The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 287: Is the blood source bead fake?

After walking through a cave, there are nine turns and eighteen turns in the cave. If there is no one to take, even in this cave, it is extremely easy to get lost. Then Lu Xi and others suddenly opened up. Because in front of him, a valley appeared.

"Sure enough, there is no other place."

Liu Ce's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but secretly said.

Even Ding Peng and others were amazed.


More than a dozen warriors jumped out and surrounded Liu Ce and others.

"Lu Xi, are you back?"

A dozen men appeared. The headed one with a handsome face, a burly young man looked very excited at Lu Xi.

These men are armed with weapons.

The cultivation bases are not weak, and they all have cultivation bases above the Yuan Dan realm.

Liu Ce nodded. In fact, he knew very well from Lu Xi's mouth. The Tianfeng clan is not saying that they cannot practice, but that it is extremely difficult to cultivate. But because the blood is thin and cannot really awaken the blood in the body, it will be backlashed by the power contained in the blood. and so. Most of the power gained through cultivation is used to suppress the blood raging in the body. Therefore, the progress of the cultivation base will be affected.

But the talent of the Tianfeng clan is still very strong, and many geniuses can still cultivate to a high level. In front of Liu Ce and the others, each of these martial artists has reached the Yuan Dan realm or above. It can be seen that the Tianfeng clan is indeed a race favored by heaven.

These days, the Feng Clan people are very happy after seeing Lu Xi. But when he saw Liu Ce and others beside Lu Xi, their expressions changed.

"Catch them."

Shouted at the head of the handsome young man.


Liu Ce's brows were slightly frowned, and these people were going to grab themselves indiscriminately. How could this be?

"Stop, Brother Du Lang, no, isn't it what you think?"

Lu Xi was immediately anxious when he saw that the two sides were about to clashed.

Lu Xi knew how powerful Liu Ce and others were. If they really clash with Liu Ce and others, it would be absolutely detrimental to the Tianfeng clan. What's more, Liu Ce carried the Blood Origin Orb on his body. This is the treasure of the rise of the Tianfeng clan.


Duan Tianya's eyes were cold. A terrible qi and blood erupted from his body.

This is a powerful pressure like a mountain, shrouded on the people of the Tianfeng clan, making them feel that their breathing is almost suppressed.

"What, Eclosion Realm."

Du Lang and others were shocked.

"Bold, dare to come to the Tianfeng clan to go wild."

More than a dozen warriors with strong aura appeared, and an old man with a crane-skinned skin was headed, suspended in the void, and took a picture with one palm.

Suddenly, flying sand and rocks, dust flying.

That palm seemed to press the top of Mount Tai, and wherever it passed, the entire void caused a violent shock.

Liu Ce squinted his eyes, his expression slightly surprised. I originally thought that the Tianfeng clan couldn't awaken the bloodline, and the strength must be extremely weak. I didn't expect that there would still be such a master, this old woman was afraid that it was not the peak of the Eclosion Realm?

After thinking a little, Liu Ce shook his head. I feel that the royal books I read are probably pirated. Once some logic is analyzed, it is known that there are many loopholes. If there were really no masters in the Tianfeng clan, after so many years of being rounded up by the human clan, they would have died out long ago. Impossible to survive until now.

Ding Peng snorted coldly.

"Choke!" With a sound, the long knife came out of its sheath. A knife slashed towards the palm of the void.

"Boom!" A sound.

The terrifying palm was cut into two in an instant.

"how is this possible?"

The old man was a little surprised. She is the pinnacle of the Feathering Realm, but now even a young man can't surrender.

"Old Patriarch."

Lu Xi quickly shouted.

"Well, it was Xiao Xi'er. You brought these people back?"

Although the old patriarch looked at Lu Xi with kind eyes, his tone was somewhat questioning. This is no wonder, after all, the location of the Phoenix Clan on this day must not be exposed.

"Yes, the old patriarch, but..."

Lu Xi hadn’t finished what he said, but the old man said coldly: "Lu Xi, don’t you know that our Tianfeng clan can’t be exposed? If we expose our Tianfeng clan, you don’t know what the consequences will be. Huh?"

Lu Xi's expression turned pale immediately upon hearing this.

"Old patriarch, there is a reason why Xi'er brought them back. Because he has blood source beads on his body."

Lu Xi said.

"What, Blood Orb, is this serious?"

The old patriarch was overjoyed, he shook his body, fell from the void, and came to Lu Xi's face, looking at her in surprise. The excitement is beyond words.

"Patriarch, Xi'er went out this time just to find the whereabouts of the blood source beads, so naturally he dare not deceive you in the slightest."

Lu Xier said to the old patriarch.

"good very good."

Lu Xi's gaze fell on Liu Ce, and he apologized: "Guest, the head of the clan was reckless before."

"It's okay, it's just human nature."

Liu Ceyun said lightly.

"Can you show the blood source pearl to the patriarch?"

The old patriarch looked at Liu Ce with hopeful eyes.


