The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 298: Night attack

After Ming Jin retreated. The Sirius Empire did not pursue it either.

Obviously, the Blood Wolf King was seriously injured and unable to pursue it.

Inside the Han Army Camp

"Unexpectedly, the Sirius Empire still has this trump card. In this battle, our losses surpassed all the previous losses in the Sirius Empire."

Xiang Yudao.

"Normal, I have observed that the vast majority of these blood wolves are fierce beasts. There are even many high-level fierce beasts, high-level fierce beasts, equivalent to the true Qi realm martial artist of our human race, our battle is so difficult. There is also a reason."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"No matter how many blood wolves, we must continue this battle. Otherwise, everything we have done before will be lost."

Li Mu looked at Liu Cedao.

"Besiege for three days and attack again in three days."

Liu Cedao.

Liu Ce knows that this involves a competition of hard power, and even Xiang Yu doesn't have a good way.

"Three days later?"

Xiang Yu and others looked at Liu Ce curiously.

"I will let Ding Peng, Duan Tianya, Dugu seek defeat, Sima Wuping, Gan Mingzhu and others to come to support, so that the battle will have a better chance of winning in three days."

Liu Cedao.

Although recruiting all the masters here would have some harm to the safety of the Dahan Palace, but fortunately, Liu Ce arranged the Promise Thunder Killing Sword Array he obtained from completing the four-star mission in Dahan Han Palace, so that even if there are any enemies, It will not be so easy to enter the Han Palace, and the safety of the Han Palace is still guaranteed.

"This is great."

Xiang Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this. Although his combat power is extraordinary, there is only one person in the end, and it is difficult to support it alone, but if more people support it, it will naturally be better. Especially Dugu Sword Demon, that strength, even he would be frustrated. Naturally very happy.

"Before, let's equip all the 100,000 Thunder crystal equipment we brought, so that the strength of the soldiers will be greatly improved. And if we don't attack them, it is difficult to guarantee that these blood wolves will attack us."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"The emperor is right. These blood wolves should attack us. We must beware."

Liu Ce said sternly.


"Blood Wolf King, what's wrong with you?"

Ximenyu looked at the **** Blood Wolf King and asked with concern.

"Hmph, there are so many capable people in this big Han who can actually hurt this king. If it weren't for the blood of Sirius who had already awakened 10% of this king, this time I would not be able to come back."

The Blood Wolf King snorted coldly.

"What can you do, even you people from Tianlang Mountain can't help the big guy?"

Ximenyu's look was a bit ugly.

"Don't worry, this king has already sent a message to Tianlang Mountain, and our emperor will send more masters. Since you have sacrificed your soul, you and our Tianlang Mountain have the same interests, and our Tianlang Mountain will never let The Sirius Empire was destroyed."

The blood wolf king said.

"Sirius Mountain will send more masters?"

Ximenyu's expression was overjoyed.

"You have underestimated Tianlang Mountain, and the Emperor Wolf will not talk about it. Just like this king, there are many more in Tianlang Mountain. What you see is just the tip of the iceberg."

The blood wolf king said disdainfully.

"That's great."

Ximenyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"But before that, I had to show the big guy a good look, I haven't suffered such a big loss in Sirius Mountain and Sea."

The Blood Wolf King said coldly.


That night, Liu Ce was practicing Xuanwu Body Forging Jue.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded. There was a shout of killing from outside.

This is the sound of the soldiers patrolling the night of the big man fighting the enemy.

Fortunately, Xiang Yu was well prepared. But facing the enemy's surprise attack, there is still some pressure. After all, the vast majority of soldiers are dormant, and there are only a few who are in charge of guarding. However, the soldiers of the big man still responded quickly, and each one slept in his clothes. Rushed to the battlefield at the fastest speed.

Liu Ce's eyes became cold, and he rushed to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

In this battle, the two sides fought wildly.

"Hundred Sword Jue!"

Liu Ce swept out with a sword.

Endless sword light appeared in the void, and each sword contained hundreds of thousands of kilograms of power. You can turn stones into powder. But Liu Ce surprisingly discovered that the defenses of these blood wolves were very strong. With one sword going down, not everyone can be killed, and a small part of them are only seriously injured.

Liu Ce discovered that there seemed to be a blood-colored barrier protecting these blood wolves. This is also the reason why these blood wolves can contend with the soldiers of the big man.

Xiang Yu roared, holding Chu Ji, and rushed to the battlefield. Under each halberd, dozens of blood wolves were killed.

"Aw! Damn human beings, yesterday's account, today I have to settle it with you."

The Blood Wolf King looked at Xiang Yu and said.

"It turns out that you can speak as a brute, but this handsome underestimates you."

Xiang Yu looked at the Blood Wolf King slightly unexpectedly.

"Today, this king will let you know the fate of offending Tianlang Mountain."

The words fell, beside the Blood Wolf King, there were twelve more blood wolves with a slightly smaller size. Stand with it.

"It turns out that there is a helper, no wonder you have no fear, but do you think that you can fight against this seat? That is because you think too much."

After speaking, Xiang Yu didn't wait for the Blood Wolf King to speak, but with another halberd, he swept towards the Blood Wolf King.

