The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 281: Liu Ce shot

At this time, the white-faced youth became even more frantic.

Several times, if the white-faced youth hadn't reacted quickly, they would have been injured.

"What's going on, why does her swordsmanship suddenly become so sharp, so many times it seems that I sent her to the door to stab her?"

The white-faced youth was shocked.

Not only the white-faced youth, but also the people watching the battle below are also a little puzzled at this moment.

"Why does the white swordsman seem to be losing? Is it a misnomer?"

"Impossible, it should be the swordsman in white who was playing with the girl. You didn't see that the girl was not an opponent at all when the war started. So I think it was Zhanyuan who looked pretty, so now I'm just playing with the girl. It's just a girl."

There was a lot of discussion below, but not many people would think that Zhan Yuan was not Lu Xi's opponent.

But the changes on the battle platform were rapid, a blink of an eye, a dazzling gaze, assassinated towards the swordsman in white.

This sword is an extremely tricky angle. Zhanyuan didn't react at all, the sword had already arrived in front of him.

However, at a critical moment, Lu Xi still showed mercy and changed his stabbing to shooting.


Zhan Yuan screamed and flew out of the battlefield.

"Lu Xi wins."

The referee on the battle stage announced.

The audience below the stage was a little shocked at the moment. At the same time, the people who bought Zhanyuan to win were ashamed and frustrated, because many of them bought the swordsman Zhanyuansheng in white, and many of them even spent more than half of it. The family property gambled, and now it is lost, it is not about ruining the family.

Lu Xi stepped off the platform, seemingly excited, and hugged Liu Ce excitedly and said, "I have won, I have won."

"I know... but can you let me go first?"

Liu Ce said to Lu Xi.

Lu Xi was dumbfounded, only to realize that his actions were too strong, and he let go of Liu Ce angrily.

"Are you going to fight next?"

Liu Ce looked at Lu Xi in front of him and asked solemnly.

"What do you mean, I just won a game in the top five hundred, and now I am getting closer to my goal. Why do you ask me that?"

Lu Xi looked at Liu Ce with some wonder.

Liu Ce said positively to Lu Xi: "You should also know how your previous victories came? In fact, it does not represent your true strength. Your battles will become more cruel in the future. I don't help every time. It's yours."

"Can't you help me anymore? I really need the blood stone."

Lu Xi lowered his head and whispered to Liu Ce.

Liu Ce looked at Lu Xi, and said helplessly: "Do you think you can defeat the masters of all walks of life just by giving me guidance in the audience? Then you look down on the heroes of the world too much."

Lu Xi's strength, in Liu Ce's view, it is already very reluctant to be able to enter the top five hundred, and then continue to fight, there will be no hope, and these fighting warriors, there are not many good goods, shots are all It was extremely ruthless, which made Liu Ce very worried.

"No... even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will get the Blood Orb."

Lu Xi said with a serious expression.


Liu Ce squinted his eyes and realized that Lu Xi was really obsessed with the Blood Origin Orb. Could it be that the Blood Origin Orb was really important to her.

Soon, it was Lu Xi's turn again.

This time, Lu Xi's opponent was a bald man.

"This time this girl is miserable. This King Kong shot is very cruel. He had a few vomiting blood before, and some even had broken hands and feet."

"If this girl is willing to give up, nothing will happen."

There is a lot of discussion below.

But when he heard those comments, Liu Ce's brows constricted. Because based on Liu Ce's understanding of Lu Xi, she would not easily admit defeat.

"What a beautiful girl, as long as you give up, I can spare you once. How?"

King Kong looked at Lu Xi and smiled.

"Go to war, stop talking nonsense."

Lu Xi looked at the look of King Kong King's wicked eyebrows, and said with anger, extremely unhappy.

But Liu Ce's brows constricted under the battlefield. Because he knew that Lu Xi would not be this man's opponent, the opponent's strength was much stronger than him.

Even if Lu Xi had his guidance, he would definitely not be this man's opponent.

"Lu Xi, admit defeat, you won't be his opponent."

Liu Ce, who was under the battlefield, told Lu Xidao through a voice transmission.

But Lu Xi was extremely stubborn and didn't listen to Liu Ce.

"Take me a punch."

As King Kong spoke, he blasted towards Lu Xi's place with a punch. This fist shook the sky and the earth violently shook the entire battle platform.

The power of this punch was so powerful that even Lu Xi felt a strong pressure. Therefore, in an instant, she exerted the power of her whole body to the limit. Shenfa avoided King Kong's punch.

It's just that, although Lu Xi's physical strength is strong, this battlefield has restricted her performance. Moreover, King Kong's fist attack is extremely powerful and has a very wide range.

