Qiuqiu and the brave man behind him, Gan Mingzhu.

The three looked at each other, not knowing what Liu Ce was going to do, but they didn't ask much. Gan Mingzhu looked at Liu Ce curiously.

Liu Ce walked to the door of the Yamen, picked up a drumstick, and banged on the drum.

"Boom boom boom!"

A dull voice sounded.

"Who beats the drums and complains?"

Dozens of government officials rushed out from within.

"My son."

Liu Ce Hao prepared his way in his spare time.

Seeing Liu Ce, an extraordinary young man, came to play the drums. The head of the team became a little impatient and shouted, "Who do you sue?"

"This son sue the local parent official."

Liu Ceyi spoke sternly.

"Bold, dare to sue officials?"

The leader of the team shouted.

All the government officials were a little shocked. Since ancient times, no one has dared to sue the people, it is purely seeking death.

"What's the crime of local officials?"

The head of the team held back the anger. If it hadn't been for the newly appointed county guard today to confess that he could not embarrass the people who came to beat the drums and complain of grievances, he would have let Liu Ce be beaten out. Even so, the eyes he looked at Liu Ce were extremely unkind.

"Tell him, do nothing."

Liu Cedao.

"Bold, drive it out."

The team leader was even more angry, waiting to greet people, and drove Liu Ce away.


At this moment, a clear voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Master Hong, this person is bold and reckless, don't let him be ignored."

The leader of the team shouted to the master who appeared.

This master is tall and thin, wearing a square scarf on his head, with a goatee, and a shrewd look, just like a master.

Although only a master, this team dare not offend anything. The look is extremely respectful. Everyone knows very well that even though Shiye is not well-known in the government system of a place. Not even graded. But it is a close confidant of the chief official. Wanwan cannot afford to offend.

"Oh. The county guard wants to see him, I'll take him in."

The master gave Liu Ce a faint glance.

"Good, good."

The team leader nodded and bowed.

"The county guard has already explained it. If anyone comes to beat the drums and complain about grievances, they will all be brought into the yamen. Do you take the words of the county guard as the wind in your ears?"

Master suddenly said solemnly.

"Don't dare, Master, we don't mean that, but this person is here to sue the officials. Isn't he here to sue Master Dou? Isn't this daring?"

The team leader quickly explained.

It seems that the cold sweat on his forehead ran out because of the reprimand of the master.

"Hmph, so what, Master Dou is worthy of the world, so what does the defendant matter."

The master's complexion was a little slow, and he said to the head of the team: "Let's not take this as an example."

"Yes Yes……"

The head of the team is like an amnesty.

"My lord wants to see you, come with me."

Master was more polite to Liu Ce than that team leader.

Liu Ce nodded, at least so far, he is still very satisfied. As soon as this Dou Zhibai arrived, he acted immediately, which proved that the other party really did something. Liu Ce became more interested in the other party.

Walk into the yamen

A young man in official uniform sits above the lobby. About twenty-seven or eighty-year-old, handsome and upright. Only when I saw Liu Ce. A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Bold, don't you kneel down when you see the county guard?"

The team leader on the side saw that Liu Ce was standing, seized the opportunity, and hurriedly shouted.

It's not that the team is courageous, but that when a commoner sees the official man, he kneels down to bow to the courtesy. This in itself should be done.

"You go down first."

Suddenly Dou Zhibai stood up and waved to the surrounding officials.

"grown ups!"

Those government officials are a little confused.

Even the master next to Dou Zhibai was a little strange to his approach.

"Let you go down, just go down."

Dou Zhibai said solemnly.

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