The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1176: Grand Marshal

With the eunuch's shouting, the entire Sirius empire was in chaos. With the death of the first emperor, the new emperor now has the entire Sirius dynasty messed up.

Only the new emperor can promote the normal operation of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty. Now the new emperor is so dead. Can the huge machine of the entire Sirius God Chao be able to operate smoothly?

Just when the entire Sirius Kingdom was panicking and apathetic at this moment. A shocking news broke out from the entire Sirius Kingdom. The princess stood up.

The princess is now the only legal heir to the Sirius Kingdom. The first emperor has only two heirs, one is the prince Mu Yun. The other is the current princess Mu Qian. Therefore, now Mu Qian has become the legal bloodline of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom.

Although Mu Qian is a girl, in the history of the Sirius Dynasty, there is no precedent for a princess to become an empress. Therefore, Mu Qian is in the position, but there is not much resistance from the above.

After all, now the prince Mu Yun is dead. There is no legitimate Mu family bloodline, and no force will recognize it. Although the princess is a woman, the princess is the only bloodline of the first emperor. Moreover, the princess's style is very good throughout the entire Sirius Empire. Especially among the people, the princess's prestige is very powerful. Because in the early years, the princess did a lot of punishing and evil things. This made many people of the Sirius Dynasty grateful to the princess.

Therefore, it is logical that the princess is in charge. Of course, the princess was not really so smooth sailing. The prince's party members were berating the princess for sending someone to kill the prince.

Of course, these voices disappeared soon. Because these people were dealt with by the people in the dark hall of Dahan as soon as they returned home.

Immediately after the princess held a simple enthronement ceremony, Princess Mu Qian announced that the capital would be moved to Xuanwu City.

Naturally, no one would object to this proposal. Because the current Heavenly Wolf Kingdom is suitable for resisting the demons, this is the only place. Therefore, even if it is for the sake of wealth and life, there will be absolutely no objection at this moment.

As a seven-star power, the Heavenly Wolf God Dynasty is definitely not weak. There are thirty million soldiers. Among them, there are at least 8 million elite soldiers.

When Princess Mu Qian became a queen, her first order was to make Li Mu the Grand Marshal of Xuanwu City. Han Xin became the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Wolf Kingdom.

This order caused the entire civil and military ministers of the Sirius Empire to oppose it. After all, there is no military commander who keeps his own home, but he uses the generals of outsiders. Therefore, even the generals who originally supported Princess Mu Qian's rise to power began to oppose her. However, it was useless. Now Princess Mu Qian is determined and wants to be tied to the big man. Whoever dares to oppose, kill whoever.

For a time, people's heads rolled. Blood flows into a river.

After Princess Mu Qian killed eighteen disobedient people. Finally no one dared to object anymore. After all, no one really wants to die.

Han Xin became the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty. The 30 million soldiers of the entire Sirius Empire are under his command. From the beginning of his appointment, he began to perform his duties as a marshal. Shrink all the troops of the Sirius Empire. He even gave up seventy-nine giant cities.

"Han Xin, you are poisoning living beings by doing this. You abandon these giant cities, what about the people?"

Han Zheng looked at Han Xin and roared.

"Prime Minister Han, don't be impatient."

Han Xin was still indifferent.

"How do you let me stay calm, they are all citizens of my Sirius Empire. Seventy-nine giant cities and hundreds of millions of people, how do you let me calm down?"

Han Zhengdao.

"If you don't do this, you won't lose hundreds of millions, but billions, tens of billions. Moreover, the coach also organized an early retreat. The loss is not as great as the prime minister thinks."

Korean channel.


Han Zheng was speechless. Because for Han Zheng, he is not without his mind. I also know that what Han Xin said is not unreasonable. In fact, there is some truth. But Han is an upright official. One mind is for the public. He loved the people like a son, and he couldn't bear to see so many people of the Heavenly Wolf Empire being poisoned by the demons. Therefore, Han Zheng is extremely depressed at this moment. I hate myself for being powerless.

"Hmph, I hope it's what you said, otherwise, even if the jade is burned. The old man will not let you go."

Han Zhengdao.

Han Xin shook his head. Of course, although this Han Zheng said badly. But for him, there is no slightest blame on the other party. Even in my heart, I still have a trace of admiration for Han Zheng.

Dahan Han Palace

Liu Ce stood in the void of the imperial garden

"Mu Qian, this stage is set for you, I hope you can take it well."

Liu Cedao.

"Your Majesty, do you believe her so?"

Liu Qi stood behind Liu Ce.

"It's not that I believe her, but now I have to believe her. And just like she has to rely on our big man at this moment. Otherwise, she will not immediately appoint Han Xin as the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty."

Liu Ce shook his head.

In fact, Liu Ce also admired Mu Qian's order. Because even if you are yourself, I can't say whether you can do what the other party does. But Mu Qian dare to trust Han Xin. Although he also knew that Han Xin was indeed very good. It was more than enough to become the Grand Marshal of the Sirius Empire.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Liu Qi was full of awe at Liu Ce at this moment.

Although Liu Qi thought he could guess the psychology of the emperor, it was like this before. As his lord, the lord’s mind can often be considered by him. But now for Liu Ce, he doesn't have such a certainty. He couldn't figure out the emperor's mind.

Similarly, in Xuanwu City of Heavenly Wolf God Dynasty

"Princess, are you such a new man?"

Said a woman standing behind Mu Qian.

"Don't trust them, do you think this princess can trust anyone?"

Mu Qian smiled bitterly.

"Then why don't we use the Heavenly Wolf God to face our own people? Although they were all stunned by the princess's butcher knife, there were grievances secretly."

The woman in black lowered her head and said.

"If there is resentment, there will be resentment. It's better than the subjugated. Don't you know what the generals of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty are capable of?"

Mu Qian shook her head.

The black-clothed woman lowered her head and understood what the princess meant. Indeed, the generals of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty were unbearable. After all, Sirius has been singing and dancing for a long time. This 10,000-year imperial dynasty has long been rotten. Even many generals were not promoted by their abilities, but by the relationship of their ancestors.

Even the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Wolf Divine Dynasty in front of Han Xin had not entered the barracks once in ten years. If such a Grand Marshal allowed him to continue in power, the Heavenly Wolf Divine Dynasty was even more defeated.

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