The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1168: Eighteen Demons

The flying boat accelerated and flew towards the giant city closest to them.

This is a gray planet. It is the megalith star. Also the rate belongs to the blue sky star field. There are more than 10 billion people on it.

If the Swire Alien race really landed on this planet. For the people above, it is undoubtedly a huge disaster.

Just now.

A huge heat wave broke out across the stars. The surrounding temperature rose rapidly.

"This is?"

Big's pupils shrank slightly.

Flames burst out from the void. The four in the interstellar, turned into a wall of fire. The problem is that this terrible wall of fire is still spreading toward them.

"Me|Grass, what is this?"

Big looked shocked.

Big can clearly feel that these flames are also a great threat to him.

"Retreat, retreat all."

Big shouted.

Unfortunately, this flame is very powerful. The speed is extremely fast, and the flying boat of the ancient alien race is flying forward at high speed. It is possible to retreat in a short time. This will take time.

Fortunately, Taikoo Alien's reaction was quick. In a short period of time, it stopped flying forward. Those flames burned directly towards the flying boats of the Primordial Alien Race,

The endless flame contains extremely terrifying power. Wherever he went, the surrounding void was annihilated every inch. As if to be swallowed by this flame behemoth.

"Damn it, how could this be?"

Big waved his hand.

A shield gradually enlarged in the void, and quickly turned into a shield with a radius of tens of thousands of meters, blocking the flames.

The shield is black, as if it were made of unknown materials. It's a huge treasure at a glance. However, this huge shield treasure is very precious. But it still cannot stop these flames.

After less than ten breaths, the shield began to crack inch by inch.

"How can it be?"

Big was shocked.

Originally thought that this huge shield treasure would be enough to withstand this flame for a period of time. However, it can only withstand just a dozen breaths, which is incredible.

We need to know that this huge shield was bestowed on him by the king of their ancient alien race. He was rewarded by their king after he made great contributions to the ancient alien race. But I didn't expect that this giant treasure still couldn't stop the opponent.

The flames of terror spread rapidly. It swallowed ten flying boats at once. The ancient alien soldiers on the flying boat couldn't even escape. Go straight to nothing.

"Damn it, what the **** is this?"

Big's heart was bleeding.

These are their soldiers from the Archaic tribe. Every soldier is precious. In the past, in the war against the human race, even a big battle did not lose so much. Now even the human figure hasn't been seen, and the loss is so big at once, even if he goes back, he doesn't know how to explain it.

Fortunately, even though Bigger's huge shield had only withstood a dozen breaths. Still bought some time for the Taikoo alien race.

After the flames spread, the flying boats began to retreat. Withdrew the distance of the flame burning.

This battle is over before it starts. This made Bigger extremely aggrieved.

What Bigg didn't know was that this was the great formation of Heavenly Transformation and Divine Fire.

It was exchanged by Liu Ce in the system. Naturally, the power cannot be underestimated.

In the Han Palace, Liu Ce also saw this scene through monitoring satellites. I'm still very satisfied with the power of the Great Sacred Fire Array that day.

With the great formation of this day, even the Demon Race or the Primordial Alien Race will come. No matter how many people there are on the other side, it will still be able to block the other side by turning into a huge array of fire this day.

However, the other party just wanted to run, and wanted to fart.

Xiang Yu, Bai Qi, Li Jing, and Li Mu led hundreds of thousands of troops, besieging each other from all directions.

"General, look ahead."

An officer of the ancient alien race exclaimed to the general Big.


Bigger looked around and found that there were countless human troops in front of him.

"This is the Terran Army? What are they trying to do?"

Bigg's expression condensed, his eyes a little gloomy.

"They want to encircle us."

The Taikoo alien martial artist who was present.

"Fight against."

Swire aliens will naturally not be afraid to fight with humans. from their perspective. Humans are their food. How can you be afraid.

Soon, the soldiers of the ancient alien race left the flying boat and appeared in the starry sky.

And the army of the big man also appeared in the starry sky.

The two sides were fighting each other.

Xiang Yu, led the army, fought with the ancient alien race.

This is Xiang Yu's fight against Taigu Alien in the true sense.

In this battle, Xiang Yu also discovered the power of the ancient alien race. For example, the ancient alien race can kill the enemy and devour the enemy's flesh and blood to repair their own injuries. Moreover, as long as it is not in an extremely critical position, this ancient alien race is extremely difficult to kill. Moreover, the fighting power of this ancient alien race was even better than that of the demons.


Xiang Yu shot out with a halberd. The terrifying halberd light flashed across the void. Suddenly, thirteen Primordial Alien races were instantly killed, turning into blood mist and dissipating in the void.

Although the soldiers of the big man are not very powerful. But the strength of the Han soldiers is not weak. After all, the soldiers of the big man will kill the army. This is also extremely high to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Han army. In addition, this time, Dahan brought an army of 400,000.

Covering the sky and the sun, the army is mighty.

The Han army far surpassed these ancient alien races at least in number.

Bigg looked gloomy as he looked at the surroundings. He knew that even if the war power of the Primordial Clan far exceeds that of humans, it is under the double-team of so many humans. The opponent relied on far more than the number of the Primordial Clan, even if it was grinding, it could still kill them. Their great archaic warrior died in an unnamed star field like this, which is worthless.

"Rocco, can you see that the encirclement on which side is weaker?"

Bigg asked.

"The West is slightly weaker."

The Archaic military officer named Rocco.

"Okay, then break through to the west. Let the Eighteen Demons break through the front."

Bigg ordered.


Rocco's expression was shocked.

These eighteen evil spirits are the most powerful in their army. Each one has at least the combat power above the Divine Sovereign Realm. From these eighteen blood evil spirits as the vanguard, it seems that the general is also going to desperately.

Thinking of the horror of Eighteen Blood Fiends, even Roko was shocked.

In the star field, the fight is still going on at this moment.

The Swire tribe has been surrounded by groups. Although the Primordial Clan’s combat power is very strong, no matter how powerful and tenacious these Primordial tribes are. Surrounded by the human race, they were still being swallowed bit by bit. It is impossible to break through.

Suddenly, eighteen blood mists appeared in the army formation of the Primordial Clan.

"what is this?"

Liu Ce, who had been paying attention to the battle, his expression condensed.

I saw that where the eighteen blood mists passed, the soldiers of the human army were killed one after another. It turned into a mass of blood and was swallowed by the eighteen blood mists.

"It seems that this Primordial Clan is going to work hard?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

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