This halberd was extremely terrifying, as if it could explode the entire void, wherever it passed, flying sand and rocks, dusty. It seemed that the entire void was trembling at this moment.

The Blood Wolf King also arched his body, gaining momentum all over. Together with the twelve wolves, they will kill Xiang Yu.

The two sides are fighting together. With the help of the twelve wolf generals, the blood wolf king was evenly matched with Xiang Yu, at least for the time being.

Seeing this scene, Liu Ce didn't worry about Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu's strength is the strongest among all the generals of Dahan. He is known as the **** of war, and the final victory will be him.

As for the big man, the situation soon stabilized. Although Xiang Yu was dragged by the Blood Wolf King. But Lu Bu, Huo Qubing, and others were the first to take the lead. Especially Lü Bu's strength has improved very quickly. At this moment, he is already the cultivation base of the Three Heavens in the Distracting God Realm.

"Killing wildly."

The weapon like a windmill seldom came out toward the surroundings, and the blood wolves that had just approached were swept away with a halberd. Even was beaten into blood mist.

"Sure enough, it is Wen Hou."

Seeing this, Liu Ce couldn't help sighing inwardly.

But Liu Ce was also aroused.

"Hundred Sword Jue!"

Liu Ce swept out with a sword.

The Hundred Sword Art of the Transformation Realm is extremely terrifying, and each sword is like the essence.

Under Liu Ce's sword, countless blood wolves were killed by the sword.

More than a dozen high-level fierce beasts were spotting Liu Ce's threat and rushed towards Liu Ce frantically.

"Hundred swords are one!"

Liu Ce roared, and hundreds of sword lights turned into one in the void, and they killed the dozen or so high-rank fierce beasts.

"Boom!" A sound.

More than a dozen high-rank blood wolves were instantly killed by Liu Ce's sword. Turned into blood mist.

At this moment, the army of the Han Dynasty has already gained a firm foothold. After all, the 100,000 Han army has already replaced the Thunder Crystal armor, and its combat power has been greatly improved. After all, these blood wolves could not stop the attack of the big man.

The other side

Xiang Yu has already hit a real fire.

"Blood Halberd Devil Kills!"

Xiang Yu swept out with a halberd, and endless black energy enveloped the void, as if this halberd had become a mountain at that moment. The halberd of endless horror directly blasted the twelve wolves under the blood wolf king on the spot. Although the Blood Wolf King did not die on the spot, he was also knocked out.

Xiang Yu's bravery has greatly increased the morale of some soldiers in the Han army, and they have been fighting frantically.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Xiang Yu inspires his talent for a hundred battles, and his soldiers have increased their combat power by 30%."

Tens of thousands of blood wolves had personally seen that their king was severely injured by the enemy, and those Sirius generals were blown up on the spot by Xiang Yu. Therefore, the fighting intent of these blood wolves has drastically reduced. Under the circumstances, these blood wolves have timidity in their eyes.


The Blood Wolf King naturally knew that he couldn't fight anymore, otherwise the blood wolf that came to sneak attack today wouldn't even want to go back.

"If you want to leave, it depends on whether you agree or not."

Xiang Yu roared and chased the Blood Wolf King.

"Blood Dragon slaying and killing."

Xiang Yu swept out with a halberd. A halberd like a mountain, smashed on the body of the blood wolf king in the void. At that moment, the entire void seemed to dim suddenly.

"What a strong blow."

Looking at the halberd dropped by the void, the blood wolf king keenly felt the horror of the blow, and his heart suddenly chilled.

"Do not……"

The **** wolf king's hair rooted up all over his body, riveting his full strength, and patted Xiang Yu with one claw.

"Boom!" A sound.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.

The Blood Wolf King was directly driven into the ground under the blow of Xiang Yu's momentum, leaving no flesh and blood.

When the blood wolves saw that their king was gone, they were even more frightened and fleeing like crazy. Naturally, the army of the big man couldn't let these blood wolves just run away, and cover up the past.

Immediately, blood flowed into a river. These blood wolves from Sirius Mountain suffered heavy losses.

The big man is considered to have achieved a phased victory.

Within the Han Army's military account

"The emperor, do you think we should take this opportunity to attack Sirius City?"

Xiang Yu looked at Liu Ce.

"Just tonight, take down Sirius City."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

Even if the Blood Wolf King was killed, it was imperative to take advantage of the momentum to take down Sirius City.

"The emperor, the general will know that this Sirius City also seems to have a great defense formation, we want to win, it is not so easy."

Xiang Yu looked at Liu Ce solemnly.

Liu Ce smiled mysteriously and said: "Hehe, in fact, I haven't gained nothing during this period of time. I have already found a way to crack it, and just attack the city at night."

"Yes, the emperor."

Xiang Yu looked excited. Since the emperor said so, there must be a way.

After the blood wolf king was killed. The emperor Ximenyu of the Sirius Empire knew the news for the first time, as if he was struck by lightning. He didn't expect that even the mighty Heavenly Wolf Mountain would turn pale in front of the big man. Is there anything else that can stop the big man's iron hoof?

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of war drums came from outside Sirius.

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