The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1146: condition

Liu Zhen was very proud at the moment, and he was so happy. The haze of so many years has dissipated a bit.

Liu Zhen's position is not right, so he has been cautious all these years. It is also to get the support of the family elders. In recent years, the Liu family has become much stronger than it was decades ago. Now I finally got the support of these elders. This is Liu Zhen extremely gratified.

"Please perform."

Liu Zhen looked at Liu Qi.

All the elders, especially in front of Liu Qi, support themselves. So even if you are in an improper position, what about it. He is the rightful Patriarch.

"How long do you think you can live?"

Liu Qi smiled.

"what for?"

Liu Zhen's complexion suddenly sank.

"Swire alien race."

Indeed, this ancient alien race is the thing that bothers them most recently. Now the entire Tiangu star field was sealed off, and no forces could escape.

The only way is the big man. Dahan has a powerful army and can return to Dahan. Dahan jurisdiction is far away from the battlefield. It is safe at least temporarily.

But now the major forces in the Sky Valley Star Territory, and even the major forces in the Sky Valley Star Territory, went to intercede with the Dahan, and the Dahan did not give in.

Therefore, the major forces in the Tiangu Star Region are indeed desperate now. Because as long as the big man evacuated, they would definitely die. No one doubts the strength of Swire Alien Race.

"so what?"

The fifth elder of the Liu Family stared at Liu Qi.

"I can help you."

Liu Qi smiled.


The Liu family present was shocked.


The elders of the Liu family were overjoyed. At the same time, there are some doubts.

"What? Doubt me?"

Liu Qi smiled.

"Why do you save us? Who do you think you are? Don't say that you are nothing now. Even if you were still the young master of the Liu family, you don't have this strength."

Liu Zhen said coldly.

"Since I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Han Dynasty, do you think this officer can help you?"

Liu Zhen smiled.


The Liu family present was very surprised. Looking at each other. Before, they still had some doubts about Liu Qi, but if Liu Qi is really the foreign minister of the great Han, then it is really very possible. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Han Dynasty is still very important in a country and has great powers outside.

"Only I can save you."

Liu Qi said lightly.

"This, what do we need to pay?"

The fifth elder of the Liu Family hesitated.

"what do y'all think?"

Liu Qi sneered.


More than a dozen elders of the Liu family were a little tangled at this moment. A few elders' leftover light even fell on Liu Zhen's body. Because they know that if there is anything in the Liu family that can be exchanged. There is only the position of the head of the Liu family. This is exactly what Liu Qi lost.

However, as the owner of the family, Liu Zhen's contribution to the development of the Liu family over the years is obvious to all. They are not the people who cross the river and demolish the bridge. If they change things like this, they can't hold back this face.

Although these elders did not speak, Liu Zhen saw the eyes of several elders. His face suddenly turned pale. Knowing that he will still be sold when the family is alive or dead.

Fortunately, these elders did not directly speak out. But how smart Liu Zhen didn't know what these family elders meant.

"I only want everything I have ever lost."

Liu Qi said.

Silence, deathly silence.

"Hahaha. Okay, I get it."

Liu Zhen was a little helpless. No one spoke, but it was already very good. When these elders spoke together, he was even more embarrassed. It's better to take the initiative. Moreover, the Taikoo aliens are here, and the entire Liu family is gone, so what's the point of being the head of the Patriarch by yourself.

Figure everything out

Liu Zhen suddenly became more relaxed.

"As long as you can take the Liu family out, let alone the position of the head of the family, you can give it to you even if you want my life."

Liu Zhen said solemnly.

"Really? You think that's it?"

Liu Qi smiled slightly.

"Liu Qi, this is the end of the main story of my family, what are you going to do?"

Liu Zhen was a little angry. Being forced to this point, he was already very aggrieved.

"Not enough, you were not the only one who forced me to leave back then."

Liu Qi said.


Liu Zhen's face was pale.

The complexion of some elders present suddenly changed.

"Liu Qi, you are deceiving too much."

The three elders jumped out.

Immediately afterwards, several elders stood up. Looking at Liu Qi with a bad look. But some elders did not move.

In fact, many elders were neutral and did not participate in the affairs of the year. In fact, Liu Qi was alone and helpless at the time, and Liu Zhen did not take much effort to get the position of the head of the family. Therefore, there are not too many people involved.

"Why, ready to attack?"

Liu Qi has a playful smile on his face.


Although these elders are a little angry. But at this moment no one dared to do it. After all, the fate of the Liu family is now in the hands of others. Liu Qi doesn't need to do anything at this moment, and the Liu family will also perish. At this time, it was useless to start working with Liu Qi. What's more, the two people standing next to Liu Qi are not good at first sight.

"Is it the life of these people or the life of the entire Liu family? Think about it for yourself. Remember, you don't have much time."

Liu Qi sneered.


The faces of the people present were a little solemn at the moment.

"Hahaha, we can die, but you have to keep your promises, even under Jiuquan, we will be grateful to you."

Several elders of the Liu family said aloud.

Liu Zhen and the others glanced at each other and made up their minds. At this time, if you can sacrifice a few of them, in exchange for the survival of the Liu family. They are not so difficult to make up their minds.


The elders on the side looked a little unbearable. But they did not persuade that if this can calm Liu Qi's anger, let the Liu family continue to survive. For the benefit of the family, there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed. Even the head of the Liu family.

Just when Liu Zhen and the elders who helped him win the throne were just getting ready.


It was Liu Qi who shouted.

"Why? Repent, or are you kidding us?"

Seeing Liu Qi shouting to stop. Liu Zhen frowned slightly, looking at Liu Qi with a somewhat ugly expression.

"Forget it, I will protect the Liu family, and you will do it for the head of the family."

Liu Qi said lightly.


Liu Zhen and the elders of the Liu family looked at Liu Qi in amazement, not knowing what he meant.

"As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Han Dynasty, it is impossible for me to be the head of the Liu family. I was just to test the current Liu family. You did not let me down."

Liu Qi smiled faintly.


Liu Zhen looked at Liu Qi in disbelief.

"Liu Qi, don't you hate the Liu family?"

Liu Zhen looked at Liu Qi.

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