Lu Xi felt more and more pressure. Several times, Lu Xi blocked King Kong's attack with a sword, but the tiger's mouth was numb. Now Lu Xi knew that he would definitely not be King Kong's opponent. He also regrets a bit now, he should actually listen to Liu Ce's words and give up this game.

"I think……"

Lu Xi hasn't finished speaking yet.

King Kong sneered, "I want to admit defeat now, it's too late."

"Boom!" A sound.

King Kong once again blasted Lu Xi's body with a punch.

This punch once again compressed Lu Xi's space for activity, causing Lu Xi to choose to head-to-head with King Kong King.

Lu Xi felt a violent huge current crushing towards her. At that moment, she felt her breathing suffocated in that moment.

Lu Xi rose up to assassinate with a sword.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

One sword and one punch collided fiercely in the void.

Lu Xi suddenly felt as if he had been hit by a huge monster. The whole person flew upside down like a broken kite, flying out of the battlefield.


Lu Xi's throat sweetened and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Liu Ce quickly took out a Huiyuan Pill, fed it to Lu Xi, and let Duan Tianya and Ding Peng take care of her, and Liu Ce flew to the stage.

Liu Ce stared coldly at the King Kong who had injured Lu Xi.

The referee on the stage just announced King Kong's victory, and King Kong is waiting to step down triumphantly. However, a figure rushed up indifferently, which made King Kong King also a little puzzled.

"Who are you? Why did you come up suddenly?"

The referee looked at Liu Ce and asked in a cold voice.

Liu Ce said lightly: "I'm here to challenge."

"Well, you didn't sign up, you are no longer eligible to challenge!"

The referee frowned and looked at Liu Cedao.

"When I came, I had already read the rules of the game. Challenges halfway through are allowed. Just follow the rules."

Liu Ce said indifferently.


The referee frowned.

The referee is not unaware of the second rule of this tournament, but this second rule is too strict. It will almost be ignored.

Because this second rule is to give those warriors who have received the news before arriving in time, and have a chance to think they have the strength.

But in order to be fair, this half-time warrior must challenge ten warriors in a row or accept the challenge of ten warriors.

Such harsh conditions, no wonder the referee would simply ignore it.

"What you mean is that you are ready to accept the challenge of ten warriors, or challenge ten warriors. But you need to be clear that the ten you challenge must be among the top five hundred."

The referee looked at Liu Ce earnestly.

"This is natural."

Liu Ce agreed immediately.

"King Kong gives you a stick of incense time to recover. This son is the first to challenge you."

Liu Ce looked at King Kong.

King Kong saw the young man in front of him, and said with some disdain: "You stinky kid, this king wants to destroy you, and there is no need to recover. Let's fight now."

King Kong said disdainfully.

The warriors who were onlookers under the battlefield saw this scene, and they were all taken aback. I don't know who the kid killed halfway through.

But the gambling house over there has started again.

"Buy to leave, buy to leave. Buy the nameless boy to win, one loses ten, buy King Kong to win, twenty to lose one."

Shouted the gambling man.

Many people bet. Quite a few warriors rushed to place bets with their silver tickets.

Of course, according to the odds of the betting market, few people are optimistic about Liu Ce. They are all betting that King Kong is enough to win.

"Boy, it's too late for you to give up. Treating men, this king will not pity Xiangxiyu."

King Kong looked at Liu Ce's joking way.

"The last thing you shouldn't be that you hurt my friend. Originally, she was going to admit defeat, but you didn't give her a chance, so I won't give you any chance later."

Liu Ce looked at King Kong coldly.

"Hahaha, boy, just rely on you, do you know, are you making fun of this?"

King Kong looked at Liu Ce with extreme disdain.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's fight."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes. Looking at King Kong in front of him.

"Fell me down."

King Kong rushed towards Liu Ce.

The strong body ran on the battle platform, causing the entire battle platform to tremble slightly.

"King Kong Fist."

King Kong punched Liu Ce with a punch.

Liu Ce could feel that he was locked in by an extremely powerful fist.

"Thanks to your cultivation?"

Liu Ce squinted his eyes. It seemed that King Kong King, who was only forty years old, could actually cultivate this boxing technique to the highest level. This talent was still okay.


Liu Ce grinned and said coldly: "That son will accompany you to play boxing."

"Xinghe Breaking Punch."

Liu Ce waved a punch and blasted towards King Kong. With this punch, Liu Ce used 40% of his power.

"Boom!" A sound.

The whole battle platform trembled slightly.

Liu Ce didn't move, but King Kong couldn't help it. The whole person stepped backwards eight steps in a row, blood boiled in his body, and his arms were numb.

"I was repulsed, how could it be, how could you repulse me!"

King Kong looked at Liu Ce with an incredible expression.

"You are still astonished!"

Liu Ce sneered, displayed his body skills, and once again rushed towards King Kong King.

"Xinghe Breaking Fist!"

This time, Liu Ce used 80% of his power.

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