"Dou Feihong, I will hand over the security of the Han Capital to you. That's how you repay me?"

Liu Ce looked at Dou Feihong in front of him and asked.

"Humble duty will die."

Dou Feihong was dripping with cold sweat. Knowing this time, His Majesty was angry. He didn't dare to have any sophistry, although he felt a little wronged.

"See if you are still a little unconvinced?"

Liu Ce looked at Dou Feihong and asked.

"Don't dare to be humble."

Dou Feihong lowered his head.

"I know, you don't feel like you are in a relationship with those foreign families. You are innocent. What happened today has nothing to do with you?"

Liu Ce looked at Dou Feihong, his eyes condensed.

Dou Feihong lowered his head, his expression increasingly ashamed.

"Dou Feihong, you are their boss. The whole city guards, you are the leader. They make mistakes. Are you really not responsible? What's the difference between you and the corpse-bit vegetarian meal?"

Liu Ce looked at Dou Feihong and hated iron but not steel.

"Your Majesty, give the humble post another chance, and the humble post will never let this happen again."

Dou Feihong cried bitterly.

Liu Ce looked at Dou Feihong in silence for a while. Nodded slightly and said: "If it is someone else, I will not allow him a chance to make a mistake, but you are the first to follow me. I am willing to give you this opportunity."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Dou Feihong was overjoyed immediately.

"I will give you time alone for one month. If you can't satisfy me, I can only ask you."

Liu Ce looked at Dou Feihong.

"Thank your Majesty, the humble position will definitely not let your Majesty down."

Then Dou Feihong left.

After Dou Feihong left, Liu Ce looked at the silent grandson Wuji and asked, "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"Your Majesty, it is the Weichen's fault. Unexpectedly, Handu's internal troubles are already serious to such an extent."

Longsun Wuji said ashamed.

"I have an idea."

Liu Ce said suddenly.

Changsun Wuji immediately looked at Liu Ce.

"We have begun to implement the residence permit system. Only in Handu, those who can fully abide by the laws of Handu within three months can become permanent residents of Handu."

Liu Cedao.

Immediately, Liu Ce reiterated his general idea.

"Your Majesty's idea is okay, but Weichen is worried that these people from outside will be dissatisfied."

Changsun Wuji carefully considered it, and felt that Liu Ce's idea was completely achievable, but there would be some turbulence at the beginning.

"Suppress, if you don't agree, you will suppress it. This is a big man, it is our territory, and no one is allowed to make trouble here. If you can't kill one, you will kill him a hundred, a thousand."

Liu Ce said murderously.

"According to the purpose."

Changsun Wuji looked at him and nodded.

Changsun Wuji could already hear His Majesty's words, and His Majesty was already angry at this moment.

Next, Handu ushered in a major cleaning. Dou Feihong, the principal official, did not spend much time in the city guard barracks every day. Now after Liu Ce has spoken. Simply moved their homes to the barracks. Begin to purge the city guards.

Suddenly, some bad styles of the city guards that had just sprouted began to gradually disappear. A few malignant tumors were also cleared out of the city guard barracks by Changsun Wuji. Then, Dou Feihong promoted some more upright and tough young people. Now the atmosphere of the city guard has taken on a new look.

And the public order of Handu. Under successive remediation by the city guards, it gradually recovered.

However, the Handu residence permit system caused an uproar in Handu. The streets are all talking. However, the people of the Han Capital absolutely approve of it.

Originally, the people in the Han Capital had a high happiness index. After all, the court of the Han Dynasty was still very diligent and honest. There are very few things that oppress the people.

But since the migrant population has increased. Especially these migrants are the children of some clans. Many evil youngsters come to the place of the big man and never know how to converge. This also made the people of Handu dare not speak up. After all, many people in Handu are ordinary people.

Although the city guards were also on the side of the Han people, it was impossible for the city guards to completely solve the problem. This kind of thing still happened from time to time.

Now Dahan has implemented the residence permit system. And ask the people of the entire Dahan to supervise. As long as any foreign population commits a crime within three months. The people of Handu can report, and then the big guy will drive this person out of the big guy.

After the implementation of this system. Sure enough, many foreign families began to converge a lot. Don't dare to commit a crime. But there are also a few strong families who are extremely dissatisfied.

Although because of the invasion of the ancient alien races, many three-star forces and four-star forces. Fall into trouble. Came to Dahan, but this does not mean that they can endure the control of Dahan.

However, the Dahan sent an army to forcefully suppress several families that dared to make trouble, and the turmoil gradually subsided.


Handu Han Palace Qinzheng Hall

Liu Ce looked at Cao Zhengchun's intelligence in his hand. Brows furrowed.

Although Liu Ce already knew that the internal troubles in Handu were already very serious, he did not expect it to be so serious. This made Liu Ce feel a little bit burnt. After all, facing the Taikoo alien race, Dahan already feels pressure. But if this internal trouble occurs, the blow to the big man will not be small.

Therefore, at this moment, Liu Ce has to solve this problem no matter what. No matter what the price is paid.

"His Majesty."

Changsun Wuji and Wu Qi both arrived at the Palace of Qinzheng.

"Look at this information."

Liu Ce threw the fold in his hand in front of the two of them.

Changsun Wuji picked up the zhezi and handed it to Wu Qi.

After Wu Qi finished reading, he handed the zhezi to Changsun Wuji.

"What do the two Qings think?"

Liu Ce asked lightly.

"Your Majesty, we must first settle the internal affairs. Therefore, we must first eliminate all hidden dangers within. However, these forces are very powerful, and we must consider long-term considerations."

Changsun Wuji said.

Liu Ce nodded slightly, then looked at Wu Qi who had been silent next to him and asked: "Wu Qi, what do you mean?"

Wu Qi looked at Liu Ce and smiled: "Your Majesty, in the eyes of Weichen, this is actually a good thing."

"Is this a good thing?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised.

"It is indeed a good thing. If we continue to press for the residence permit, some forces that have long been restless will eventually jump out. At this time, isn't it our opportunity?"

Wu Qi seemed very confident.

"Well, it seems to be so."

Liu Ce thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was the truth.

"What do you think?"

Liu Ce asked again.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, we will guarantee to complete this task."

Changsun Wuji and Wu Qi looked serious.

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