"Very good. Your behavior, we will tell you Emperor Han. Just wait and see."

The triangular-eyed youth was a little helpless. After all, this is a big man, they dare not mess around. Even if you win these city guards in front of you, you will face the arrival of more powerful warriors.

Although the Dahan was only a high-grade dynasty, the triangular-eyed youth knew that the Dahan almost destroyed several imperial states, and his strength could not be measured by the surface level.

"As you wish."

Han Tao snorted coldly.

After the triangular-eyed youth left, Han Tao's eyes fell on Yun Lin'er. Although Yun Lin'er looked a little embarrassed now, Han Tao could still see that she was definitely a beauty.

"Who gave you this token, can you describe it?"

Han Tao looked at Yun Lin'er and asked gently, no longer the cold-hearted appearance of facing the triangular-eyed youth before.

"He is my teacher."

Then, Yun Lin'er described Liu Ce's appearance.

"He, is it Emperor Han?"

Han Tao's heart was shocked. But on the surface, Han Tao didn't say much. To Yun Lin'er: "You follow me, those people may come back to you. As for the person you are looking for, I will help you inquire. There should be results soon."

"Thank you……"

Yun Lin'er looked happy, so natural is the best. It's just that she is still very worried now that her father doesn't know what is going on with her father.

Han Palace

Liu Ce received the news from his subordinates that someone appeared in Handu holding a token of the royal family.

"Is it Yun Lin'er?"

Liu Ce put down the memorial and looked shocked.

Now that the other party was here, Liu Ce had no idea of ​​concealing his identity, and let someone bring Yun Lin'er.

While Yun Lin'er was anxiously waiting for the result, she didn't want to, someone took her to the palace. This made Yun Lin'er a little nervous, after all, she had to face unknown dangers. But when Yun Lin'er saw Liu Cezhi sitting on the dragon chair, she couldn't help but rushed over.


Yun Lin'er hugged Liu Ce.

The guard who came with Yun Lin'er was a little embarrassed, and quickly turned and left.

"Lin'er, are you wronged?"

Liu Ce sighed.

Although Liu Ce and Yun Lin'er are not mentors and apprentices, they are just a general education relationship. But he still has a good impression of Yun Lin'er, otherwise he would not leave a token.

"Our Yun family is gone, and Yunfeng City is gone. Our Yun family members died miserably. So many members of the family died."

Yun Lin'er cried.

"I know, everything will pass."

Liu Ce comforted Yun Lin'er.

"By the way, teacher, why did you appear in the Han Palace? Are you..."

Thinking that the other party had guessed his identity, Liu Ce nodded subconsciously.

"So teacher, you are an eunuch."

Yun Lin'er looked at Liu Ce with a pity.

Liu Ce: "..."

"Cough, cough, cough, Liu Ce coughed a few times, and was almost knocked down by Yun Lin'er. He wouldn't have guessed that Yun Lin'er has such a big brain hole."

Liu Ce was speechless.

"Lin'er, can't the teacher be another identity?"

Liu Ce gave Yun Lin'er a ringing fiercely.

"Teacher, the men in this palace, except the emperor, are eunuchs. It is impossible for other men to exist. Teacher, are you..."

Yun Lin'er stared at Liu Ce with wide eyes.

"Teacher, I am the Emperor of Han in your mouth."

Liu Cedao.


Yun Lin'er could lay an egg with her mouth open at this moment.

No wonder Yun Lin'er was so surprised. The reason why she didn't dare to guess that Liu Ce was Emperor of Han Dynasty was because the other party went to her house and worked as a guest for a long time. The emperor of a dignified dynasty, especially such a powerful dynasty emperor, would have such leisure time, even if it was a drama, he would not dare to act like that. Of course, Yun Lin'er naturally didn't know that the reason why Liu Ce went to her house as a guest Qing naturally had his own purpose.

"Teacher, you can save my father, he was taken away by the Hou family."

Yun Lin'er said to Liu Ce.

"Hou's family?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly, naturally knowing that the Black Yuan Dynasty was here to observe the ceremony this time. He didn't want to clash with the Hei Yuan Dynasty if he hadn't had to do so. But this time I am afraid it will be an exception.

"Don't worry, Patriarch Yun and the teacher are also friends, and the teacher will not sit idly by."

Liu Ce said calmly.

"Just, how many people are left in your Yun family?"

Liu Ce asked.

"There are less than a hundred, most of them died in battle on the way to escape, otherwise they were arrested."

Yun Lin'er said bitterly.

"Well, the teacher will immediately send someone to protect them and move them to a safe place. You have to rest assured that in the big man, no one can hurt you."

Liu Ce said solemnly.

"Thank you, teacher."

Yun Lin'er looked at Liu Ce gratefully.

At this moment, Handu VIP Building

This VIP building in Handu, as the resident of the special envoys of various countries in Handu, is busy with traffic outside. In the VIP building. The fifth prince Gu Yunfeng looked a little ugly.

"You only need to meet people. Even the people are taken away by the city guards. It's just a waste."