Liu Ce would naturally not object. Originally, this blood source pearl was of no use to him, this time it came to understand the seal of the Heavenly Phoenix clan.

"Sure enough, it is the Blood Orb, not bad, not bad."

The old patriarch said excitedly.

Suddenly, the old patriarch bowed to Liu Ce and said, "From now on, you are the great benefactor of our Tianfeng clan. Please be respected by the old body."

"I can't be, I can't be."

Liu Ce quickly said to the old patriarch.

The old patriarch was over eighty years old, even if Liu Ce was the emperor, he didn't want that.

But the old patriarch still stubbornly kicked down.

The news that Lu Xi had brought back the Blood Origin Orb spread throughout the entire Tianfeng clan, causing the entire Tianfeng clan to boil. After all, the Blood Origin Orb is the foundation of the entire Tianfeng Clan, and whether the Tianfeng Clan can rise depends on whether the bloodline can be re-awakened.

That night, the whole Tianfeng clan treated Liu Ce and others with the highest courtesy, singing and dancing, so it was so lively.

Lu Xi was drunk because she was so happy today. She grew up in the Tianfeng clan and was brought up by the grandmother of the old patriarch. But because of the death of his parents, Lu Xi has always felt inferior in the Tianfeng clan. Although the old patriarch's grandmother treated her very well. But she always felt that something was missing. In the Tianfeng clan, she always felt unhappy, because she felt that the life in the clan was not only very monotonous but also very surprised.

From then on, she knew from the mouths of some tribes about the mission and tragedy of their tribe. Unable to awaken the blood, became the tragedy of Medicine Man.

But Lu Xi also knew that, in fact, a long time ago, the entire Tianfeng clan was the overlord of Huawu Continent, and it was one of the most powerful races in the entire Huawu Continent. At that time, countless races belonged to their Tianfeng clan. Shaking beneath him.

Later, when the hundreds of clans fought, the elites in the Tianfeng clan fell, and the Tianfeng clan declined. Some races that coveted their blood and blood began to hunt them, and some races that had only dared to shiver under them, rode on their heads.

Therefore, if the Tianfeng clan wants to continue to multiply, they must re-awaken their blood. Become the overlord of this continent and restore the glory of the past.

This time, Lu Xi could help the Heavenly Phoenix Clan obtain the Blood Origin Orb, which made the entire Heavenly Phoenix Clan disappointed in its re-emergence. She also became the heroine of the Tianfeng tribe.

But early the next morning, Lu Xi, who was drinking a little drunk, was called up by a few warriors of the Tianfeng clan and taken to the Palace of the Senior Citizens.

Looking at the serious expressions of the warriors of the Tianfeng clan, Lu Xi knew that something must have happened. She felt a little uneasy in her heart, and she didn't know why. But this feeling is very strong.

"Brother Yu, Sister Lan, can you tell Lu Xi what is going on?"

Lu Xi looked at the look of the two elder brothers and sisters who were still smiling at her yesterday and couldn't help asking.

"You'll know when you arrive, and now here, we can't say anything to you."

Du Yu said to Lu Xi.

Lu Xixiu frowned, but looking at the expressions of the two, she also knew that she couldn't ask anything, so she didn't ask more.

The Senate Hall is a place for discussing important things. At this moment, the entire Celestial Phoenix clan gathered in the Senate Hall. The veterans in the veteran hall, all the elders gathered together, and even the patriarch can be ousted. It is the highest power center of the entire Tianfeng clan.

"Patriarch, old patriarch, Lu Xi brought it here."

Du Yu said.

"Lu Xi, you will tell the story of getting the Blood Origin Orb."

The patriarch of the Tianfeng tribe.

Although the Tianfeng tribe is named after the phoenix, the Tianfeng tribe respects the phoenix. So all the patriarchs are women.

Although Lu Xi didn’t know what went wrong, he still knew how he knew Liu Ce, how he met Liu Ce in the Holy Imperial City, how did Liu Ce save himself, and then help himself to capture the blood in the Ten Thousand Holy Emperor Tournament. The story of Zhu said in detail again.

"That's it."

The patriarch nodded.


Lu Xi asked.

"Xier, you have no problems, but the friends you brought have problems."

Du Lang said coldly.

"It's impossible, how can Brother Liu Ce have a problem."

Lu Xi couldn't help saying.

"Hmph, he has no problem, do you know that the Blood Orb obtained this time is fake!"

Du Lang said disdainfully.

"Impossible. How could this blood source bead be fake? I saw it with my own eyes. It is exactly the same. It cannot be forged."

Lu Xi shook his head, a little excited.

Du Lang looked at his beloved woman so defending a strange man, which made him look very dissatisfied.

"Lu Xi, the old patriarch has already verified the authenticity of this blood source pearl, how can it be fake."

Du Lang said coldly.

"Old Patriarch, is what Brother Du Lang said true?"

Lu Xi asked.

The old patriarch looked at Lu Xi's expressionlessly and said, "Xiao Xi'er, Du Lang is right. After the old man's verification, it is indeed not true."

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