Hou Yaochang's expression was a bit awkward. Immediately he explained: "Who knows, the other party will know the people of the big man, and he still has the token of the big man in his hand. The city guard originally didn't want to control it, but in the end he interfered."

"The Yun Family actually knows the people of the Dahan, so that the city guards can make up their minds to tear their faces with us. I am afraid that our status is not low. But I have never heard of it. The Yun Family has a big man who knows the Dahan!"

Gu Yunfeng looked confused.

"Yes, we have never heard of any connection between the Yun family and Dahan."

"No matter what, this time the Yun family, we must eliminate the roots. The other party has operated in our Hei Yuan Dynasty for several generations. If it is not eliminated, it will be detrimental to us in the end. This is also the general truth for you Hou Family and Li Family."

Gu Yunfeng said.

This time, Gu Yunfeng came to the big man as a special envoy, with the royal family's order behind him, trying to find a way to find the Yun family and cut the roots. Even the royal family of the big man can be assisted. I just didn't expect it, but now it's a splinter.

"This fifth prince, you don't need to say, we also understand."

Hou Yaochang nodded.

The fourth son of the Li family, Li Shang, also said coldly: "Yes, but this time we are not without gains. Anyway, we have also caught the Yun family's head. Our task is generally completed. Of course, the girl of Yun Lin'er, let It is indeed a pity that she ran away."

"Let someone bring the old man Yun Tianyang up."

Gu Yunfeng sneered.

Soon, the blood-stained Yun Tianyang was brought up.

"Patriarch Yun, I didn't expect that I would have this day, right?"

Gu Yunfeng looked at Yun Tianyang with his eyes closed and asked coldly.

Yun Tianyang's eyes opened slightly, looking at Gu Yunfeng in front of him, and smiling: "Fifth Prince, are you here to humiliate this seat?"

"Patriarch Yun, where are your Yun family members hiding? Who is the man who came this time? What's the identity of that person?"

Gu Yunfeng looked at Yun Tianyang and asked coldly.

"Bah, do you think it's the owner of the house?"

Yun Tianyang said coldly.

"Don’t say, it’s up to you. This prince will interrupt your limbs and then abolish your cultivation base. When that happens, you will be a complete waste. Look at that time, how well you are in front of this prince. Arrogant?"

Gu Yunfeng said coldly.

Yun Tianyang's expression suddenly changed when he heard the words, but he still didn't speak. Just tilted his head.

"Toast, not eat or drink fine wine, come, and break the limbs of this old man, and abolish his cultivation."

Gu Yunfeng angrily ordered.


Soon, two young warriors rushed forward.

Just as they were about to do it, there was a clamor outside. It seems that a large number of troops have surrounded the VIP building.

"what happened?"

Gu Yunfeng was also a little stunned. I don't know what happened. Even Yun Tianyang, who was held hostage and desperate in heart, was surprised, but there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Soon, the door of the room rang "Boom boom boom boom!"


Hou Yaochang shouted, but still opened the door.

Standing outside the house were a few officials dressed in Dahan's official mansion, and outside was a group of soldiers, staring at the people inside the house.

"We are from the Imperial Palace of the Great Han Dynasty. After receiving a report, you gathered a crowd to fight and severely disrupted the order of the Han Capital. We need to investigate you!"

It was Xiao Dongliang, the Tingwei of the Great Han Tingwei Mansion who spoke.

"What? We are the special envoys of the Black Yuan Dynasty. Is it appropriate for you to do this?"

The fifth prince Gu Yunfeng said coldly.

"Who is yours?"

Xiao Dongliang's eyes fell on the fifth prince.

"He is the fifth prince of our Black Yuan Dynasty."

Li Shang introduced.

Of course, when Li Shang did this, he didn't mean to use his status as the fifth prince to put pressure on him.

"After all, your Heiyuan Dynasty is the distinguished guest of the big man. We can ignore your behavior when you come to the big man for the first time, but you have to keep your feet for a few days."

Xiao Dongliang said lightly.


Li Shang, Hou Yaochang, and Gu Yunfeng were almost furious, and this big man was simply too arrogant. They are the special envoys of the dynasty, and they usually come to the following countries. Which country is not very flattering, and respects them. But this big man is simply inexhaustible.

"Not only that, he, we have to take it away."

Xiao Dongliang pointed to Yun Tianyang.


Gu Yunfeng looked angry.

"Your Excellency, don't forget, this is Dahan's land, and what you are stepping on is Dahan's territory. We are here to inform you, without your consent."

Xiao Dongliang sneered.


Standing next to Xiao Dongliang, Ding Peng did not draw a sword or act as a force. His body exuded a powerful aura, which enveloped Gu Yunfeng and the others.

"Life and death..."

Gu Yunfeng and the others trembled.

Even if it was in the dynasty, it was considered the top group of people, but I didn’t want to. The big man easily dispatched a strong man in the life and death stage, which gave Gu Yunfeng and others a new understanding of the strength of the big man. .

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